Can't Go Home Again

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Helion Prime

Jack was staring rather wistfully out the ship's window as they made their descent to Helion Prime. She had mixed feelings coming back here. Although she considered it her adopted home, a melange of memories assailed her, some wonderful, some bittersweet, and others better left forgotten entirely. Unbeknownst to her, Riddick had been observing her rather intently, wondering what she was thinking.

"You okay?"

Startled from her thoughts, she met his questioning gaze. "Yeah, I am. I just haven't seen Iman and his family in a long time. I feel bad for not having come back sooner."

"They'll be glad to see you."

"I know. Still can't help feeling a little guilty though."

Riddick flipped on the communicator to ask for landing clearance. "New Mecca Port requesting clearance to land."

A woman's husky voice responded, sounding a little too friendly for Jack's taste. "Hello. Please identify and state your purpose: business or pleasure."

Jack's jaw tightened listening to the woman, then she caught Riddick in the middle of a smile - one not aimed at her either. She had no idea that he'd seen her reaction to the faceless woman and was amused. Irritated, Jack popped Riddick's hand before he could hit the communicator button to reply and answered in his place.

"New Mecca Port this is the Orion. There are two on board and we're most definitely here for pleasure."

There was slight pause on the other end and the woman's voice came back on. This time all business. "Cleared for landing bay 16 A."

Jack gave him a dirty look.

Grinning, he demanded, "What the hell did I do?"

Leaving her seat before he finished landing, she settled herself in his lap. "I hear you talk all the time and I forget what a sexy voice you have."

He squeezed her closer. "Sexy huh?"

"Uh-huh. So, I think I'll make the port requests from now on."

They disembarked and headed for Iman's home, completely unaware they were being watched.

Walking from the port, Jack inhaled deeply. "I have always loved the smell of the air here. Kind of spicy." Riddick raised a brow. "Don't look at me like that. I like to remember places by their smells."

"Wasn't gonna say a thing. How long has it been since you were here anyway?"

"A little over three years. Randy and I stayed long enough to take care of Rob's estate and see Jason shipped off to prison." Jack looked up at the home where she lived for many years. "We're here."

"You ain't going to knock are you?"

"Nope, just taking a deep breath." She opened the door and they walked in. "I'm home! Anybody here?"

The first person she saw was Ziza who came running down the stairs and stopped dead still in shock. Her eyes grew big and she gasped. "Kyra!"

"Come here little sister." Ziza ran to her and gave her a huge hug. "Oh how you've grown. You are such a little lady. When will you come see me at the beach?"

"I have been begging them and all they say is soon, Ziza, soon"

"If they don't bring you, I will come and get you myself."

Lajjun rounded the corner and a smile broke out on her face. "Kyra! Riddick! What a surprise."

"Lajjun." Jack gave her a hug. "We won't be here too long. I don't want your family endangered, but Riddick needed to come back."

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now