Chapter 24

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After Mason dropped me off, I walked into my house and was immediately hit by a delicious smell and very loud music. Without turning the stereo down, I walked into the kitchen unnoticed and smiled at the sight.

Becca and Alex were covered in flour and dancing around the room to the radio. They both froze right before the drum solo began with Becca's back to me. Alex's eyes caught mine but he just kept playing along, using two wooden spoons and beating air drums with them. Becca suddenly lifted what was in her hands, a rolling pin, and used it as a microphone to lip-sync the chorus. I reached out and turned the music down quickly, replacing it with my loud laughter as she spun around in surprise.

"Becs! What's on your face?!" All the laughter was gone and concern took its place. I crossed the room at an inhumanly possible speed and gently cupped her face so I could lift it in my direction. "Who did this?" It was obvious in my tone that I was trying to keep calm but failing miserably.

"I-it was f-from gym class. An A-accident," she said nervously avoiding eye contact.

I was still pissed but I leaned over so she had to look in my eyes so I could see if she was telling the truth. She flinched when our eyes met but relaxed once I softened my icy gray ones. I didn't want her to ever feel afraid when looking at me.

"Okay," I said softly to help her calm down. "What are you guys doing by the way?"

Her beautiful smile appeared. "We made some dinner," her blue eyes looked towards the stove, "and some dessert." Alex proudly held up a raw apple pie immediately causing my stomach to rumble loudly and everyone laughed.

"Go shower, it's going to be done in fifteen minutes," Becca ordered cutely. So, I obeyed.


I came back downstairs to see the table set while my gorgeous girl carried over two pots followed by my dorky brother who had a steaming pan. Oven fried chicken, corn, and mashed potatoes and gravy were revealed in all their glory.

"You guys made this?" I questioned. They had to have ordered it and were trying to prank me.

"Well Becca made most of it. I dumped the corn into the pot and peeled the potatoes," Alex answered and heaped the hot food onto his plate.

I reached forward to do the same but noticed Becca sitting there quietly with her hands in her lap.

"Becs? Aren't you going to eat?"

"Oh, uh, yea I was just waiting..." she said nervously and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

"Waiting for what?" asked Alex, causing her to blush in embarrassment.

"I-I...," she paused for a second and then giggled. "Sorry I was just used to it. I didn't realize I was doing it."

Alex and I exchanged a look; however, she started reaching for the food so neither of us brought up the topic again.

"Oh. My. God. Becs this is so good." The chicken was cooked to literal perfection with a delicious breading and the gravy was to die for. Taking another large bite of everything on my plate at once I moaned at the taste. Alex and I almost never have homemade food and when we do, let's just say our mom isn't the greatest chef.

"Can you make supper like every night?" Alex joked.


"Becs he was kidding," I said before glaring at Alex.

"No, I want to th..."

I cut her off. "No Becca you don't have to cook for us."

I instantaneously regretted my statement when she drew back and cleared her throat, picking at her plate. There was an awkward silence for a minute until she pushed her chair back and lifted her plate to bring to the kitchen.

"Becs," I started, but she bolted through the archway and out of sight.

Alex shook his head at me. "Wow. And you're supposed to be the smart one." I was about to follow Becca until his hand grasped my arm softly. "Ryan, she was really happy to be helping out. She's feeling like a charity case and just wants to do something to say thanks."

Nodding in understanding, I went into the kitchen to see her leaning inside the stove to retrieve the pie. Knowing she's jumpy, I waited until she set it down before speaking.

"Becs I'm sorry."

Her back went rigid but she didn't turn around.

"If you really want to cook you can. Your food is delicious."

She slowly faced me with shy eyes so I walked forward and embraced her in my arms.

"I don't want you to feel like you owe us anything because you definitely don't." I tightened my arms about her and bent over (a lot) to nestle my face into her neck. "You don't feel like that do you?" She finally wrapped her arms around my neck and sighed.

"I want to do this for you guys. I actually like cooking too so it's not like it's a chore."

"Okay," I whispered and hugged her closer.

"Plus, I think I'd get sick of pizza every night." I smiled against her skin and pulled away but kept my arms around her loosely.

"I am sick of pizza every night."

We both were smiling like idiots until Alex barged into the kitchen with a toppling pile of dishes.

"I could use some help clearing the table if you guys want to quit making out now."

"We weren't..." I cupped a hand over Becca's mouth as she looked ready to die of embarrassment.

"She cooked so you're helping me clean up," I said pointedly to my brother. He nodded and headed over to the sink.

I lifted Becca onto a clean section of the countertop and motioned for her to stay before grabbing the rest of the dishes off the table. She sat there with a grin, watching us brothers do the dishes and occasionally snap each other with towels.


"Ugh! I can't do this!" Becca exclaimed before harshly throwing her pencil at the notebook. We've been working on our advanced biology homework for almost two hours now and hadn't even made a dent. She was starting to get fed up: who knew my Becs had a temper?

"How about we take a break, yea?" I asked cautiously and she nodded in agreement.

"Does Alex have practice tomorrow?" Her voice was already much calmer.

"Yes, I thought Landon could bring you home."

Her head snapped in my direction causing the black hair to flow messily around her waist. Her blue eyes filled with terror. "Doesn't he drive a motorcycle?"

"Yes." She hummed a little in thought and started playing with the ends of her hair. "Becs you will be fine alright? I wouldn't let him drive you if I thought otherwise."

Becca nodded slightly before leaning forward so her forehead rested on my shoulder so my hands replaced hers in her hair.

"If you don't feel comfortable you can stay for my practice and I'll bring you home afterwards."

Exhaling loudly, she sat up and shot me a smile. "Okay."

She got up to leave until I pulled her back towards my bed.

"Are you sleeping in your room?" I asked and it sounded like a whine much to my dismay.

"I was just going to change," she responded while blushing.

I don't know why she bothered to go to her room to change. I know she doesn't have any comfortable bottoms and sleeps in her underwear and the only shirts she has are t-shirts and she's already wearing one of those.

"Becs, here." I got off the bed quickly and tossed her a pair of gym shorts with a drawstring waist. "I'm sure they'll be big but if it makes you more comfortable you can wear them."

She returned minutes later with my shorts on which went to her mid shin in length. The drawstring was pulled as tight as possible and they were still falling down her petite waist. The sight was adorable and I accidentally let loose a small chuckle.

"Do you just have a shirt I can borrow?" she asked politely although I could sense she was irritated with her clothing options.

I was still laughing when she purposefully let go of the pants so they would quickly pool around her ankles. My happy laugh turned nervous when she reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, leaving her in just a black bra and matching panties. They were simple but her body was enough to set me on fire. With the laughter from me quickly dying, she started to smirk at me.

"Ryan... a shirt?"

I got off my bed and painstakingly tried to cover up what was bulging underneath my shorts but I know she noticed it when her sudden assurance wavered. It was my turn to smirk. Tossing her an old football t-shirt I was feeling like I had the upper hand until she surprised me. Becca caught my shirt, slipped it on, and pulled her bra off from underneath it before giving me a look that said, 'yea I win' as she held up the black piece of fabric.

When she walked past me to the bed, I turned just in time to see her pretty, little hips exaggerating the walk before she climbed under the covers. My shirt was large and ended at the thighs while hanging off one shoulder but I could easily imagine what her ass would have looked like in the black panties as it was walking away from me.

"I'm going to take a shower," I stated before leaving my room listening to her chuckle in the background.

The water was freezing but did little to tamper down my 'emotions.' When I finally felt a fraction more relaxed, I joined Becca in my bed only to find out the half hour I'd just spent in an ice shower was for nothing. My you know what immediately stood at full attention when she pushed her back into my front so we could cuddle. She giggled right away when she felt the effect she had on me.

"What's gotten into you?" I joked.

Her response was to grind her ass up against me harder, teasingly showing her newfound confidence, but I stopped her with my rough fingers on her waist and growled in her ear.

"Becca I'm telling you right now, my control will only last for so long," I said through gritted teeth. She stopped and tried to pull away but I held her where she was. "Just don't move for a little while okay?" My voice was still strained but somewhat controllable.

"But I want to look at you," she said softly so I caved and turned her around in my arms. We stared at each other for a few minutes, having an unknown conversation with our eyes until I reached my hand out to stroke her jawbone.

"You are so beautiful," I whispered and kissed her forehead before nestling her against my chest and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up still feeling tired from a restless night. Becca's soft cries from nightmares interrupted my sleep more than a few times. Each time I had to snuggle her close and whisper that she was okay in her ear before she would calm down. I don't think she fully woke up though, just slept through it all.

She was still dozing in my arms when I looked at the clock. The alarm was set to go off in a few minutes so falling back to sleep would be a useless idea. I unwound myself from Becca's limbs and dragged myself into another cold shower, hoping to get rid of my cranky mood.

When I finished, Becca stood outside the bathroom door wearing my shirt. I rolled my eyes (mainly to divert them) and mentioned I'd meet her downstairs.

The morning went much like the day before as we swung into a sort of routine with each other. I packed the lunches, she made breakfast, and Alex came barreling down the stairs at the last minute as usual.

Becca and Alex joked with each other the entire drive to school but I was glad they were getting along so well. When we parked, I helped her out of my truck but didn't hold her hand like I did yesterday. I just needed to back off a little bit again because no matter how badly I want to be with her – it can't happen right now. She needs to completely relax and take it easy for a while.

We walked in silence to our shared locker and when we got to Chem. class she wouldn't look me in the eyes. It was a lecture day so I had to listen to the teacher drag on in pure agony because I hated seeing Becca like this. I would explain it to her again hopefully without hurting her feelings but I didn't get the chance. As soon as the bell rung, she bolted to her next class without even stopping at the locker to change her books.

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