Hell Hath No Fury Like a Pissed Off Jack

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"Fucking with my head for fun? Seriously?"

Furious she walked out, needing space. She went back to the gym with Riddick hot on her heels, calling her name, trying to get her to stop. She wasn't five feet in the door when he grabbed her arm. Out of pure instinct from being grabbed one too many times, she swung her free arm as hard as she could and delivered a solid blow to his face. She was immediately released as he stumbled back, then fell on his ass after she swung a low kick that pulled his feet out from under him. For a moment he just sat there, stunned, while she, seething, towered over him.

He had let her have her say. Now it was his turn. Jumping to his feet in one swift, cat-like move he stalked her as he spoke.

"Yes, Jack. I was fuckin' with you. I give as good as it's given. You don't think I deserve to have a little fun after what you put me through? You humiliated me. ME! How the fuck did you think I would act after that shit?"

She hated how he was using her name, like it left a bad taste in his mouth, and began backing away as he came closer.

"Let's see...what did you say and do to me? You were a fuckin' prick tease, you hacked my ship's systems and turned them on me, you fuckin' SHOT me-.

"You shot me first!" she interjected.

He continued unfazed. "Shaved my head, told me I didn't have a fuckin' clue who I was dealing with, and you called me an old man. Not in that order, but you get the fuckin' picture."

Suddenly, his hand shot out next to her head and made contact with the wall right as her back did.

He had pinned her.

Now both of his massive arms were on either side of her head and he continued closing in, his body almost pressing into hers. At the last second, he wedged his legs between, which was a precautionary move on his part after considering how angry she was. But something else was going on with her, too, aside from being pissed off. Riddick leaned his head down, bringing his lips so close to her neck that his nose bumped against her ear. She flinched and he smiled. She wasn't afraid of him, but he could smell her nervousness. And there was also something else. Hmm...

He spoke against her neck, his lips brushing her skin every so slightly. "Jack..."

Her pulse quickened even more, if that was even possible. Then he really caught the scent.


He stifled a groan. Then her anger came roaring back to life. The creature he had trapped elbowed him in the gut and pushed hard, then ducked from beneath the cage of his body once she got him a step back.

"YOU FUCKING PRICK! I wouldn't have had to go through half of that shit if it weren't for you! You had clue after FUCKING clue that I was Jack, but you were too damn stubborn to accept what was in front of you. Why? Well let's take a wild guess! Maybe you were too fucking embarrassed to admit to yourself that you got all twisted up and hot for your little Jack and screwed her? Could that be it?"

Riddick tried to grab her, but she was quicker and stepped away.

"Not to mention that you still want her...dammit I mean me! Oh, this picture just keeps gettin' brighter as we paint! I can see it so vividly now! Big bad Richard B. Riddick couldn't believe that his tomboy sidekick could turn into this. What happened? Did you suddenly develop a fucking conscience that you could've actually fucked me? Is that why you refused to accept that, just maybe, I'd grown into a hot piece of ass?" She nodded, smiling smugly. "Thought so. If you don't admit that it's really me, then you don't have to feel bad about sleeping with me, right? Or was it just too fucking impossible to fathom that I might have turned out like this compared with how you imagined me to be? Amazing!"

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now