Chapter 30

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I figured something was off just by looking at Becca's face but Landon's actions confirmed my suspicions.

"What's up?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

"It's nothing," Becca said quickly.

"Lan?" I asked my best friend inquisitively but he just sighed and slammed the truck door harder than necessary. "Becca what's going on?"

She scooted over Alex to sit between us before leaning into my side as I pulled away from the warehouse gym.

"Can we talk about it later?" Her voice was almost a whisper so I nodded in agreement.

We got home and cleaned up before throwing in a frozen pizza and turning on Netflix.

"Your day Alex," I said before tossing him the remote. We took turns picking out which shows to watch since we had very different tastes in entertainment. Alex liked murder mystery shows while I preferred ones such as Parks and Rec or The Office; anything else was too depressing and why entertain yourself with things that make you sad?

Alex picked out a show that looked an absolute bore to me and apparently to Becca too because she walked into the kitchen, probably to check on the pizza and grab some drinks for everyone.

"Can you tell me now?"

"Christ! Ryan don't sneak up on me like that!" She was holding her hand against her chest to calm the erratic beating going on beneath the surface.

"Sorry," I smiled but soon felt my jaw line harden again. "Tell me what that whole thing with Landon was all about."

"It really was nothing to worry about," She said softly, looking down at her sockless feet for a distraction.

"Becs, if it wasn't anything to worry about then you shouldn't have a problem telling me." My voice was calmer as I walked forward to lean against the counter near where Becca was standing. She busied herself with the drinks while finally answering.

"I just overheard Mel talking to Izzy before gym class. I don't think they knew I was in the locker room."

"What were they saying?"

"It really wasn't important..." I interrupted her by pulling the drinks from her hands before setting them on the counter.

"Becca." We stood less than a foot away so she awkwardly leaned her head down so the top of it rested on my chest.

"They were just talking about how she was going to get you back and that you were wasting your time with a freak like me." I noticed her voice was starting to shake a little.

"Becs you shouldn't ever listen to what they say," I said gently before wrapping my arms around her small frame and pulling her closer. Becca's body started physically shaking so there must be more to this story. "That's not it huh?"


"Then tell me the rest beautiful." I swept some of her black hair away from her face and ran my fingers through the ends of it, gently easing myself from the knots that were created. She took her time to calm down before sharing with me.

"I waited until they left but Mel was still there so she grabbed my arm and told me to leave you alone." I continued running her long hair through my hands to help weaken my anger.

"She just told you to leave me alone?" I questioned, knowing Mel would never word it like that.

"Basically," Becca whispered and leaned into me more.

"Becs can you please tell me what she said. I know she's not that nice." That's when I felt her give up hiding.

"She said, 'stay away from Ryan, bitch, he's mine.' And then she said, 'this is the only time I'll warn you.' Or something close to that." My hands stilled for a moment in her hair but soon continued their soothing motions. I took a deep breath before talking again.

"That sounds more like her. Did you say she grabbed you?" I was fighting to keep my voice calm. I didn't realize I could control myself this much but I knew Becca would close herself off if I showed how furious I really was.

"Yea, just my arm," she said sadly.

I backed away and grabbed hold of her right arm and then her left. There were no marks on her so at least that was good although I would prefer it that snake didn't touch my girl at all.

"Is that why Landon was upset?" I asked, feeling a little more relieved that she wasn't hurt.

"Yea," she whispered, "he was mad that I didn't tell him right away and thought that I wouldn't tell you."

"Oh Becs," I said with a small chuckle, pulling her back into my arms, "He's just looking out for you."

"I know."

"So," I decided to change the topic quickly, "I think we should go shopping this weekend. Sound good?"

She pulled out of my embrace with her face all lit up.

"Yes! I would love to go shopping. I need more clothes. Well I don't need a ton but I'd like a little more variety to my wardrobe. I'm kind of getting sick of wearing the same jeans almost every day. I have so many things to get!" She kept rambling on and on with excitement. It was absolutely adorable.

Just then, the pizza oven dinged so I moved to take it out while Becca, still chatting about her shopping list, grabbed the sodas. We walked back into the living room together where Alex was engrossed with his phone instead of the TV show he put on.

He reached for a piece of pizza and ate while texting with one hand so I wiggled my eyebrows at Becca. She immediately caught on and slid her hand sneakily before snatching the remote from right next to Alex, who didn't even notice! We turned on our current episode of Parks and Rec and enjoyed our non-depressing entertainment while inhaling our pizza. Becca laughed so hard at something April did on the show and claimed she was her favorite character.

Everything was going along great until I felt her phone vibrate against my leg since she didn't have any pockets to put it in. Taking it out, I handed it to her right away without looking at it and Becca's face blanched seconds after reading the message.

"What's wrong? Who is it?" I questioned before snatching the phone from her dainty hands.

|Becca Hanson > Kirk - 7:38pm|
Received: I know where you're staying girlie. It'd be much better for you if I didn't have to come retrieve you...

"What the fuck!?" I bellowed, causing Alex to jump and Becca to sink deeper into the cushions. I got off the couch quickly and paced back and forth while pulling on my hair in frustration. I must have been doing it for a while since my brother yelled at me.

"Ryan!" Alex glared at me and then nodded towards Becca. Tears were streaming down her face and she folded her legs up, tucking them under her arms so she was sitting in a little ball. Her blue eyes were filled with fright and I hoped to God it wasn't caused by me.

"Becca," I called to her softly but she didn't respond. Her face didn't even lift in acknowledgement of me speaking. I knelt in front of her and tried again. "Becs." She immediately looked up and sucked in her bottom lip to gnaw on it while more fat tears rolled out. "Come here," I almost begged and she tilted forward to lean on me, still curled up around herself. Wrapping my arms around her, I lifted her easily and swiveled us around so I was sitting on the couch with her on my lap.

Alex quickly snuck out of the room to give us some privacy just before Becca gently unfolded herself and started sobbing into my neck while I rubbed her back.

"It's okay baby. I'm positive he's just trying to scare you. He has no way of knowing you're here okay?" I continued whispering that she was alright and I would keep her safe until she eventually fell asleep in my arms.

I carried her upstairs, careful not to wake her, and set her in my large bed. Just as I was about to head back downstairs I heard her soft voice.

"Please stay."

I felt the need to stay deep within my chest and there was no fighting it so I walked back over and got in bed. Pulling her to me immediately, she set her head on my chest so I could play with her hair.

"Thank you," she mumbled before her breathing changed and I knew she was sleeping once again. I slipped myself out from underneath her head and pulled the blanket up to her shoulders. Leaning over, I kissed her forehead.

"I promise I will never let anything happen to you Becca. I care about you way too much for that," I whispered to her sleeping figure before sneaking silently out the door.

I trudged back to the empty living room and took out my phone. I needed the guys to help me watch over Becca at school. If anything, Kirk would show up during the day and take her since that's the only place he knew she would be.

|Ryan Bradley > Lan - 9:26pm|
Sent: Hey Landon, I need a favor.
Received: What's up?
Sent: Becca's step-dad threatened her with a text message... I need you to help me watch out for her at school.
Received: I would do that anyways. What did he say?
Sent: That he knows where she is and it'd be better for her if he didn't have to come get her.
Received: God he's a sick bastard. He has no idea where you live Ryan. I know I lost him that day otherwise I wouldn't have brought her back to your house.
Sent: I know. He doesn't know she's here but he knows that she'll be at school...
Received: I see. Yeah I have three classes with her but I'll keep an eye out the whole day. What does this guy look like?
Sent: He's shorter than us, kind of chubby, glasses, thinning blonde hair...
Received: Ok. You should let Mason know too - he would help out Ryan. Plus I think he's getting pissed off at all the secrets.
Sent: I can't tell him about her story.
Received: I know. But tell him about our school protection stuff.

Next, I text Mason because I know Landon is right. If it were me being left out of literally everything that's going on in one of my best friends lives I would be pissed off too.

|Ryan Bradley > Mason - 9:49pm|
Sent: Hey man. Can I ask you a favor?
Received: Yeah what up
Sent: So I can't tell you everything because I want Becca to share it when she's ready...
Received: k?
Sent: She's living with me because her home life wasn't great. Now her step-dad is trying to take her back and I'm not going to let that happen.
Received: k I think I see where this is goin
Sent: He doesn't know she's staying here - doesn't even know where I live, but he knows she'll be at school...
Received: Ok. I get it. I'll keep an eye out.
Received: What does this fucker look like?
Sent: Thin blonde hair, shorter than us, chubbier, glasses. You'll know he's a creep right away.
Received: Sounds good.
Sent: Thanks. I wish I could tell you man. I'm sorry you've been in the dark this past week or so...
Received: No problem Ryan. Sorry if I acted pissed off about it but it's confusing watching your girl rip outta the lot on Lan's back and not getting to ask why.

I really did feel bad. Mason has been Landon and my close friend for a long time and he deserves to know what's going on. I'll have to talk to Becca about it in the morning.


Seeing Becca snuggled up on my bed when I head upstairs was one of the most amazing sights.

She looked completely at peace even with everything going on in her life. I know I won't be able to stay away much longer without hurting her but I don't know how to proceed without that chance either. Asking her to wear my jersey was a stupid thing to do and I know I'm leading her on, but seeing her in my shirt all day at school was fucking wonderful. Everyone who normally spends their time staring at her beauty saw my shirt on her and quickly looked away. Not having to constantly fend off other guy's eyes was a nice break for me.

Instead of daydreaming any longer, I crept into bed and Becca cuddled up to my side almost immediately as if she could just tell, even in her sleep, that I was there. That's exactly how I felt with her too. I could literally feel her presence when she came in the room, all that other romantic shit from the movies. Regardless, I fell asleep an extremely happy man.

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