Dirty Dancing

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Kyra retrieved her drink and took a few small sips, enjoying it for a minute before leaning over the bar to put it on the counter. Next stop? The dance floor. With her head flying, she wasn't able to resist the music any longer. There was a little exhibitionist inside her, so she made her way to the center of the dance floor, into the thick of the crowd with her arms raised and hips swaying to the beat.  She was totally in her own world, and for now liked it that way just fine. Several men approached and were quickly given that look. The one that said 'Touch me and die'.  And since most men responded to it, she danced alone or with a group of single women through three songs.  However, during the fourth, she felt a light touch on her hips and opened her eyes to find a gorgeous blonde dancing in front of her.

Hello...don't mind if I do. Much prefer dancing with women anyway.

Although actually sleeping with a woman had never piqued her curiosity enough to act on it, she had no problem with close physical contact.  From women, she didn't need to fear being overpowered....or worse.  Loving their soft touch when dancing, she often welcomed them as partners, not minding a bit when their bodies blended or even if hands wandered where she'd never allow a man's hands to go.  She was in absolute control.  But when she was drunk, she did have the tendency to let herself go beyond even normal boundaries.  Sometimes even she got caught up in the sensual haze the combination of good music, alcohol, and human contact could create.

Randy didn't overlook her behavior either, having called her on it, too.  Not that he saw it as a problem.  In fact, he thought it was pretty damn sexy. When she had asked him why he was so curious about her sexual orientation, he told her, "Not that curious, really.  Just always keepin' an eye out for potential date material for ya.  Wouldn't want to send a hammer when you might prefer a...well, a set of jugs?"

Remembering with a smile, she almost laughed thinking jugs were just fine with her for the time being.  Kyra took a step closer and turned, giving her back to the other woman, and then began to sway her body with hers.  Before long, both were dancing in sync so tightly together you couldn't see light between them. Kyra felt hands snake around her waist, crossing in front of her. She wrapped an arm around the back of the girl's head and leaned her own head back on her shoulder, in effect opening herself to be touched.

They may have been in their own world, but their sensual dancing wasn't lost on the other patrons. The newest of which was sitting at the bar facing the dance floor. Beer in hand, he was leaning back against the bar, resting his elbows and drawing admiring stares from the women.  Being one of the larger men in the club that night, aside from the bouncers, most people cut him a wide berth, which was fine with him. He wasn't paying them any mind either - at least not yet.  For now, he was there for a few drinks and possibly to make a business contact.

Scanning the room, his eyes were immediately drawn to the dance floor, which was a good three feet lower than the rest of the club to allow for easy viewing.  At that moment, he was specifically watching two women dancing - one blonde and the other brunette.  Together, they were putting on one hell of a show. Although the blonde was a knock out, he'd always been attracted to darker haired women.  There was just something about brunettes that just turned him on, and so far she had his full attention.  Her long, wavy hair partially covered her face every time she moved, so he couldn't immediately see what she looked like. Right now he didn't mind. He was too busy admiring every other inch of her tight body. She was easily 5'9 in those "fuck me" heels she wore and she was sliding every inch of it up and down -.  Shit! He needed names. 'Carolyn', he thought.

Ok, I've given the blonde a name. Now, what do we call you sweetness? Hmm, Rya? Yeah, it has an exotic ring to it and it fits you.

He watched as 'Rya' leaned her head back on her partner's shoulder and surrendered, letting 'Carolyn' slowly run her hands over her body; they slid along her inner thighs up to her bare stomach, up over her corset, palming her breasts ever so slowly before moving up to caress the open expanse of skin at the top, and then moving down to explore all over again.

Riddick shifted on his stool, his cock swelling at the sight of the women feeling each other up.  Fuck! Looks like the first thing I'll be doing is taking a cold shower before bed.

'Rya' then turned around and grabbed 'Carolyn' around the waist and wedged her own leg between the blonde's who began to grind against it to the music.  The blonde's head fell back, mouth agape obviously enjoying herself.

When the music changed 'Rya' placed a chaste peck on the blond's cheek to end the dance, but 'Carolyn' had other ideas. Grabbing her face, she leaned in for a hot kiss when she got a surprise she wasn't expecting. 'Rya' grabbed her wrists, pushed her back and twisted her around with the aid of her knee and then planted one of her feet on her ass and gave her a hearty push.

Riddick cocked an eyebrow. Unexpected. This means you're into men, Sweetness? I may just enjoy myself tonight.

Following her with his eyes, he softly growled in anticipation. She was walking in his direction.  Since some of the other dancers saw the way she rid herself of the other woman, they made a path. Then from the side, moving in at a quick clip, he saw a man coming to head her off.

Riddick sat up.  Uh-oh, what's this? Let's see how she handles someone with balls.

She stopped. The man in front of her was well over six feet tall and looked like he could handle himself pretty well, but she wasn't deterred.  Not yet.

Riddick chuckled, "Looks like kitten is gonna hafta bite off more than she can chew."

He saw a bouncer at the side of the dance floor pointing in her direction, laughing with a man. Sick fuck, he thought, but kept his eyes glued on her every move.  Kyra had both her hands on her hips, but he didn't miss how one was slowly creeping behind her back.

Riddick smiled slightly. "What are you up to?"

She brought an arm up to push the man out of her way, however he wasn't having it.  He grabbed her wrist and jerked it in the air, effectively forcing her a step closer toward him.   Riddick was almost on the edge of his stool by now, watching her.  The way she held herself, she was a predator, toying with her prey - he got that right off, his animal recognizing its own kind. Suddenly, she feigned an attack to his groin while she pulled her shiv. Thinking of his balls first and not noticing her weapon, he backed up and doubled over a bit to protect himself from the oncoming assault, lowering his arm that held hers. That's when she ran her blade across it, not deep, but enough to hurt like hell and bleed. He released her wrist, and then she grabbed his, striking him in the shin to knock him enough off balance.  Once she had him, she used her body as leverage to ram and flip him onto his back. He went down to his knees hard. Still in possession of his arm, she wrenched it up and swung it behind him as she repositioned herself and flattened his arm against his back.

Riddick couldn't help but admire what he was seeing. Damn! There was a hellcat hiding in that one.

With her shiv at the base of his neck, she maneuvered him flat to the floor, nailing his right arm to his back with her knee. She leaned down and whispered something in his ear then jerked his wrist in a direction it wasn't meant to go.

Well fuck me, looks like she enjoys it.

Even over the noise of the music, he could hear the idiot scream in pain as she dropped his now injured arm and continued her walk in his direction.

Riddick licked his lips in appreciation.  Thanks kid for the invitation. She's got a fuckin' body that won't quit, she's got a shiv and she uses it, she can take down a sack of shit bigger than her

That's when he remembered that he had yet to clearly see her face. There were no stairs leading out of the dance floor pit on his side, so she pulled herself up like from a pool, stood up, swung her left leg up and over the rail, straddled it for a second and brought the rest of her body over. Taking her fingers, she ran them up the front of her hair, flipping the mass to the side with a slight smile on her face.

Smiling? She did enjoy it. Interesting. He was first in her line of sight when she straightened up and they locked eyes for a moment. Green eyes. He finished his earlier thought.  And I haven't seen beautiful like that in far too long.


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