Chapter 29

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"Becs it's time to get up. I let you sleep in while I showered now let's go."

The warmth from the blankets immediately dissipated when Ryan tore them from my body.

"Come on Becs we don't want to be late," his voice was deeper in the morning and so soothing. I didn't care about being late, I just wanted to stay in bed; until he shook his wet, brown hair and showered me with the frigid droplets.

"Ugh! Okay Ryan I'm up!"

I was moodier than usual this morning and could hardly get myself out of bed. Landon wasn't messing around with the workout yesterday and I had to do it again today.

"Did you use all the hot water?" I almost whined and the sound annoyed myself. Thankfully, Ryan just chuckled while throwing a shirt over his head.

"No, I figured you would need it," he said sweetly. "Now chop chop. I'll be downstairs."

I showered in less than five minutes even though my arms were so sore I could barely lift them high enough to wash my hair. I loved sleeping in an extra fifteen minutes but that meant my hair would be in a messy bun all day with no time for it to dry. I got dressed in the same jeans I wore almost every day but paired it with one of Ryan's large football t-shirts and tied the side in a knot so it wasn't so baggy. Grabbing one of his oversized hoodies, I bounded down the stairs with Alex closely behind before snatching some protein bars and water bottles for breakfast.

"Sorry this is all I could grab," I explained when Ryan shot me a strange look after hopping in his truck.

"Oh, uh, no this is great thanks," he stuttered and turned his attention back to driving. Okayyy...?

As always, we got to school just before the bell rang resulting in us sprinting to our lockers and then first hour chemistry class.

"Nice to see you two chose to show up. I guess better late than never." It was normal to get scolded when you showed up to an advanced class late; however, it wasn't normal to get stared at and ridiculed by the other students.

There was usually an understanding and a sort of empathy shown for those who unfortunately came in after the bell but today was different. All their eyes followed Ryan and I as we took our seats and didn't end there. I could hear the group behind us whispering but it wasn't loud enough for me to eavesdrop.

Soon, a notebook slid across the tabletop in my direction.

Ignore them.

Why are they watching us? People are late all the time.



We came in late – together.

So? We walk in together every day Ryan.

Becs you're wearing one of my shirts... and my sweatshirt...


I was too embarrassed to even lift my head although I could feel everyone's eyes on me. One pair felt more piercing than the others, and those gray eyes were coming from the handsome guy to my left.

They look good on you, and who cares what they think? I'm fine with letting them assume ;)

Blushing profusely, I sent him a shy smile before pushing his notebook back towards him.

The rest of the class went by quickly without care of my nosey peers. Nobody in the school, besides Landon and obviously Alex, knew that I was living with the Bradley's so the rumors shouldn't get too vile.


I had an 'art exam' for third hour art class. I've been air-quoting it because all we had to do was paint something with a partner while listening to a certain song; something about testing your ability of portraying your feelings on canvas. Kate agreed to be my partner and she was a much, much, much better artist than me. I felt bad that my poor brush strokes had to appear on the same surface as hers.

After that easy A, I had history and then lunch.

Melissa and Isabelle sat on the opposite end of the circular table as me. They whispered and sniggered to one another while I sat there quietly, waiting for others to show up so I wouldn't feel so awkward.

"Hey Becs. How was your 'art exam'?" Ryan even used the air quotes since we both knew that class was a total joke.

I answered him with a shrug.

"It was good. How was your morning?" Ryan's brows raised in slight confusion at my tone but soon masked it with happiness.

"It was good. Boring though. Hey, Becca, I know you didn't decide on coming to the game or not yet, but if you decide to... could you, uh..."

He looked so cute all nervous like that and I decided I'd let him stutter until getting it out. It wasn't too often the big, strong man blushed in embarrassment.

"Um..." his hand ran through his hair, "Would you wear my jersey?"

Everybody at our table stopped their own conversations and turned to look at us. Landon flashed me a quick sideways smirk before returning to his pizza. Kate and Mason had knowing smiles plastered on their faces. Then there was Mel and Izzy. They had scowls. Like deep, wrinkling your forehead so much it may permanently stay that way scowls.

"Yeah," I said nonchalantly even though I was jumping up and down with excitement in my head. Ryan was slowly getting closer to the idea of us two being together. I mean first with the whole winky face on his note this morning and now he wants me to wear his jersey?!

He didn't hide his excitement as a wide smile broke out on his face, showcasing his perfectly straight teeth. Leaning closer, he whispered into my ear: "I'll give you it when we get home. I think Landon would take you to the game if you asked nicely."

I rolled my eyes and turned to Landon who was already nodding his head yes. Hmm... wonder if they planned that out ahead of time.

The rest of lunch went by quickly with small talk all around the table about a party that apparently occurs after every home football game. Biology goes by just as fast because we got to watch an actual video today instead one of the teacher's pre-recorded lectures and we got let out a few minutes early so I didn't have to rush to change for gym class like I normally do. I'm quietly changing in my little section of the locker room when I hear more people come in just seconds after the previous class should have ended.

"Can you believe Ryan would have any interest in that?" It sounded like Mel's voice but she wasn't even in this class!

"Don't worry babe. He'll come running back to you when he realizes how good he had it." That was Izzy for sure. Her voice was always overly loud.

There was an over exaggerated and very whiney sigh followed by a nasally voice. "I just don't get what's taking him so long. Why is he wasting his time on that freak!?"

I assume they've been talking about me the whole time so I'm glad the locker-room had separate aisles and that I took one in the back.

"Mel just relax. She's nothing special so just let this run its course and you'll have him back."

I already knew it was Melissa's nasally voice but at least it was confirmed now. The locker room started to fill up quickly so I waited until Izzy's obnoxiously loud voice couldn't be heard anymore and snuck out of my hiding place to head to the gym, only to be yanked back by my arm.

"Stay away from Ryan, bitch. He's mine. Got it?" Mel's grip tightened and her dragon lady nails were slowly clawing their way through the first layer of my skin.

"Answer me."

I got thrown into a minor flashback of Kirk saying the exact same thing whenever I didn't respond right away so I started nodding my head profusely.

"Good," she sneered and let go of my arm. "I'm not going to warn you again." With that, she disappeared into the hallway while I walked the opposite way into the gymnasium.

"There you are Becca. Took you long enough," said Landon before noticing my expression. "Hey what's wrong?" I snapped myself out of it quickly and tried to cover up what he just saw in my eyes.

"Oh nothing. Just daydreaming."

He nodded his head slowly, knowing I was lying but didn't press the issue. We partnered up for the rest of gym class and hung out with Mason in math. Soon, the day was over and I was hopping onto the back of Landon's bike for another grueling self-defense session.


"Can we please take a break," I was whining but after a half hour of constantly forcing my already sore muscles to move, I wanted to be done. He knew I was working hard, especially with the sweat falling off my face and soaking through my shirt.

"Ten minutes," he said sharply. "But, you have to tell me what was bothering you before gym class."

"You're blackmailing me?" I joked with my hands resting on my hips.

"It's called making a deal sweetheart. So, you going to tell me or are we going to learn some kicks?"

"Fine, kicks," I said grumpily and got in the stance he taught me not too long ago.

Landon's face fell and he looked more sad than angry. "Seriously Becca?"

"It was nothing." He moved closer to me and stared right into my eyes with his midnight black ones.

"Don't lie. There was obviously a reason you came out of the locker-room looking like you'd seen a ghost." He crossed his arms and his muscles strained to show he meant business.

Looking down at my old sneakers, I quietly told him about what happened with Mel which led to a little flashback and his arms immediately unfolded and hung at his sides.

"Becca next time just tell me. She's not a nice person and that's why Ryan got rid of her." My head snapped up at the mention of Ryan's name.

"Please don't tell him."


"Landon please don't. It didn't mean anything, I'm not afraid of some girl." I was really trying to convince him. I didn't want Ryan to think I was trying to plot against his ex-girlfriend or anything crazy like that.

"You'll tell him though right?" he asked.

"Yeah. If she does anything again I'll tell him," I said clearly so he wouldn't catch on to my fib.

"Okay. Five minutes for a water break and we'll get back to it."


I couldn't have possibly been more excited to leave the stinky gym than when I saw Ryan's old red truck pull into the parking lot. Just as I was about to reach out for the door handle, Landon pulled me back.

"I won't tell Ryan but I think it's best if you talked to him about this. Melissa can be a real bitch sometimes and it'd be a good idea if you talked about it okay?"

I nodded my head as he sent me a sad smile before opening the truck door for me.

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