Chapter 34

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"You guys are going shopping, right?" Landon asked as soon as Becca left the room.

"That was the plan."

"Well I'm going to get some more sleep but I'll see you guys at Mason's later."

I grabbed some jeans, socks, and a t-shirt before nodding my head and heading to Becca's room so he could sleep. After getting dressed, I made the bed and lounged around until Becca returned. She blushed when she realized I was in her room and she only wore a towel. I kind of liked seeing her flustered so I let her panic a little bit before I got up.

"I'll leave so you can get dressed."

"Thanks," she replied with a rush of relieved air.


We've been walking around the mall aimlessly for about twenty minutes and Becca won't decide where she wants to shop.

"Just pick a place Becs!" I'm really trying to remain calm and not rush her but as a guy, it's really frustrating to shop and not know what you're looking for. She's been looking forward to getting some new clothes just to have variety in her wardrobe.

"I don't know where to go! I've never been to this mall before Ryan." Becca was starting to get frustrated with my attitude as well. I think her small hangover doesn't help either so I better take a breath and start this day over before we both end up extremely cranky.

"Sorry," I mumble but reach to grasp her hand in mine, "What kind of things do you want to shop for? I can tell you the stores that have those."

She sweetly smiles and exhales like I did a little bit ago to calm down.

"Thank you," she whispers and stares at the ground. "I really would like to get, uhm, some..." I chuckle at her awkwardness.

"Just spit it out."

"Bras. I only have the one and I think that might be top priority for me right now."

"Alright," I gripped her hand tighter when she tried to pull away with embarrassment. "Did you have a store in mind?" I know there's a ton of different places to shop for them and I didn't want to bring her anywhere she didn't want to go.

"Just the closest one to here," she mumbled cutely.

I led her a few strides to the right and stopped in front of Victoria's Secret. This was literally the closest and would most likely be my choice if she wanted me to pick; I mean hey, I am an eighteen-year-old male.

"What! It was the closest! We can go somewhere else if you want," I say, defending myself once I caught the noticeable look of annoyance and shock Becca had plastered on her face.

"No this is fine," she huffed and attempted to unhook her hand from mine. "Ryan, you aren't coming in with me. Go sit on that bench until I'm done." She ripped her hand away and pointed to a seat that was in the aisle of the mall. Before I could even think about arguing with my feisty girl, she disappeared into the store and I was left standing alone like a dork.

I trudged over to the bench and plopped down to wait.

It's been over a half hour and I'm beginning to become bored out of my mind so I start texting Mason.

|Ryan Bradley > Mason - 11:10am|
Sent: So I hear you're having people over tonight... glad I got the invite.
Received: Oh shut up. Kate said she texted Becca so why would I have to invite you separately?
Sent: Yeah yeah. We'll be there.
Received: I figured. I think we're just gonna order in for dinner.
Sent: Sounds good.

"What're you doing?"

I jumped about a mile and the pretty girl sitting next to me started laughing uncontrollably.

"How long have you been sitting there!?"

"Just a few minutes," Becca said between laughs.

Rubbing a hand down my face I turned towards her and asked: "Get anything good?"

"Yeah," she replied while rolling her eyes. "I spent way too much money in there though. I need to get a job." I realize that I have been so stupid!

"Becca, do you need money?" She looked almost offended so I quickly tried to explain what I meant. "I don't know how to say it so that it doesn't sound weird but if you need money I can give you some or..." My hand went back to scratch the back of my neck and I sighed loudly. "I just, it's just, I know I kind of took you away from your home and didn't really give you a chance to bring what you needed to my house."

My rambling was cut off when two small hands wrapped around the bicep of my arm that was scratching the back of my neck like a madman.

"Ryan. First, it's very kind of you to offer but I have a little bit of money in a bank account from my mom that Kirk doesn't have access to. Second, you didn't take me away from my home. That place along with the multiple places before it had never made me think of home. You saved me from that hellhole and helped me find a home with you." She stopped talking, surprised at what she just said and before I knew it I was kissing her. It wasn't rushed but it also wasn't slow. It was perfect and felt just like she explained. Home.


We shopped around at a few more stores and I even bought some things before stopping at home to drop our bags off.

"I want to change quick. Be down in two seconds." Becca sprinted up the flight of stairs with all her bags in tow while I just set mine on the floor near the doorway. I could bring them up later.

"Hey bring your blanket!" I yelled up and got a grunt in response.

A few minutes later she came down the stairs and threw the blanket at me from halfway. I caught it but quickly set it down since it was blocking my view of her.

"B-Becs you look great!" I stutter and feel myself blush but didn't look away. She was wearing some tight black leggings that clung to her perfect shaped ass and one of my football t-shirts tied at the side. Her long black hair was in a messy bun, which I would prefer down so I could run my fingers through it, and her feet were showing off a brand-new pair of Nike's.

"Thanks," she mumbled while whipping on one of my hoodies.

"We forgot to get you a coat." But Becca shrugged.

"I don't mind this."

Picking up the blanket in one hand and digging my keys out of my pocket with the other, we walked towards the truck and to the driver side door. Since I just have bench seating, Becca got into the habit of climbing through my door and sliding to her own seat.

"Who's all going to be there?" Becca asked in a quiet voice just as I was pulling out of the driveway. I flashed my eyes towards her before turning them back to the road.

"Probably our lunch table. That's who is usually there when we get together."

She didn't answer so I kept sneaking glances to try and figure out what was going on in that pretty, little head. The rest of the short ride remained silent and when I shut off my truck, we continued to sit there in the quiet.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly without turning to look at Becca.

I hear her take a shaky breath before replying.

"It's nothing."

Turning and grasping her hands to run my thumbs across the top, I give her a look.

"Becs come on. Tell me what's bothering you."

She seems hesitant but finally answers. "I'm just not comfortable around Izzy and Mel..."

"Becs I won't leave your side tonight okay? Besides, they should get used to the idea of me having a girlfriend," I sneak in that last part with a smirk and can't wait to see her reaction.

"G-g-girlfriend!?!" Her blue eyes are wide but her mouth is upturned the slightest bit, showing her excitement.

"Well yeah, if she'll have me." I can't say anymore because Becca launches herself at me. Her face is tucked into my neck but I can make out the muffled words she says next.

"Are you sure?"

Pulling her away, I cup her beautiful face in my hands and look her in the eyes.

"Becca of course I'm sure. Why wouldn't I want to date the most amazing girl I've ever met. I should be asking you if you're sure!"

She grins and gives me a small peck before squeezing me in a tight hug.

"Alright come on you doof. Let's go watch some movies," I say and help her out of the truck. I tuck the blanket under my arm and grab Becca's hand with my free hand before we make our way up to Mason's front door as a couple.

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