Chapter 26

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I took my time walking back to my locker. Ryan really wanted me to take Becca home but mentioned she was a little timid about taking my bike which was understandable, it's not a ride meant for everyone.

I saw her pass by in the hallway so I followed behind, ready to remind her to text me if she changed her mind. The bright sunlight from the open door temporarily blinded me and I slammed into an unmoving Becca. Reaching out to catch her before she fell forward, I turned her to face me.

"Becca? What's wrong?" She looked like she had seen a ghost, her eyes were wide and full of horror and her teeth were gnawing on her bottom lip. Becca pushed away from my hold and tried to walk past me and get back into the building which I allowed until she almost started sprinting. Grabbing her arm, I gently slowed her to a stop and walked to her front so I was facing her again. She was crying.

"Becca?" I tried to speak in a calming tone but it just didn't work for me. I couldn't pull off the caring type of personality.

"H-he's h-h-here," she stuttered so badly and tried to get the words out between sobs.

"Who's here?"

"K-kirk. My s-step dad." Becca literally started shaking with fear so I hesitantly wrap my arms around her before pulling her towards my chest.

"Where is he Becca?" She was crying harder now and it took a little while for her to catch a breath and talk.

"His c-car is out front."

Seething with anger, I attempted to comfort her by continuing the awkward embrace. It wasn't really a hug since she was still wearing her backpack so I just held onto the back of her head, but it would have to work for now.

"It's okay," I tried to say softly but my voice came out incredibly deep. "Just calm down and I'll get you out of here." Her hands were clutching onto my black t-shirt and I could feel the tears soaking through it right under my pectoral muscles where her face was buried.

It took a few minutes but she finally composed herself. Staying close to me, her head cautiously lifted and observed her surroundings, no doubt checking to see if that bastard was here.

"I'm going to go grab my bike and I'll walk it around to the back okay? Can you meet me there?"

Becca tensed up in fright but nodded warily nonetheless. I walk her across the school to the back entrance and stop right outside the door.

"Wait here okay? If you see him or get scared run inside to the bathroom and lock the door behind you until I get back."

I waited for her to nod in response before going back inside to leave through the front doors and get my black motorcycle. The asshole was parked near the front door and just sitting in his car like a smug bastard. I couldn't really see what he looked like through the tinted windows but I knew it was him. It took all of my self control to actually pass him and walk to my bike instead of stopping to beat the shit out of him.

Once I got to the parking lot I started sprinting since I was out of his line of sight. A lot of the lower classman gave me weird looks – the school's badass is running through the lot like an idiot – but all it took for them to leave me alone was one glare from my black eyes.

My bike starts up with a roar so I know I have to push it towards the back of school and go all the way around the football field to avoid Becca's stepdad. Ryan and Mason both notice my odd behavior but I just wave them off in an attempt to stop the attention they've drawn to me. Ryan's brows are knit together so I mouth 'check your phone' and he nods slightly.

Finally getting to the back of the school, I'm relieved to see Becca still standing outside the door waiting for me.

"Put this on," I handed her my helmet and got on my bike. She followed my instructions quickly but seemed very apprehensive about getting on behind me.

"Come on Becca." I held my hand out and helped her swing a leg around before pulling her forward so she was sitting close to me. "Wrap your hands around me so you can hold on okay?"

She listened and gripped the front of my t-shirt tightly in her fists while pressing her entire body against my back. I started the motorcycle up and it roared just like always causing a few people to gawk. Rolling my eyes, I flipped the onlookers off before ripping through the school's lawn and past the football field loudly. Everyone turned to look at the sight of a girl on the back of my bike, which has never occurred before now. All the unnecessary commotion plus the sound of my bike led a certain sedan to suddenly pull behind me.

"Landon!" I heard Becca yell as she tugged on my shirt. "He's behind us!"

I swung my head to the left, glancing at the football field to see Ryan running up to the fence and yelling at me. I have no idea what he was saying but his eyes were filled with panic as his hands clung to the chain links. My eyes darted to look behind me to confirm that the bastard was right on my tail, cursing and waving his hands in the air.

"Becca you need to hang on okay? I mean it."

Her arms let go of my shirt and wrapped around tighter, clutching together in front of my abdomen and I immediately pressed on the gas. The sudden change of speed forced the front of my bike to lift in the air but it effectively put some distance between us and the asshole in my rearview mirror. I whipped out of the parking lot and turned rapidly down random side roads throughout town until we lost him, only then did I slow down. Becca kept her tight hold on me all the way to the Bradley's house and then carefully de-plastered herself from my back.

"I'll hang out here until Ryan gets home," I said while getting off my bike and reaching a hand out to help her.

"Okay... thanks," she said softly while looking at the ground.

"Do you have a key?"

We walked up to the door and stood there awkwardly for a few seconds while she dug around in her backpack before revealing a golden house key. Her hands were so shaky that she couldn't insert it into the lock.

"Here, let me." Becca quickly handed it over and fidgeted with her nail polish, picking away the red paint.

I unlocked the door and motioned for her to walk in first before locking it behind us. Following her silently, we ended up in the kitchen where she tossed her bag on the floor and pulled some things out of the fridge.

"Do you want anything to drink?" she asked me politely.

"Becca, I practically live here myself. I can get my own drink if I wanted one." She flinched at my tone but I honestly didn't mean anything by it. Sighing, I walked over and sat on a stool near the counter. "I'm sorry if that sounded rude. I didn't mean it that way."

Becca nodded in response and turned to a cabinet to grab a cutting board and knife before retrieving some tomatoes and onions from the refrigerator.

"What are you making?" I asked, trying to lighten the somber mood.

"Spaghetti. Are you staying for dinner?"

"No I don't need to that's fine." Her head snapped up and I was surprised to see a small smile on her face.

"That was me inviting you to stay Landon," she said cheekily.

"Okay, then yes I will stay for dinner."

Becca went back to cutting her vegetables as we sat in a comfortable silence. She was the first girl I've ever met that understood that you didn't need to talk constantly about mundane information just to remain friendly. After a few minutes of cooking at the stove top, she turned down the burner to the sauce and turned towards me.

"Thank you," she said wholeheartedly.

"Of course, Becca. You don't have to thank me, but you're welcome," I responded with the same level of sincerity.

She went back to silently cooking, making garlic bread and boiling pasta, and I just watched her work. The earlier activities didn't seem to bother her from what I could tell but I was obviously wrong when Ryan stormed through the door and she broke down in tears.

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