Trying to Forget

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Riddick was furious. That was one of the chief reasons he'd used whores. They took care of things so shit like this couldn't happen. He decided long ago he never wanted to bring a child into the world. It was too fucked up a place, and so was his life. No kid deserved to wonder when the mercs would show up to take his dad. No kid deserved to have their safety at risk because his father's life was royally fucked up.

They needed a stable home with two parents. Two parents who would protect their children and help them grow up like they should. At least that was all he ever wanted for himself when he was a child. But he wasn't meant for a life like that. He could look through the glass window at families eating in a restaurant, but he never saw himself sitting at the head of the table. It wasn't destined for him.

She was right, his life was different now, but that couldn't stop the 'what ifs' from plaguing his mind. What if his identity was compromised like hers had been, and they came after his family? What if they were hurt when mercs showed up? What if they did come after him? Would he stay? Would he take them with him or would he run and leave it all behind? Look after thine own ass. Wasn't that his motto? Adding Jack to it, he had two people to look after. She could pretty much take care of herself though. Adding a child? Fucking insane.

What the hell did he know about being a father anyway? He never had one. Never had anything close to it. Iman was the only moral influence that he came close to having in his life, and that was short lived. A few of the group homes he lived in were run by good people, but he was never with them long enough to even remotely consider being a parent himself one day. He didn't want a repeat of his own childhood, and if he didn't have a good example to follow, then that's exactly what his own kid would get.

All he had wanted was Jack. She was the only bright thing he ever had. She had a big heart and she shared it, but in the end it all came back to him, and he liked it that way. He wanted things to stay the way they were. They were good together.

He walked a few blocks until he came to a bar on the main street of the town.

"I need a fuckin' drink or two...or more."

Doing recon was the last thing on his mind, and would stay that way until he could stop thinking of Jack and the baby. The inside of the bar was dark, even for the middle of the afternoon. Perfect. The darker the better. He found a table in the quietest part of the bar and sat with his back to the wall. Eventually a waitress came by a minute later.

"The name's Tracy and I'll be takin' care of you. Wanna menu big guy?" He lazily looked up at the gum-smacking woman through his goggles.

"No. Bring me a beer. Whatever you've got on draft."

"I won't be long."

She was overly friendly to the point of flirting. Looking at her she wasn't spectacular, but she wasn't bad either. Brunette as well, which was a plus. He took the time to observe her as she strutted away. She had an exaggerated swing to her hips, knowing he was watching her. He wondered what the dress code was for the staff in the bar. From what he had seen, must be less is more. There wasn't a one who didn't have her boobs and ass hanging out. Not that he minded.

"Certainly won't complain about the eye candy. Looks like I'll have more than just a beer to keep my mind off of her."

Tracy brought his beer along with a bowl of unshelled peanuts. She made a point to bend over when she put both items on the table to give him an extra long and close look at what she had to offer. Riddick couldn't keep the smirk off his face, which only encouraged her further. She started to leave, but he held his hand up and quickly guzzled the beer. She sat down and crossed her arms under her breasts to push them up before leaning on the table.

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now