Eve & Riddick Reunite

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Helion-5: New Freedom

Jack had been housebound long enough and it was time, well past time, that she checked in on her business. It was a gorgeous day, so she put Sophia in her carrier after feeding her, hooked that into the stroller and walked into town as she napped.

Randy was seated behind her desk scrutinizing construction plans when she arrived. The door was partially open, so she lightly knocked to get his attention. His head whipped up at the noise and a grin quickly appeared.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" He unbuckled Sophia from the carrier and scooped her up.

"Wait. Don't tell me you brought her out here just so I could change her diaper. I told ya, I love my niece, but I don't do diapers. At least not without ample monetary incentives."

"You're already overpaid as it is, not to mention you don't pay rent, utilities, etc."

He walked across the room and sat down in a rocking chair. "But I'm so worth it."

"Hey – where did the rocking chair come from?"

"I bought it for you. Figured you might need it when you came in to do some work and had her with you."

He had surprised her once again. "Randy...thanks. You're right. You are so worth it."

"What can I say? Some people got it or they don't. Me, baby...I OOZE it!"

Predictably, Jack rolled her eyes as she ruffled his hair. "You know...I keep hopin' you'll grow out of it...I PRAY you'll grow out of it."

"Yeah, don't hold your breath. Ain't happenin' anytime soon. So I assume this isn't a pleasure visit?"

"Not entirely. I wanted to check up on the delay and see how things are running in general."

"I had to furlough the men for another week. The construction company isn't ready for us yet."


He stopped rocking. "What? How can that be good?"

"Because I can use them at the house instead." She took the memory chip out of her bag and went over to the computer. "Lights low, enable wall screen. Take a look at these plans."

The overviews of each plan flashed across the screen, showing Randy samples of how each project could be implemented. Had Randy not been holding Sophia, he would've been going nuts over what she was showing him and Jack knew it.

"Here. Give her to me so you can get a better look."

He handed her Sophia and ran to the computer. "These aren't just overviews? These are full schematic plans?"


"And these work? These actually work? Because I've never seen shit – sorry, plans like these before."

"Yep. Everything works and on a large scale. I've seen it."

Randy ran back to Jack and got on his knees in front of her with his hands clasped as though he was about to beg for his very life. "Tell me you're going to let me install at least one of these at the house. Please, please, pretty PLEASE!"

"That's why it's a good thing the guys are furloughed. We're going to need them."

Randy jumped up and began to do what he called his 'sexy dance', which in truth was a series of ridiculous contortions of his body, hip thrusts, and other gyrations that were extremely embarrassing to witness. "Oh yeah, baby! Ugh! Ugh!"

"Randy, please stop. I'll pay you to stop!"

"Don't have to pay me. Just tell me which projects we're doing. First thing, where did you acquire these gems?"

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now