Rising from the Dead

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Four Months Later - Delvoid System - Delvoius II

Riddick concluded his latest business transaction and headed down the street to a bar that had been recommended to him for both their home brews and killer steaks. After busting his ass for the past four months, without so much as a day of recreational leave for himself, he was finally getting to relax. However, had the decision been his, he would've headed off for his next pick up. 'Would' being the key word. The supplier informed him the entire shipment would not be ready for another two days. Two days. Not bad considering he was a full month ahead of schedule as it was. Why? He wanted to be able to take some serious time off, that's why.

Or at least that's what he told people.

Truth be told, 'Kyra' was his motivation. After meeting her, he realized that maybe putting down some roots wasn't such a bad idea. What better location than a place with a beach? There was plenty of business in the Helion system and Helion-5 was on the quiet side. Yeah, he could deal with calling a place like that his home base. Didn't hurt either that she would be there. And should things not work out, there would be plenty of bikini-clad babes to ogle during the tourist seasons.

Sitting at the bar and enjoying his first beer he thought about her and their last visit. It brought a smirk to his face, which he covered by taking a long pull from his mug. Considering the effect thoughts of her had on him, and that he was in a public place, recalling what she'd done wasn't the smartest thing to do.


Riddick exited his bathroom naked as the day he was born, rubbing his short hair with a small towel, water droplets still clinging to his caramel skin. Looking out from under the towel, he spied a pair of two-inch heels attached to a pair of long, sexy, shapely legs that he'd gotten to know quite well. Yeah, that little dimple near her left knee - unforgettable.

Wait! How the fuck did she get in my damn ship?

Panic held him for the briefest of moments, until he realized that he was seeing in color. His lenses were in. He tore the towel off his head, getting a full look at her. Bitch in a tight little black pinstripe business suit. The skirt may have hit at her knees, but it was slit halfway up her thigh. Sexy as hell. Even her hair was completely different; it was swept up into a conservative bun that exposed that succulent neck. Shit! He almost didn't recognize her at first.

Keeping his game face on, he stepped to the edge of the bed where she was half-reclined and towered over her as she smirked up at him. She took a moment to rake her eyes over his fine-ass body before announcing, "Surprise!"

"Surprise? That's one way of puttin' it, Princess," he responded, his tone on the gruff side on purpose.

"Guess you're wonderin' how I got on board, huh?"

He cocked his head to the side. "Thought had crossed my mind. What'd ya do? Hack your way in?"

Kyra shrugged. "Wasn't difficult. You really should get your system upgraded," she chided.

"Ain't a good idea to break into a man's ship."

"Aw, come on. I knew you were about to take off and wanted to catch you before you left."


She grinned, completely full of herself at that moment. "Randy and I got the contract."

He wasn't ready yet to celebrate, more of the mind to fuck with her a little. "Contract or not, you never know what a man might do catchin' an intruder on board."

'Never know what a man might do'. A chill traveled her spine at the promise those words held. They both knew he'd never do anything to her, nothing she wouldn't enjoy at any rate. Although he was doing his damnedest to come off as intimidating and threatening, it was a bit difficult to take him seriously with his once flacid cock now thickening before her eyes.

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now