I'm Starving

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A/N: Smut ahead

Riddick pulled her away from the wall, arms enveloping her smaller frame as she quietly wept - again. What started out as a conversation to get her the hell off his back and put her in her place had led him down a most unexpected, but surprisingly pleasant path. Fuck, he didn't mean to make her cry. Felt like shit for doing it, but he was damn pleased by her answer. She would've gone with him, left her fiancé and gone with him, which only meant one thing in his book - Jack had loved him and never stopped. Not even years of anger had taken that away. The revelation made his chest feel suddenly, uncomfortably tight. Closing his eyes, he bowed his head and inhaled her scent peppered by the salt from her tears. The tightness in his chest uncoiled, passing quickly enough, leaving the corner of his mouth slightly upturned and his beast rumbling, She's mine.

Even engaged she had been his, and with no obstacles between them, she was his again, this time for good.

Looking back to Chronus, there had been something underlying the relationship they had forged, something inexplicable. Yet it had been there, drawing them together on more than just a physical level, bonding them. He had tried to blow it all off as some kind of intense sexual attraction, but given the perspective he had now, his then insane fascination now made sense. She wasn't a witch after all. She was Jack, the girl grown up that he returned for. The woman with whom he had hoped to rekindle his friendship and then some. And they had done exactly that, only rekindle didn't quite cut it. Fiery and nuclear more aptly described their encounters. But it was all good in the end.

God, he must think I'm an absolute fool!

Here she was crying over a hypothetical situation. Could anything be even more pathetic than that? She thought not. Yet here she was, weeping, because she would have betrayed a man she claimed to love for another who had made her no promises or overtures other than to say he wanted her with him. Sadly...disturbingly...that would have been enough for her.

Randy was right. Rob was plain vanilla compared to Riddick. She needed so much more. She never doubted her feelings for Rob, not even now. She had loved him. Even if, in Riddick's eyes, it wasn't as it should've been, she knew in her own heart what was true. But given both men side-by-side, she wouldn't have hesitated making her choice. Sure, Rob was able to offer her the life her parents had with all the trappings, a big home, great job, social life, loving husband. However, once the sparkle had worn off, boredom, discontent, and unhappiness would've followed eventually. She had indeed made herself over; she allowed her feelings for Rob to shape her into what he desired instead of remaining true to herself, which left her with a huge question: Was I so desperate to be loved?

Thankfully, that woman died along with Rob. With Riddick, she was free to embrace who she was and she would never go back. Kyra might be the name people put with her face, but that's all it was anymore - just a name. It was an amazingly liberating feeling, too. One she wanted to seize with both hands and savor. It didn't matter that she couldn't affix a neat little label to what she and Riddick had started. She wanted him. No, it cut far deeper than that. She needed him and even though he might never admit it, he needed her, too. Convincing him of that wouldn't be easy. Hell, nothing about Riddick was ever easy, but he would bend to her will eventually, of that she was certain. At fourteen she had him wrapped around her finger. Eight years later? The man didn't stand a chance.

But there was one thing she didn't know.

He wasn't likely to resist....much.


Hearing her sigh, Riddick cradled her face between his large hands, tilting it up so he could observe what was written there. Always one to wear her heart on her sleeve, he was counting on her transparency to tell him what she was thinking...feeling. And so far, he liked what was reading. She said she hated him for putting her through that, but this wasn't anything close to anger he was witnessing. This was another kind of heat altogether coming off of her in waves. Her scent, being thick with it, made him purr.

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now