Chapter 36

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After she read the new texts from Kirk, Becca's head plopped back to lean on my chest. She tilted a little so I looked down and noticed her blue eyes were filled with fright and sadness. The way her body sank into me only enhanced my notion of how scared she was. My own body was tense but it was from pure anger at what this guy was doing to her. Closing her eyes, a single tear leaked out so I leaned forward so she could hide her face in my neck before turning herself to sit on my lap sideways instead of facing forward.

"Baby it's okay," I whispered in her ear and hugged her close.

All the girls were entranced with the romance movie on the television so they didn't notice the change in position or Becca's now upset demeanor; however, Mason did. He raised a brow at me and all I could do was flash him a look that I hoped showcased my mixed feelings. He kept giving me worried glances until Becca stopped crying and stood up, clearly trying to get away from the people around us.

"I'm going to use the bathroom," she mumbled and looked down at me, "I don't know where it is..."

I knew there was one down here, so did everyone else in this room, but I had to get her out of here. Thankfully, Mason came up with an excuse for us.

"Use the one upstairs. I didn't have time to clean this one," he said and feigned embarrassment. Kate shot him a weird look but their freakish telekinesis thing made her disguise it quickly.

"Yeah, it's disgusting. I'd use the upstairs bathroom," she added in and then mentioned something about the movie so Melissa and Isabelle's attention snapped back to that and off Becca.

I grabbed Becca's hand and led her towards the stairs, stopping to motion with a head nod for Mason to follow us. I think it's time he got an explanation.


We sat in Mason's room (it was the only place with privacy since his siblings and parents were home) and he patiently waited for somebody to talk.

"Becs," I looked down to where her head was lying on my lap, "You have to tell him hunny." We were sitting on the floor with my back leaning against Mason's bed and Becca's face was towards my stomach so she wouldn't have to look at Mason.

"I don't want to. You tell him," she mumbled and started quietly crying again.

Not being able to take it anymore, I untangled the fastener from her bun and started brushing the knotted strands of hair with my hand before looking at Mason.


About ten minutes later, Becca had stopped crying but her head remained in my lap so I could keep running my hands through her hair.

"I understand why you asked me to keep an eye out at school," Mason stated. He kept his eyes focused on the floor next to him in thought before lifting his gaze to meet my own. "Why don't you get the cops involved?"

Releasing a heavy sigh, I replied.

"Kirk is an attorney and spends a lot of time at the PD so he knows people there that would get him off the hook. In the rare chance that we get set up with a cop he hasn't befriended, Becca would most likely go into the foster system and who knows where she'd end up. I want her here where I can watch her and keep her safe." Mason nodded in understanding.

"I would do the same thing if Kate were in that situation. I get it." He cracked his neck and continued: "If there's anything else you need me to do just let me know."

Looking down at Becca, I realized she's fallen asleep.

"Who else knows? I don't want to let anything slip accidentally," Mason explained.

"Just Landon, Matt, and now you. My parents, Mike, and Alex know the basics but not the details of what happened, but that's it. Please don't tell Kate."

"Ryan," Mason cracked his fingers; cracking bones was his nervous tick; "I'll try not to tell Kate but I can't promise anything. I think the sooner Becca tells her, the better. I can't keep things from her."

I nodded. "I get it. Just don't tell her too much okay? I will talk to Becca about it more tomorrow but for now I think we're going to head out."

Carefully removing her head from my lap, I stood before bending to pick her up in my arms, which would never be an issue, but I have noticed her filling out more and definitely not in a bad way. I'm glad she's starting to eat more, mainly for health reasons. Matt told me he was worried she wasn't getting enough nutrients and wanted to put her on a strict diet to get her fat content up during her next appointment. She was no longer skin and bones but looking healthy and even more beautiful.

"I'll see you later," I said to Mason when he held his bedroom door open for me. He nodded and followed up to the front door to hold that one open as well before heading back downstairs.

I got Becca in the truck and drove home with the radio turned off. She was usually a heavy sleeper but I didn't want to take the chance and wake her. When we got home a few minutes later, I carried her inside and just tucked her into my bed with the clothes she already had on since they were comfortable enough. After changing, I climbed under the covers beside her and texted Mason that we left our blanket at his house. Then I texted Landon though I knew he wouldn't answer until tomorrow because of the fight he had tonight.

|Ryan Bradley > Lan - 11:03pm|
Sent: Let me know how tonight goes and if you need a ride home call me. I'm leaving my phone on loud just in case.
Sent: Also, Kirk texted again - we can talk about it more tomorrow.

I switched the ringer on my phone as loud as it would go just in case Landon got beat up too much to be able to drive home, though I doubted it. That had only happened once and it was during his first fight when he was much too young to be doing it. He obviously proved us all wrong especially since he's become unstoppable at every match after that.

Becca drew me out of my thoughts when she whimpered and curled up next to me. No matter what Kirk thinks, he will never lay his nasty hands on my girl again. I will do everything in my power to prevent him from ever even seeing her again.


I wake up in a cold sweat before the sun has even started to rise. I'm not sure if it's because of my nightmares that I was awoken so suddenly and put in the state I'm in or if I'm getting sick. Either way, I don't like it.

Unwrapping Ryan's strong arms from my waist, I make my way to the bathroom while peeling off my damp clothing. It's a Sunday so I'm blessed with the opportunity to take a shower that's longer than ten minutes: hallelujah.

While shaving my legs I feel a little woozy so I sit on the edge of the tub and lay my head on my knees. That's what Matt instructed me to do to prevent fainting again. I really hope I'm not getting sick because I don't need to add that to my list of problems right now. Thankfully, after a few minutes I start to feel less lightheaded and quickly finish up my shower.

As I'm toweling off, there's a gentle knock on the door.

"Just one second!" I call before wrapping the towel around myself and swinging the door open to reveal a sleepy faced Alex.

"Hey, sorry, I really need to pee," he says sheepishly. I chuckle and switch places with him, noticing that he has squinty eyes in the morning just like Ryan. It's so adorable.

Once I reach my room, I change into some gym shorts, sports bra, and sweatshirt; fully anticipating that I will be able to lounge around all day. I fill up a laundry basket with my old clothes and the towels I've been using before retrieving my sweaty clothes from the bathroom and run downstairs to throw everything in the wash.

"Hey sweetie, you're up early!" I jump as Ryan's mom, Sheila, pokes her head in the laundry room. "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to scare you dear." She was such a nice woman and always seemed to be cheerful.

"No, it's fine I just wasn't expecting anybody to be up. Do you have off work today?" I asked politely.

"Yes, both Steve and I usually have Sunday's off, it's just been hectic lately."

"Oh! Do you need any help making breakfast or anything?"

She flashes a large, dimpled smile that matches her son's.

"I would love that!"


For the last half hour, Sheila and I have been preparing a breakfast feast. She explained that Landon usually comes over Sunday mornings and eats at least a third of the food himself, which I don't find hard to believe.

"It's so nice to have another girl in the house even though I haven't spent much time with you. I noticed that everything's just a little bit neater and I have to thank you so much for that. The first few hours of every Sunday are usually spent with me cleaning but today I don't have to!" she exclaims.

Her voice perfectly matches her looks. Sheila is one-hundred percent what you would think a hard-working mother of four boys would look like. She's a little on the chubby side with medium length hair that must be easy to style. Her eyes are the exact shade of Ryan's along with her hair color so I can tell who he took after.

"I don't mind cleaning up a bit: it's the least I can do."

"Oh sweetheart," she cooed before pulling my hands away from the fruit I've been cutting. "You don't owe us anything darling. I'm very glad you're here and safe. If anything, I should be thanking you for taking such good care of my boys, especially Ryan."

I blushed at the mention of Ryan's name and she caught it.

"He cares about you a lot you know," she said softly.

"I know. I care about him a lot too."

"I know," she chuckled and pulled me in for a tight hug that somewhat hurts my still sore ribcage.

Suddenly, Ryan makes an appearance in the doorway of the kitchen with panic strewn across his face. Once he sees me, he visibly relaxes and shakes his head at his mother.

"Geez Ma, let her go. She still has broken ribs!" he says animatedly so she releases me; however, her body is immediately replaced with Ryan's.

"Hey!" his mom screeches and smacks the back of his head with an oven mitt to which he chuckles.

"I was worried when I couldn't find you," he admittedly whispers in my ear. So that's what the weird look was about. He hugged me tighter, more around my waist than my ribcage because he's just always so dang thoughtful, and let me go to lean on the counter near the cutting board.

"So, what you guys talking about?" he asks both Sheila and myself.

"Just how amazing Becca is," Sheila jokes.

Ryan bursts out laughing but soon covers it up by saying: "I know that already," and flashing me a smirk with a wink. Now blushing again, I turn my attention back to the watermelon I was cutting up before and finish my job.

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