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"You drive. Hand her to me." Nate scrambled to the backseat of his SUV and opened the door as Adam helped her in. Then he tossed her bags in the back, grabbed the keys, and rushed to the driver's side.

"Are you strapped in?"

"Yeah. Go to Tulsa Medical Center."

"No." Adam shook his head. "I'm goin' to Tulsa Regional. Its closer and I think they're more likely to have an OBGYN on call."

"Had not even thought of that. Glad you did. Hey, take a left at the next light. It's less congested than this road."

"How is she?"

"Unconscious. I'd just wish she'd open her eyes. Did she say anything to you before she passed out?"

Adam gripped the steering wheel tighter, more out of anger than to keep control of the car. "Yeah, and it sounded like she said his name."

"God damn bastard! What I would give to get a piece of him!"

"You and me both, brother."

Nate moved his sister's hair to the side and stroked her face, frowning at the beads of sweat dotting her brow. "She's burning up."

"You felt her face this morning. Is she worse?"

"Much worse. Hang on Audrey. We're almost there, baby girl." Adam pulled up to the emergency entrance and opened the passenger door so he could take her from Nate. "I'll move the car and meet you inside."

"I got her." He made his way down the short corridor to the Triage desk. One of the nurses saw immediately that she wasn't conscious, came around the desk, and grabbed a tablet from a charging station. "Follow me." She led him to an open scanning table where Adam laid her down then took a short step back.

The nurse started the device, which scanned her from head to toe, then she placed Jack's hand in a slot in the table for a blood sample and fingerprint.

"How long has she been like this?"

"Five minutes? She just collapsed."

"I'm going to need some information about your wife's medical history."

"She's not my wife. She's my baby sister and I can't tell you much. Yesterday was the first I've seen her since she was ten."

"Is there any family history of diabetes, heart disease, stroke?"

"My mother had a stroke in the past year, but my sister is adopted. She's my cousin by birth, so we don't know anything about her parents other than her mother and my mother were sisters. She just found out she's pregnant, too."

"She's got a temperature of one hundred and one. Did she complain about feeling ill?"

"No. She was warm this morning but shrugged it off. She's been traveling in space for two months, so she's not adjusted to the varying temperatures yet." Adam wiped the palms of his nervous hands on his pants before stroking the side of her face.

"Was she in cryo sleep or stasis?"


"Is this the first place she has disembarked?"

"She was on Sigma-3 a couple of days ago, but was only there half a day at most."

A doctor walked up behind the nurse. "I'm Dr. Peterson." She briefly shook Adam's hand before going to work. "Is her scan complete?"

"Yes. It just finished." She handed the tablet to the doctor who scrolled through the information. "Her fever is dehydrating her. Start an IV immediately. I see her name is Kyra Bennett. You are a relative?"

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now