Taking Charge

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Kyra had to work hard to not bust out laughing when his face abruptly contorted. He pulled his hands off her and pushed her away so quickly she wondered if she'd burned him.

Shit. Too fucking funny. Just don't laugh. Ok, so what the hell was happened to his face? He looked like he tried to eat a sweet, but ended up with something horrifically sour and bad tasting by surprise. Only he can't figure out what the fuck he put in his mouth.

Confused, disturbed, shocked, dismayed and completely rattled didn't begin to cover the tide of emotions that swept through him. Regaining his composure quickly, he shut his mouth and turned his back to her.

Jack? No way in fucking hell this is her. Doubt eating at his conscious, he argued with himself.

'What do you know? You haven't laid eyes on the kid since she was fourteen.'

- No. Jack would never end up to be a bitch like this...look like this.

'She may be a bitch, but she's clever and a hot piece of ass. Admit it. Her in that towel with nothin' on underneath? You fuckin' want her. Again. That's why you won't even think of her as Jack.'

- Fuck off!

'Hmm, must be close to the truth to get that kind of reaction.'

- So fuckin' what! After screwin' her, it doesn't take much to get me hard thinking about her. No matter, she hasn't said or done shit that would make me think it's her.

'You mean besides fuckin' with your head? So, test her...see what she knows.'

- Won't fuckin' matter. She could have gotten what she knows from Jack.

'Thought your Jack was tough as nails and smart. You really think she'd turn on you and spill things that were between you two? Test her. Or are you afraid that she IS Jack and that you won't be able to touch her again because she's still fourteen in your head?'

He shook his head to stop the insane banter.

I must be going fuckin' nuts arguing with myself. Damn! Pull your shit together Riddick.

Like a bull before it charges, he blew air out of his nose to get himself back under control.

Kyra smiled watching his back tense and flex as he was trying to come to terms with what she told him.

I know it will gnaw at him thinking his little boyish Jack got him all hot and bothered. How long will this take Riddick? You never liked being wrong...or beaten. You're going to be a stubborn bastard aren't you?

She walked up behind him and noticed his "sweet spot" scar. She gave it the barest of touches and he almost jumped out of his skin. He spun around, his face a mask of fury.

"Do NOT fuckin' touch me!"

"Or what?" she challenged. "You'll go for the sweet spot? Just to the left of the spine, fourth lumbar down. The abdominal aorta. What a gusher."

Furious, he pushed her back and pulled her legs out from under her, dropping her to the ground and squatted over her. "You don't know who the hell you're fuckin' with, Kyra."

'You keep repeating that shit. She sure as hell has you by the balls. Little Jack, all grown up.'

Kyra kept her game face on. "If you wanted me on my back all you had to-."

"Shut the fuck up, Kyra." He dropped down further, his hands on either side of her face. Damn this woman...can't fucking think.

Oh, you just don't know what I'm thinking do you, Riddick? Love making you squirm. Am I getting to you, too?

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now