Chapter 2

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I stroll into chemistry on Tuesday with an extra spring in my step. I can't help but feel enthusiastic about seeing Becca again. We didn't know each other well, but I definitely hoped to change that.

As I take my seat, I realize class is starting soon and I'm actually disappointed that she's not here yet. Before I can brood over it too long, she bursts into the room just before the bell rings and hops right onto her stool.

Mr. Monty begins his lecture immediately, sadly thwarting any opportunity I'd have to talk to her. Glancing over between the fast-paced note taking, I notice Becca's cheeks getting suspiciously pink. Her small frame is hidden by an over-sized sweatshirt and even though I'm positive that she's too warm, she isn't taking it off. Living in Washington in early September does cause the temperatures to fluctuate, but today it's in the low seventies, so why is this gorgeous girl wearing a ratty old sweatshirt?

"Do you want to get the equipment and I'll get the chemicals?" she suddenly asks softly, snapping me from my chain of thoughts.

"Uh, what?" I obviously wasn't paying attention to the lecture at all. I feel so stupid until she gently giggles.

"We're supposed to set up the experiment."

I glance around the room and sure enough, everybody is bustling about trying to set up their chemical apparatus. Becca slides her notebook across the table and points to the neatly written list of necessary gear that Mr. Monty must have mentioned.

"Sounds good," I say confidently.

Taking her notebook with me, I gather everything on the list from test tubes to protective eye goggles. Becca is patiently waiting for me when I get back to the lab table and we follow the directions for the experiment setup. Once that's ready, her instructions say to wait for reactions to occur and record your observations every ten minutes for the next half hour. I find this to be the perfect time to get to know this girl a little more.

Blanking on any interesting conversation starters, I just utter the obvious: "What an exciting experiment, huh?"

Becca laughs, showing cute dimples on both cheeks this time.

"Well at least we will get a good grade." She jokingly adds: "no thanks to me."

Now it's my turn to laugh.

"Yeah, that's my bad. I promise I'm not usually like that."

"Oh, I believe you! I don't think you would be in this class otherwise."

She keeps smiling and I catch myself thinking that I never want it to end. My mind is telling me that I'm a fucking idiot for thinking something so ridiculous, but I honestly can't help it.

"Well," I start, "we have half an hour to kill. What do you want to talk about?"

I'm answered with a shoulder shrug.

"How about twenty questions?" I ask. "I mean we're going to be lab partners for a while so we might as well get to know each other; you can ask whatever you want, and I'll do the same."

Becca nods and utters, "You ask first."

"I'll start simple. What's your favorite color?"

"Red. What's YOUR favorite color?" she responds without skipping a beat and I chuckle.

"You know you can't just repeat my questions."

Another shoulder shrug.

"It's blue though. What's your favorite animal?"

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