Revenge Is Sweet

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Sunlight slowly began filtering through the curtains and brightening the room, its rays moved up the bed as the sun rose until it hit her face. She clenched her eyes and pulled the covers up over her head to block out the light. "Light! Sunlight!"

She pushed the covers off and threw on a robe, then quietly descended the stairs. Going into the kitchen she looked at the clock and it was just after six in the morning. She slipped out the back door, easing it shut so she wouldn't wake Nate who was sleeping downstairs. The grass was wet with the morning dew, but she didn't mind getting her feet wet. This was her first sunrise on Earth in twelve years and she wanted to take it in.

She walked to the dock and sat on one of the benches, watching the ducks and birds as they went about their morning routines. A couple swam her way to check her out and quickly lost interest when she didn't offer them anything to eat.

"I need to bring bread out here tomorrow. I bet my nieces do and you probably thought I was them, right?"

The sound of a boat could be heard in the distance and was growing louder. Soon, the birds took off as it came racing around the far end of the bend in her direction. She had borrowed her sister-in-law's robe, like the fluffy white one Riddick had gotten rid of, but all she had on underneath was her nightgown. Becoming aware of this, she stood up to walk back to the house, but not before the boater waved to her and slowed down to approach the dock.

"Great," she grumbled to herself, "I just wanted to enjoy this morning...alone."

"Hey!" He smiled at her and acted as though he knew her until he got close enough to realize he didn't know her after all. "Sorry miss. I thought you were one of the Bennett wives. If I've caught too much trout and see one of them out here, I usually stop by and share it."

Jack flashed a somewhat sleepy smile. "It's okay. I'm sure Nate and Adam won't turn it down. If you'd like, I can take it to them."

He smiled then and she thought to herself for fair haired, blue eyed man, he was very attractive, and not in the pretty boy way that she saw most men with blond hair. "Where the hell did that thought come from?"

"Listen to me goin' on about trout when I haven't even introduced myself." He extended his hand. "William March. Everybody just calls me Will though." Pausing for a moment he thought to add one thing more. "No trout hands. They're clean."

"I wasn't worried. Besides, hands are washable." She shook his hand, "I'm Kyra Bennett."

"You're a relation?" He took her in for a moment. "If their sister wasn't dead, I'd say you were her since you look so much like 'em."

"What do I tell him? He thinks I'm dead and I don't want to put my brothers in a fix."  "How long have you known them?"

"Ten years I'd say. All of us went to college together and then ended up out here." Will's eyes looked behind her and two huge arms squeezed her and she squealed in surprise before she elbowed him in the gut.

"Hey Will. You hittin' on my little sister?" Will's mouth dropped.

"I thought....She's not-? When?"

"Just yesterday. Nate and I were shocked when she called."

"I know I'm nosy but what happened?"

Adam gripped her arm as he began to talk, a little warning for her to let him handle it. "She's been through a lot. Even though her name has been cleared-."

"Which I didn't know," she added.

"She was taken into custody not long after she contacted us."

"By the police?"

A Kid Like Her (A Riddick - Jack Romance/Adventure Story)Where stories live. Discover now