Chapter 1

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It was finally senior year; my high school experience was coming to an end. I should be spending the day goofing around with friends and enjoying what little time we have together before we're smacked in the face with the "real world" but that isn't the case. Instead, I'm headed to Advanced Chemistry alone because none of them passed the test to get in. It's time for another long year of spending the day by myself and attempting to catch up with my closest friends after school hours. Senior year wouldn't be any different than the rest.

When I get to class, I thankfully find an open table near the window and stride in that direction as the other seats fill rapidly. A few seconds later, I turn to acknowledge whoever planned on sitting beside me and I'm stunned into an awkward, open-mouthed silence.

I'd never seen the beautiful girl before and couldn't help but stare as she started unpacking her book bag. She had long, black hair that fell in sultry waves down her back and her light blue eyes, framed by full lashes, stood out against her pale complexion. In the midst of my perusal, the girl softly cleared her throat and somewhat hopped onto the stool beside me. By this time, I was practically gawking at her tiny frame but she was fervently avoiding eye contact so I hoped she didn't notice.

"Good morning," began Mr. Monty, "Welcome to Advanced Chemistry. As I'm handing out the syllabus, please turn to the person at your table and introduce yourselves as this will be your lab partner for the entire semester."

The girl slowly faced me while pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth.

"Hey, I'm Ryan," I say. She brings her gaze down to the floor causing strands of silky hair to hide her from view.


Throughout the class, Becca pays attention and takes notes but never glances my way. Mr. Monty lectures up until the bell and then the enigmatic girl disappears quickly down the bustling hall.

My next three classes are extremely uneventful but the day was looking up because it was finally time for lunch.

"How were the smart classes nerd?" Mason, one of my closest friends, asked before lobbing an elbow into my left side.

"Very funny. Hey, can I catch a ride with you after practice?"

"Yeah, no doubt."

My conversation with Mason ended abruptly when Kate, his girlfriend of three years and counting, showed up and promptly stuck her tongue down his throat. I think their relationship is annoyingly affectionate while Landon, my best friend since Kindergarten, merely chuckles at them but quickly rolls his eyes when he notices the other two cheerleaders joining our table. Melissa and Isabelle met Kate at the beginning of our high school careers when she first joined the team and the three were connected at the hip since. While I got along with Kate just fine, I couldn't stand the other two.

"Hey Ryan, how was your summer?" Mel questioned in a nasally voice that had me wincing away.

"It was fine. Yours?"

While I'd regretfully dated Melissa last year, I learned that she loved talking about herself so I moved the conversational topic to her. It always worked, and this time was no different so she eventually went off on a tangent and started talking to Izzy. I know Landon caught onto my tactic because I could see him smirking in my peripheral vision.

"Shut up," I mumble while I scan the cafeteria in search of Becca. I find her sitting alone a few tables away, just pushing the disgusting cafeteria food around her tray. Landon, always observant, notices who I'm staring at.

"You know Becca?" he probes. Feeling my cheeks warm from unexpected embarrassment, I look away before responding.

"Not really. She's just my chemistry partner."

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