Chapter 113

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I woke up when there was a light tap at my door and first noticed Ryan sleeping right next to me all huddled in my blanket and rest his hand on my head where he was playing with my hair before.

"Aw look how cute!" Kate whispered and snuck through the door quietly with Mason right behind her. "How are you feeling!? You're definitely looking better..." Mason rolled his eyes with a smile and took the seat next to the bed before poking Ryan who just stirred a bit and snuggled up next to me sweetly, not quite waking up yet.

"I'm feeling much better. I can't wait to go home though." Kate nodded and carefully sat on the edge of the bed.

"I brought some nail polish and hair stuff if you wanted to do any of that – otherwise we can just watch TV or hang out. Up to you!" I felt my smile before my brain even made up its mind.

"I'd love to but you'll have to help."

"Of course!" Kate was no longer whispering (I mean come on... it is Kate) and Ryan's gray eyes flew open. He took in the room before turning back to me with a lazy smile.

"Hey," he whispered – ignoring the fact that Kate and Mason are in the room with us.

"Hi." He leaned forward and kissed my lips softly.

"That was a good nap," he said and I smiled. "I guess I have to get up now though huh?"

"You think? Big weirdo," Mason mumbled from his chair.

"Alright, well I love you." He kissed my lips again quick and then climbed out of the bed taking all his warmth with him.

"So, a braid?" Kate said excitedly while holding up some hair ties and a brush. I nodded happily and she got to work.

Mason and Ryan chatted about football and how the coach was glad to hear everything's good now though he wished Ryan said something to him before, and then he wouldn't have been so upset at him for missing practices. Kate did my hair and nails, painting her own afterwards as we watched some sad lifetime movie on the television. Thankfully, Matt came in and chatted to everyone before allowing me to have pizza that the group was planning on ordering in. I couldn't wait to actually eat! Ryan joked that he should order an entire pizza just for me but I seriously might need it.

Mason and Kate stayed until about seven since they had school tomorrow and had to drive back home tonight. I almost forgot about the real world and school!

"Aren't you going to school tomorrow?" I asked Ryan after he snuggled up next to me once everyone left.

"No. I'm staying with you." That was sweet but it was already my fault he missed so much...

"Ryan, you should really go to school. You are going to be behind and it will be completely my fault."

"Becs don't be ridiculous. It isn't your fault and I'll catch up fast anyways."

"But you'll have to help me once I go back so you can't be behind!" He tucked some hair behind my ear since he couldn't run his hands through my braid.

"I want to stay with you Becs. I missed you so much when you were gone, I don't want to leave."

"I know. What if you stay the night and just go for classes then come back? I don't want you to miss anymore Ryan. Matt will be here anyways so he can help me if I have any problems." I know his mind flashed to when we showered together because he growled at the fact of Matt helping me. I brought my hand up slowly to caress his jaw-line that was full of brown stubble. "You can stay if you want, I just feel bad keeping you from school and practice and stuff."

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