Story Time, Little Boy

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He picked her up over his shoulder and took her to the gym and she wiggled trying to push herself off of him. He unceremoniously dumped her on the floor. Knowing what was probably coming, she tried earnestly to make her escape.

He laughed. "Like you can get away from me." He grabbed her ankle and she shrieked as he pulled her under him, then attacked her ribs with her screaming, crying and laughing all at the same time.

"Stop! Riddick! Oh God...lemme go you big bald oaf!"

"Oaf? You talked me out of it yesterday. Not a chance in hell this time, Jack."

Gasping for air, she pleaded but laughed her way through it. "I'm begging you!"

"What do I get if I stop?"

" want a piece of candy, little boy?" He went after her again. "A story! Shit! I've got a good one, too." Thankfully, mercifully, he stopped.

"This better be good," he growled, his entire posture indicating that he was still ready to strike.

"Oh it is," she insisted. "How about the story of how your whites turned pink?"

"Fuck that! I know how." He went back after her.

"Okay, okay, then why they turned pink." That seemed to pique his curiosity enough to cease. He got off her and reclined on his side with his head propped up and she did the same. "First, how did you know it wasn't an accident?"

"Easy. Your face."

Jack's brow wrinkled in confusion. "What?"

"Your face," he simply repeated while he brushed the pad of his thumb across her forehead. "I can read your face like a book. Especially when you chew your bottom lip."

Frowning, she hotly denied his accusation. "I do not chew my lip!"

"Really? You're doin' it right now."

Shit! I am. " when do I chew it?"

"Let's see...when you plot, gettin' ready to open that smart ass mouth of yours to say shit you shouldn't, and when you're tryin' to cover somethin' up."

"Plotting or covering something up? You make me sound like a politician. Guess I'll have to work on my little lip biting habit."

"It's cute, Jack."

That comment sat about as well with her as indigestion. "Cute Riddick? First of all, cute is for fucking kittens, and second I can't believe I even heard it come out of your mouth!"

He poked her ribs. "I'm waitin'."

"OK! I'll tell, but you're going to laugh, at least I hope you do."

"For your sake, I hope I do, too," he warned.

"Ha ha. Ok. I knew from the time that we started running together that whenever we were in a port that you...well...took care of matters." He looked at her like he didn't understand. "Please! You found a woman or visited the local whorehouse to get your rocks off, OK?"

He laughed. "Rocks off?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about, so shut it.  This is my story. Anyway, I never really thought anything of it, except for when I did the laundry. Between the perfume and the scent of sex-.  Did you know that clings to you and clothes? But that's beside the point, regardless, I knew what was going on."


"It never really bothered me...until I followed you one night to the brothel and I-."

"You what?" He lay back flat on the floor and covered his eyes with his arm. "Why?"

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now