To The Rescue

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Griedan's ship - Jakarnan Fleet

Not long after they took Vaako to Noran's ship, they brought Jack back to the room where Mirica and Grieda were. She preferred to be alone, and for the life of her couldn't understand why they brought her back in there. After what they did to her, she wasn't thrilled to see either of them and having to endure their curious stares was annoying. I would so love to bitch slap them least the one that's not pregnant.

"Why am I here with you?"

Jack's question wasn't expected by Grieda and her face showed it. "You wish to be alone?"

"If you're going to just sit there and stare at me, then yes."

"Are you hungry?"

She about said no, then realized she was. "Only if it's warm."

"Of course. I'll leave you with Mirica and be back shortly."

Jack waited until she had left before speaking again. "She's a lot nicer than her brother."

"That is not difficult to accomplish." Mirica had been soft spoken the entire time until she spoke ill of Griedan.

Jack was shocked "You don't like the man?"

"He holds no place in my heart." There was a touch of vehemence to her voice, and although subtle, it wasn't lost on Jack.

"I saw the way he looks at you. There is something there, at least for him."

"There is." Mirica rubbed her stomach and Jack took it that the child was his. She didn't elaborate and Jack didn't ask.

"When will your child be born?"

Her hands again stroked her distended belly. "Children. I carry seven."

Jack's hand flew to her mouth. "Seven? How can you hand-." Embarrassed she stopped. "I assumed that in your race carrying and giving birth to seven is like it is with mine, but it's probably far different. Carrying multiple children is easier than it was centuries ago, but still difficult on human women."

"It is not taxing on us. This is my third brood this year. My first two I had five, then eight."

"Why in the hell would you do that?" She blurted it out not thinking. Then decided she didn't care if she was rude. It wasn't like she wanted to be her friend. Mirica didn't seem offended by her either.

"In this fleet, there are hundreds of men, but only ten women. A horrible disease, which affected only the women, ran its course through the entire armada ten years ago and the remaining females have been forced to become breeders to ensure the future of our race."

"So Jakarnan women can pop out litters just like that?"

"No. Our scientists have improved our entire reproductive system through a genetic therapy process, along with some reconstructive surgery. All new females born after the disease need not go through that process though. As a result, we can have no less than five children at a time and we give birth after three months, three times a year without suffering ill effects. These are Griedan's children and they will be born in three weeks. I belong to him, as do the others, with the exception of his sister of course. I cannot birth his offspring exclusively. To do so would flood our genetic pool with too many children with close blood ties. I am the lead Jacarnan woman by his choice, and as such, I receive special treatment and freedoms the others do not."

"Griedan has a harem of women? But anyone else can have a go at you at any time?"

"Yes and no. We all belong to him for his pleasure. He only has to share us three times a year though and only for a week each time. Unlike humans, who can reproduce at any time, we are only fertile at specific times of the year. Other than that, we belong to him and he grants his men access to us as he sees fit."

"So this disease goes through your women and now you're no better than a sex slave and baby maker"

"You speak bluntly, but that is how it is. The men saw fit to sustain our race. Our strongest leaders were gifted with groups of women. They in turn choose only the best men to breed with us."

Jack was horrified. "What a fucked up way to live."

"It has been our way for so long now that we are used to it."

"Being used to something and liking it aren't the same thing. From the way you talk, you aren't a fan of your life. Do the other women feel as you?"

"We all feel like this, but we can never speak of it. We wait until the oldest of the females that were born ten years ago reach sexual maturity. Then, perhaps, we can regain our freedom."

"How long will that be?"

"Another ten years. We are sexually mature at twenty."

"How do you feel about repopulating your race this way?"

"It has to be done. I cannot feel one way or another about it. It is why I exist."

"That's bullshit. Aren't you afraid they'll continue like this once the population has been rebuilt? I mean, why change it? There will be more grown women, why not group them together under another strong man and have at it."

"Yes, Jack I fear it." Mirica snapped at her then backed off. "There is nothing I can do about it, so why dwell on it." Jack realized that she had upset her and it had not been her intention. She felt sorry for her. No woman should be treated as they were, even if it was to save their race from extinction.

"I am sorry." She meant it, too.

"Don't be, for you can do nothing to change it."

"I'm curious. How many children are there?"

"They number almost two thousand from newborns to ten years old."

"And they are all on this ship?"

"Yes. We have quite a large nursery as you can imagine."

"How can ten women care for so many children?"

Mirica smiled. "We do not do all of the work. We have a legion of men who are assigned to us, and they help care for the children. However, the physical needs of our infants are far different from your own. They are not as needy as human infants."

"Lucky for you. It's staggering really to think about it all." Jack ran her hand through her hair and the tattoo, which had gone unnoticed until now, drew Mirica's attention. She saw it and stepped forward to touch touch her thumb.

"Quite an interesting tattoo."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because I've seen the design before, but never on a person."

Jack didn't want to discuss anything personal, but the tattoo was a mystery so she had her attention. "You're certain you've seen this before?"

"Yes. You've either visited Todeya or received this mark from a traveling artist who hails from there."

"Neither actually."

"How is that possible? I know their work well. We've been trading with them as far back as I can remember, and their engravings are their signature mark. They include it on whatever they make."

"This came from a ring I put on."

"A ring? They make jewelry, beautiful pieces, but a ring leaving a tattoo? Did it get hot and burn the design into you?"

Jack shook her head. "No. I put the ring on, it resized itself, and we couldn't get them off. The next morning they came off on their own, the design on the rings was gone, and we were left with this."

"You said, 'we couldn't get them off.' Is there another ring? Are they a pair?"

She mentally kicked herself for the slip of the tongue, but knew there was no way out of it. "Yes they are."

"Who bears the mark of the other ring?"

"The Lord Marshal."

Mirica's eyes grew wide. "So you are his lover? Griedan did not believe you...still doesn't believe you."

"Why does he find it so far-fetched?"

"He regards the position of Lord Marshal as being highly dignified and anyone in that position would be likewise. He sees you as beneath the position of the Lord Marshal's consort. It is most difficult for him to reconcile you, the way you are, and the marks left on you with the way he thinks the Lord Marshal's consort should be."

"I take it he was expecting someone more refined."

"Much more refined."

"Wait 'til he gets a load of Riddick." She mumbled it to herself but she saw that Mirica had heard her and was smiling. "Can you tell me anything else about the rings? I'd like to know more and about my other pieces as well, if they are all Todeyan."

"You have more jewelry?"

"Yes, a bracelet for one. It also fit itself to me and had a large stone on top that changed color with my mood."

Mirica's face lit up. "Then I am positive it's Todeyan. I have a bracelet like that as well. That stone is called a 'seeing stone' and it behaves just as you have said."

"Even the bracelet fitting itself to me and not coming off until the next morning?" Jack was definitely interested now. Especially if Mirica knew anything of how the jewelry had behaved when put on.

"Oh yes. It startled me as well the first time I wore it. It's to ensure a perfect fit so it won't fall off while you wear it. It always comes off the next morning. I see you're wondering how they do that. I wish I knew myself. It's a clever trick whatever it is."

"Can you tell me where Todeya is?"

"I can't tell one constellation from the next I'm afraid. I will do my best to get you the information though." Grieda returned with Jack's food and Mirica stood up to leave with her. "Enjoy your meal."

Looking at the food, everything appeared to be familiar, except none of it appeared to be even warm. She took a bite of one item and sure enough it was cold. "Great! Warm to them is probably defrosted temperature to me. If I weren't so hungry I'd throw this at the next person who walked through that door. I'll stomach what I can."

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now