Chapter 64

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"You'd think you were never going to see him again by the way he acted," Bentley said with a light giggle from the aisle seat next to me.

"I know but it's just him caring."

I peer out the window and contemplate the idea of telling Bentley my back story since we've been getting closer every day. I'll probably keep out the details of my real parents but it's a good idea for her to know about Kirk especially if anything were to happen today...

"So, Bentley," I start with a shaky breath and look to see I already have her undivided attention, "The reason everyone – especially Ryan – act so protective over me is because of my step-father. To make a very long story short: my dad died when I was younger, my mom remarried and later passed away as well – taking my unborn half-sibling with her and leaving me alone with Kirk." Bentley's hand gingerly reached out and grasped mine.

"You don't have to tell me Becca. Believe me, I know about troubled pasts."

"No, it's okay. I'd rather get this out in the open... Anyways, he wasn't always so horrible towards me. When my mom was alive he more or less ignored me but after she died he sees her in me and it frustrated him. Eventually it turned into hatred and this need to make me feel horrible, or him powerful, I'm honestly not sure." I pause to look at her and show my emotion for my new friends on my face. "Ryan and Landon were always suspicious I think. I came to school with sweatshirts on when it was way too warm and was jumpy with certain sounds and movements. Ryan saved me one really bad night and brought me to the hospital. Since then, I've been living at the Bradley's and never leave the house without either a Landon, Alex, or Ryan chaperone."

Bentley was silent for a few seconds, just taking in all the information and putting together the pieces I'd left out.

"So, this is kind of a huge deal that he trusts us two alone in the big city huh?" she asks and I nod. "Well that explains the long goodbye then."

"I don't think he tries to make it seem overbearing, especially to those who don't know the back story..." Bentley cuts me off.

"No Becca. Don't apologize. You two were always a little more affectionate than I thought you'd be with not knowing each other for very long, but I understand. I already knew he was a good person but I have a newfound respect for him now... What about Landon? How does he fit in to all of this?"

Smiling wide, I respond: "I love Landon like a brother, Bentley, he's all yours." She blushes profusely but keeps a sly grin on her red face. I also notice that she doesn't try to fight the apparent attraction she feels towards him.


Right when we arrive at the mall, I shoot Ryan a text saying we've arrived early and to wish him luck. I'm surprised to get a response so quickly.


|Becca Hanson > Ryan – 6:16pm|

Sent: Hey babe. We made it to the mall and will check in every so often. I miss you and wish I was at the game... Kick some butt Bradley!!!

Received: I sure will try beautiful ;)

Received: Stay safe.


I feel my face heating up a little from his little term of endearment and Bentley notices but thankfully doesn't say anything. Tucking my phone into my back pocket, I enter the huge mall and have to contemplate where we should shop.

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