Riddick's Dessert

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Five minutes later he decided that was four minutes too long for her to return and got up to search. The gym was his first destination, but she wasn't there. Didn't see her on the bridge either. He headed toward his room and noticed the door to her old room was open. And there she was, her back to him looking at something in her hands.

A predatory look came over his face.  I found my dessert.

Completely unaware that he was behind her, she jumped a little when he pulled her hair away from her neck.

"Sorry," She turned to show him what she was holding. "I got caught up looking at these pictures of my family. I thought I had lost them."

"I kep'em safe. I knew you'd want 'em one day."

He took the pictures out of her hand and put them down without saying another word. With his hands at her waist he backed her up, then suddenly turned her away from him to face the wall, which she found herself slightly pressed against.


His fingers went to her lips to quiet her.  Wondering what his game was, she played along...for now. Riddick recalled that he had put her in this very position, quite repeatedly, over the past few days. The first time he did it, he was furious. But looking back, he could have restrained her a number of different ways, most of which wouldn't have required him to touch her as he had. No, the rest of the times he pinned her to the wall was so he could feel her body pressed to his, a sick form of self torture every time he did it. Now, he was just getting off on it.

He dropped his mouth down to her ear. "Did I tell you how fuckin' sexy you look in my shirt?"

She smiled and softly shook her head. "Not that I recall."

"Very, very hot, Jack.  Reminds me of Chronus.  Somethin' about seein' my woman wearin' my clothes..."

Jack's heart skipped a beat.  Had she heard him right?  "Your woman?"

Riddick flicked his tongue along the shell of her ear, smiling at the way she shuddered. "You heard me, Princess. You had eight months alone. Plenty of time to play the field, now your ass belongs to me.  You got a problem with that?"

A shot of desire laced adrenaline coursed through her body at his declaration, and she barely managed to whisper, "And if I did?"

He nudged her legs slightly apart and brought her arms up to shoulder height, pressing her hands flat against the wall like she was about to be frisked.

"Guess I'd have to keep you in bed, fuck some sense into you 'til you changed your mind."

"Mmm...hardly a threat, and no, I don't have a problem with it."

"Good. Just to be clear, no more Ragin. From here on out-," He moved his mouth to her other ear, "-you're gettin' nothin' but Riddick."

Lifting her hair from her neck, he moved his face slowly down one side, then up the other, just drinking in her unique scent. She felt his breath on her skin, closed her eyes, and bit her bottom lip to smother a moan. He slid his hands along the top of her arms until he reached her shoulders, then he smoothed them down the sides of her ribs, down her waist, and molded them over her hips until he reached the bare skin at her mid-thigh where the hem of his shirt ended.

The light touch of his fingers against her skin sent her pulse racing.  So caught up in the dance of his fingers she failed to notice that his body was pressed firmly against hers until she arched back into him.  Just to prick that impatient streak of hers, he took his sweet time sliding a few fingers underneath the shirt's fabric.  The way she anxiously swayed her weight from foot to foot didn't escape him either. But Jack was always doing the unexpected, which he soon discovered when his fingers failed to meet with the silk boxers that she had been wearing earlier.

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now