Chapter 91

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"Becs?" I snapped my head up and saw a wide-eyed Mike blatantly staring at Becca. I quickly moved her behind me and glared at my brother. "Mike..." He smirked.

"Heyyy what are you two up to?" I felt Becca reach for my back where she normally grips my shirt so I knew she was nervous.

"None of your business. Why are you here so early?" Mike's eyes filled with amusement before his goofy laugh boomed through the halls.

"I'm not early bro. Mom sent me up here to see what was taking you two so long." Becca literally whimpered in embarrassment behind me. "You're lucky it was me and not Matt or Alex." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Can you leave so she can get dressed?" Without a word he turned and headed down the stairs. "I don't care how you look Becs, get dressed as fast as humanly possible." I didn't want to flat out tell her that we'd better get downstairs before he spouts some crap to my family about what was taking us so long. I shouldn't have showered with her – now she was going to be embarrassed around my dumbass brother.

She met me in the hallway looking adorable in my t-shirt and a pair of jogging shorts. Her blue eyes were filled with panic and she reached for my hand before turning towards the stairs but I held her back.

"I love you Becs." After her initial surprise, she smiled sweetly.

"I love you too." I tugged on her arm and motioned for her to hop on for a piggy back ride. She giggled and jumped as high as she could but I still had to reach down and pull her up to my back. I loved her laugh but it quickly faded when she saw Mike shooting us a sly smile once we arrived in the living room.

"Oh, did you have a good nap?" my mom asked after strolling into the room with food for everyone.

"Yes, thank you. I'm sorry we were late," Becca said, thinking much faster than me.

"Don't be silly Becca. It wasn't even ten minutes." My mom would've had my ass if it was just me that was ten minutes late but she had a soft spot for Becca.

We played monopoly in teams since we had an even number (my dad had to go back to work after dinner) and teams helped the game move along a little quicker. Naturally, it was Becca and I, Matt and Mike, and Alex and Mom. Becca had never played before and honestly Monopoly can be a brutal game; however, Matt, Alex, and my mom were like putty in her hands so we used that to our advantage in trading situations. I'd plan the trade but she'd ask for it so they would give in... call it cheating but I call it smart. We ended up winning just after nine o'clock and I was dead tired.

"Ryan are you getting sick? You just had a nap and you look tired again." Mike feigned worry and irritatingly got my mom and Matt on my case.

"Are you not feeling well?" Matt lay his and across my forehead but I swatted it away quickly.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired from kicking your guy's butts. Come on Becs." I clasped her hand and kissed my mom on the cheek before pulled my beautiful girl up the stairs and away from prying eyes. "Did you get any new texts?" I asked begrudgingly as soon as I closed the door to my bedroom.

"No. Come on, you're tired."

"Yeah but I wanted to do something."

"What?" I pushed her between my body and the door so I could lean down and kiss her. Her tongue darted out almost immediately, brushing my lips and wanting entrance that I willingly gave. She fisted my shirt and stretched her neck to get closer while my hands wound in her thick hair. I continued the attack on her body for who knows how long but we eventually slowed down and backed away to lie on the bed. Becca sat frozen to the door for a bit and I laughed.

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