Chapter 20

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Just as I was about to drift off I heard a thump coming from the bathroom. I made my way to the door and knocked just to check if it was her.


No answer.

"Becca?" I asked a little bit louder.

There was no other noise beside the running water of the shower.

"Becca? Are you okay?" I was almost shouting now and I still didn't hear a response from her.

I ran downstairs and got the key that unlocks all the upstairs doors from the drawer in the kitchen. I frantically unlocked the door but opened it slowly in case she just didn't hear me before.

"Becs?" I called her name cautiously but she still didn't answer.

I walked up to the shower and peeked in, making sure to keep my eyes pointed at the ceiling and not at the naked girl that was in there; however, when I didn't hear a shriek or gasp from my presence I knew something was wrong. I snapped my attention down to the tub and saw Becca lying unconscious. Quickly shutting off the water, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her before lifting her out of the bathtub. I set her butt on the counter near the sink and supported her weight with one arm as I lifted her head with the other one.

"Becs... hunny can you hear me?" I gently lifted her left eyelid open and saw only the whites of her eyes. That's not good.

Cradling her into me, I turned off the bathroom fan and shouted for Alex who came running quick, noting the anxious tone of my voice.

"Alex call Matt," I attempted to say in a calm manner but it came out all rushed.

"What's wrong with Becca?" he asked while waiting for Matt to pick up.

"Put it on speaker."

"Hey Alex, what's up?" Matt said in a relaxed voice.

"Matt this is Ryan. Something happened to Becca. She was in the shower and I heard a loud noise so I checked on her and she's unconscious." My words came out as a jumble again.

"Wait. Ryan? Calm down. What's wrong with Becca?"

"She passed out or something. She was in the shower and I heard a noise so I came to check on her."

I heard him take a breath before speaking. "Are her pupils dilated?"

"I don't know. I tried to check but I could only see the white parts of her eyes."

"Does she look pale?" he asked next.

"Ummm... she always is kind of pale. She looks normal just unconscious," I said awkwardly.

"Ryan, I know she has a lighter complexion. I mean do her lips look pale or anything? Does she have a fever?"

"Her lips are fine and I'm not sure because she's warm from the shower."

"Okay get her out of the bathroom and away from the steam so she cools down. Alex follow him and leave the phone next to him while you run down and get some ice."

I easily lift Becca into my arms and carry her to her bed before setting her down, making sure the towel is completely covering her before Alex gets back.

"Ryan is she in bed?" Matt asks.

"Yea now what?" I'm start panicking a little more because it's taking her awhile to wake up.

"When Alex gets back with the ice kick him out."

"What?" I chuckle even though I'm terrified. Alex walks in just then with a bowl of ice cubes. "Matt says you have to leave."

"What? I want to help!"

"Alex leave!" Matt barked through the phone. He hangs his head in defeat and carefully shuts the door before sliding down to sit on the other side. "Okay Ryan, feel her face is she cooling down?" My hands reach for her forehead and it's clammy.

"Um no I think she's warmer."

"This is why I asked Alex to leave. I don't know how long you've known her but you need to get all clothing or blankets off of her. Turn the ceiling fan on high and put ice on her pressure points."

I carefully unwrap the towel, leaving it underneath her partway and flick the fan on. I know she's beautiful but I don't want to gawk at her for the first time when she's unconscious so I keep my attention on her face.

"Where do I put the ice?"

"Just start with her forehead. Check her eyes again."

"I can see her irises!"

"Are the pupils dilated?"

"Um no I don't think so." Matt sighed in relief.

"Oh good. Keep her cold until she wakes up and make sure she stays hydrated. I'll be over in an hour or so for lunch and can check up on her but she'll be fine."

I've already brushed the damp hair away from her face and ran an ice cube across her forehead.

"Wait why did she pass out?" I ask quickly before he hung up.

"She's been through a lot Ryan. It might just be because of the stress and adding in her injuries doesn't help."

"Okay. Thanks Matt."

"No problem. We'll talk later okay?" He hung up before I could answer and Alex was yelling from the hall almost instantly.

"What did Matt say? Is Becca going to be okay?"

"Yea she just has to wake up but he said she'll be okay," I shouted back and sat on the bed near Becca.

Now I physically couldn't see the rest of her body so I wasn't as tempted to look. Four ice cubes later, she slowly opened her eyes in a daze.

"R-Ryan? I'm f-f-freezing!! Where are my c-clothes? Why am I n-n-n..." her teeth were chattering but I interrupted her by drawing her into my chest.

"Becs," I sighed, "What are you doing to me? You keep scaring me."

"R-Ryan why am I n-naked?" she asked, pulling away from me and trying to cover herself with a pillow.

"Hey, I didn't look at anything okay? I heard you fall in the shower and when I called your name you didn't answer. You passed out so I called Matt and he told me what to do," my words were coming out of my mouth so fast and I couldn't stop it. "I'm sorry that you feel awkward and I promise I didn't look at anything. I just had to make sure you're okay."

"Ryan!" she yelled to get my attention before quieting her voice again, "I believe you."

"Oh my God Becca thank you. I'm glad you're okay!" I go in to hug her again but remember that she's hiding behind a pillow because she's very naked. "Oh, uh yeah – um I'll let you get dressed," I mumbled before hurrying out the door and tripping over Alex who was still sitting in the hall.

"Smooth," he says before laughing and mocking me: "Oh uh yeah – um I'll let you get dressed."

"Shut it. Here's your phone back," I say glaring and handing him the phone we used to call Matt. He grabs it and raises an eyebrow in question.

"Alex, I can't tell you."

He wants to know what Becca's going through but I promised I wouldn't tell anyone else.

Alex exhales loudly. "I understand Ryan but is she going to be okay?"

I nod and that seems enough for him. He turns to walk down the hall to his bedroom door and seconds later, Becca flings her door open. She's now wearing a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt yet she still looked breathtaking. Gesturing for me to enter her bedroom, I follow her in and we both sit on the bed avoiding eye contact until she reaches out and grasps my large hands in her much smaller ones.

"Thanks again," she whispers, "You always seem to be saving me."

"And I always will if you need it." Even I thought that sounded cheesy but it was worth it when she smiled before kissing my cheek.

"Okay now let's forget about all awkwardness between us yeah?" she questions while walking to a dresser and taking a red bottle of nail polish off the top.

"You bought nail polish?"

"Technically you did. So, thanks!" She giggles and hops on the bed to start painting her nails.

"You have guts painting your nails on a white comforter Becs."

"I won't spill, I'm a lady!" she retorts and I laugh.

I watch her in awe as she perfectly coats her nails. I spend the time taking in her beautiful features like the long lashes, shapely lips, blushing cheeks, and gorgeous hair that's swept back into a braid with some strands framing her face. Soon she's finished and swings her dainty feet onto my lap, handing me the bottle of polish.

"I'll paint your toenails cutie but I promise it's not going to turn out like your fingers did," I warn.

Some serious concentration and about ten minutes later I'm finished and it doesn't look too bad.

"Now what?" I ask the girl with her feet on my lap.

"Now yours!" She exclaims.

"No, no, no. That's not how it works. No way." Becca lets out an amazing laugh letting me know she was just seeing how much she could get away with. "I'm going to grab my books and try to get a little bit of homework done before the family gets here. Your room or mine?"

"Yours." She follows me across the hall with her backpack slung over her shoulder. The little amount of clothing that I packed for her were now put away in a drawer leaving only a few notebooks and pencils in the bag.

We silently do homework while sharing the same biology textbook and I text Landon.

|Ryan Bradley > Lan - 11:13am|
Sent: You coming over later?
Received: Yeah I was planning on it. Still okay?
Sent: Yeah but can you do me a favor?
Received: Sure...
Sent: I need you to pick something up for me.
Received: From where?
Sent: Idk a craft store probably.
Received: ...a craft store?
Sent: I'll owe you.

I knew it was going to be tricky to get notorious badass Landon in a craft store so I play my best card.

|Ryan Bradley > Lan - 11:19am|
Sent: Please? It's for Becca.
Received: Ugh... What do you need?
Sent: You know that fabric you make tie blankets out of?
Received: You're making her a blanket? Why not like buy her flowers or something like a normal guy?
Sent: Just send me pics of different ones she might like.
Received: Lol okay.

The plan I was creating in my head involved surprising Becca with the fabric tomorrow so we could make the blanket together. Her old bedroom was tiny but very colorful and since she didn't get to take anything with her when she left I wanted to give her something personal. I think a colorful and cheery blanket that's homemade would be perfect.

I go back to my homework and keep my phone away from Becca, not wanting to accidentally ruin the surprise.

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