The Chill of Double Crossing

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Noran regularly checked his tracking device and smirked seeing that Vaako was back on board.

"It appears he's keeping his word, but it just isn't good enough for me anymore. I am sorry Commander Vaako, but I cannot take risks where this is concerned." After putting down the tracking device, he opened his closet doors. Inside was a dresser with six drawers. He opened the third drawer and pulled out a black box that held a communicator given to him by his business associates.

They were the Jakarna, a people not too dissimilar from the Necros in that they had no true home. They traveled as an armada and did their commerce from planet to planet or ship to ship as they traveled. Often they would separate into smaller fleets for business purposes, then regroup later. They cared not for where they were going, just where the profit would take them.

An aggressive race, they were known to shoot first, then ask questions or simply take what they wanted, if things did not appear to be going their way. They never dealt if it wasn't profitable or something they truly desired. Nothing mattered to them more than the bottom line.

Years before his conversion, Noran had met a Jakarnan and began dealing black market technology and arms. After his conversion as a Necro, his contact with them ended, which didn't bother Noran as he was more focused on gaining power and privilege as he rose through the ranks of the Necro military. However, losing his eye in battle also meant the loss of his military career. Necro soldiers didn't need to be perfect specimens, but they couldn't fight with only one eye either. Knowing his chances of rising further in privilege were ruined, he sought out the Jakarna again, and they eventually found him and made contact while he was raiding a planet.

He established a new business partnership, this time dealing in slaves. It was lucrative since they continually acquired new converts. Although they weren't known as slavers, the Jakarnan slave trade grew rapidly due to their partnership. The profit was far better than their other operations, and they began directing more of their resources to it. Noran gave them a Necro transport ship to take slaves away undetected, and in return they gave him a communicator to arrange pick ups. However, after Riddick took over, the once abundant supply quickly shriveled.

As for their armada, it was outfitted with significant weapons and stealth technology, which allowed them to approach planets and ships without being noticed. They weren't invisible, but they didn't show up on any tracking system either. Part of the Jakarnan fleet had been kept separate and trailed the Necromongers wherever they went; they had never been noticed. Even though it was a risk, it was too profitable not to shadow them.

Despite their forceful nature and their possession of weapons and technology, as a race, they fought poorly in close combat as they were not physically suited for fighting. In their minds, why fight when one can use guns? But they did at least look intimidating. Every man was exceptionally tall, well over six feet, with long, silvery-white hair. They were all thin, but not gangly, and their skin had a pale blue tone to it, which only enhanced their almond shaped ice-blue eyes. They had prominent facial features, high cheekbones, an angular nose, and a strong chin line. They had no ears as humans had, instead there were three small holes on either side of their head. Whoever came into contact with a Jakarnan was left with a cold chill, literally. They were a cold blooded race of people and they exploited their appearance when needed.

Noran had been very intimidated by a Jakarnan named Griedan, whom he had first met years ago. That was until he realized they truly had little physical prowess about them. Right now, he wasn't unsettled, but he was reluctant to call them, even though he knew he needed them. His relationship had been very good. However, asking for their aid into this internal matter could incredibly complicate the entire situation. He looked at the communicator for the longest time before pressing the red button on the side. In a matter of seconds a man's face appeared on its screen.

"Noran? You have good news I hope. Your contract is yet to be fulfilled with us and I needn't remind you how...unhappy we become with broken agreements."

"Griedan, you and I go way back. We've been dealing in one thing or another since before my conversion, and I have never given you cause to doubt me. You have made a considerable profit, correct that, you are an incredibly wealthy bastard because of the slaves I have provided, so do not begin to threaten me. You know full well this has been completely out of my control. If we cannot get converts, then I can't get you the women. I am working on that. I thought perhaps, in the meantime, that you might entertain the thought of gaining a jewel piece while we wait."

"A jewel you say? You have my interest, old friend. I pray that she truly is. We need something to appease us in the meantime."

"I happen to think she is. She's a breeder among us, the only one, and she is the consort of our Lord Marshal."

"His consort? So she is well practiced in how to please her lord and master?"

Noran knew that Jack wasn't the type of consort he was making her out to be, but he needed Griedan to take her. They could quibble about his deception once she was in his hands. "I have been told that he has never taken other women to his bed even though there are many who have been most willing."

"She is beautiful?"

"Of course. Long brunette hair, green eyes, delectable body, and tall."



"What of her temperament?"

Noran cringed inside. He would have to embellish quite a bit. "She has her fiery moments, but what man wants a placid woman in bed? From what I have witnessed of her, she knows her place and keeps to it. I can't speak any more about it than this, having not been privy to it myself of course."

"It really matters not. She will learn her place and will be broken if she doesn't amend herself to it quickly."

"Then you'll take her?"

"Yes, but is she not on the Basilica?"

"No. She has already been taken and placed on another ship in isolation."

"Which ship is she on?"

Noran could hardly believe his luck. Sending them Jack would buy him time and get rid of her all in one act. "I can send you the coordinates. Make sure you use the Necro transport I provided so you won't be detected. The sooner you go the better. Someone is with her and he may move her to keep her hidden in the armada."

"Who exactly has her?"

"An associate of mine. We learned some interesting information about her from a prophet that will help us restart the campaign."

"You have my full attention. Do tell Noran."

"Short version? Get her out of the Lord Marshal's life, make him think she's dead, he goes berserk and lets us get back to the campaign. So, as an added incentive, I will throw in an additional woman for free, if you agree to get the breeder as far away from here as you can...for good."

Griedan's eyes lit with interest. "I see. Very interesting indeed. Oh, what of your associate?"

Noran hesitated for a moment. Do I really need Vaako? No. He's done his part and I can finish this off. "You can do with him as you please. He's superfluous at this point."

"Then why do I want him?"

"He's a tall, strong man who can do hours of back-breaking work."

"Fine, I'll take him as well. I'll gather a small crew and we'll acquire them both immediately. What are their names?"

"Lady Jack and Vaako."

"Jack, you say?"

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now