Toying With The Tiger

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With a plan forming in her head, Kyra began fervently searching for anything in her old room that she could use. However, the process was slowed by her own fractured thoughts, trying to figure out how the hell she got vaulted to the very top of his suspects list regarding Jack's disappearance.

"Still can't believe he's looking for Jack. I-I mean me. Ass doesn't even know he's got me already. How fucking twisted can you get? I mean really! He beat the shit out of the very person he was looking for! But how did he even know that I have anything to do with Jack? Iman? That can't be right. I've told him never to tell Riddick anything about me. Even if he did for some reason, he certainly would've told him who I really am. Why the hell is he so fucked up over needing to find me anyway? Unless...unless Iman told him that I'm in trouble. Still, it doesn't make sense. He would have told him my alias - who I am."

Kyra had searched the entire room with only some drawers left to look through. Tucked way back in the corner of one was a small tool kit, which she almost missed.

"Hello. Didn't realize I left you behind. Definitely will come in handy. Even though this ship doesn't look the same, he left my room the way it was. I suppose I should be thankful or he'd still be after my ass, but what I don't understand is why? Why not throw everything out? Shit! I just hope he used all the plans I gave him, not just the new sliding doors. If so, then his network system is child's play compared to what I can do now."

With the tools, she easily got the control panel open and smiled when she saw what was there. "And to think I thought I was so good," she snorted. "This is fucking pathetic. Riddick baby, I like to play in the dark, but right now I'm damn tired of it. Time to let the sunshine in."

She popped the panel back on and ran to the bridge. It didn't take her long to reset some of the controls in her favor, including adding a new voice print for herself. "I won't enable these right now, but they'll come in handy if he gets difficult. Fuck, not if...when he gets difficult. There's not a chance in hell he won't give me trouble. Speaking of, will he even believe me when I tell him who I am?" She shook her head at that thought. "No...not a chance in hell. I went from being a pretty boy to this. No damn way he'll accept it and I'm not letting that lovely cat out of the bag until just the right moment. Gonna shake him up a little first. Let the fun begin."

Cold. The water was as fucking cold as he could stand it, but it wasn't enough to freeze away his aroused state. Kyra was very last woman he should want. She was the bitch between him and Jack. Yet, here he was holding his cock in his hand, slowly stroking himself with the taste of her still fresh on his lips.

"Fuck!" he roared, slamming his hand against the shower wall. He was supposed to be collecting his thoughts and get himself back in control, not jacking off. "She probably thinks she has me by the balls now that I kissed her like that. Not fuckin' likely."

With the shower a complete failure, he shut off the water and got out. He had just pulled a towel off the rack when a sound caught his attention.

"Is that the hall shower?"

He didn't bother totally dressing, only pulling on some gym shorts, and went to the hall bathroom. However, before he even got that far, he heard the clothes dryer going. Curious he opened it and saw her bra and underwear as well as his shirt and silk shorts. His hands fisted in anger.

"How the hell did she get outta the gym?"

It had been days since she had enjoyed an honest to God real shower with soap and shampoo, and she was taking her sweet time. She was enjoying herself to the point that she began to sing one of her favorite songs that seemed to fit her current situation.

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now