Chapter 109

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I woke up to Ryan's hands massaging my feet and up to my calves before running back down again. It felt amazing until I remembered I haven't shaved in God knows how long.

"Ryan! My legs are probably so hairy!" I screeched. The sound was more annoying than usual since I hadn't talked in forever as well and the words struggled to get out. He jumped at my reaction but then gripped my leg a bit tighter so I wouldn't tear it away.

"Becs you can talk! I didn't think that'd be the first thing out of your mouth," he laughed.

"Ryan I'm serious!"

"Babe I don't care how hairy your legs are right now, I just want to hold you or something but I can't so this will have to work." He was so adorable and if he claimed not to care then what the hell, why should I care either?

We only sat in our quiet little bubble for a few content minutes before a nurse plowed through the door making me flinch. Ryan glared at the young man so he shied away a bit and spoke softly.

"The police would like to question you, Ms. Hanson, as soon as possible."

"We spoke to her doctor about waiting until after she's eaten and everything got checked out again," Ryan practically barked at the nurse.

"I understand. I can let the police know you'd like to reschedule, please hold on a moment – they're right in the lobby." The nurse scurried out of the room and I nudged Ryan with my foot.

"That was rude."

"Becs, I haven't seen that guy in here once since you've been at this hospital. Now he suddenly comes in and says you have to talk to the cops right now?! You haven't even had your voice for more than ten minutes!" He tried to get off the bed and pace around but I kept my feet on his lap using the little strength I had without straining my upper body. He must have realized and sat back but ran a hand through his hair and scrubbed at the back of his neck. "Hun, I just want you to have it easy for a little bit. You always had to worry and now you're still recuperating and already have to deal with something else."

"I know, but I'd rather just get it over with so we can move on, Ryan." He sighed and stopped pulling at his neck.

"Alright. I'll go talk to the nurse." I whimpered once he got off the bed so he rolled his eyes but still leaned down to kiss me. "Are you sure you want to do it right now?" I nodded and off he went to apologize to the nurse he'd been so brusque with earlier. I really wasn't looking forward to retelling what had happened, especially in front of Ryan – he didn't need to hear the details, but it would be nice to get it out of the way so we can move on. My past has dragged us down for long enough and I couldn't wait to put it behind me.


Ryan was sitting next to me in the uncomfortable chair, holding my hand as two police men walked in behind a man introduced to me as Will, Hannah's dad and a good cop that helped Ryan track me down.

"Becca, it's so nice to see you up and at em!" Will cheered excitedly before taking a seat on the doctor's swivel chair and making himself comfortable. "This is Officer Torrez and Officer Bloomer," he introduced. The female nodded being ever professional but Officer Torrez moved forward to shake my hand along with Ryan's.

"You can call me Jacob," he said with a kind smile. "So how this will work is..." he looked around the room and motioned for Ryan's chair. "Can I grab that seat for my partner? She's going to be writing stuff down and I'll ask the questions." Ryan gave up the seat but remained by my side. "Please, if you'd like to sit by Rebecca it's fine with me."

"Thank you." Ryan took a seat near my feet again and sent me a sweet smile. He liked this cop so at least that might help him relax a bit.

"Alright," Jacob leaned against the wall and casually started his interview, probably to seem less intimidating. "For legality purposes I need you to state the first and last name of your stepfather."

I cleared my throat and tried to speak clearly. "Kirk Logans." My voice shook a bit and Ryan gently ran a hand along my shin bone since he couldn't hold my hand.

"I want to jump to when you first met him, what was he like? What was his attitude toward you?" I told him the story I'd never told anyone but Ryan and stopped at the part where I was rescued by the incredible man sending me looks of encouragement.

"Thank you for sharing that with us, I know it can't be easy." Jacob said with an empathetic smile. "What has happened between moving to the Bradley's residence and your kidnapping on Saturday?"

I'd started getting a little emotional during my story and couldn't quite catch my breath with my new injuries so Ryan butted in for me.

"Is it alright if I explain to give Becca a break?" Officer Torrez looked to Will who nodded and gave the okay.

"He's reliable – one hundred percent," Will stated confidently and Ryan began.

"Well, Kirk started with some text messages about how we would find her and bring her back... I kept the screenshots on my own phone so we could set up a restraining order on him after her eighteenth birthday... it's a long story." Jacob interrupted for further clarification but Will explained for us.

"Kirk Logans is a state attorney who spends a lot of time down at the police department in Rochester where I work. There are a few men there that he's become accompanied with and I know of two who were working with Kirk during the kidnapping if not before... Ryan and Becca were afraid that if they went to the cops for a restraining order before her eighteenth birthday, that they'd get one of Kirk's guys and Becca would wind up back in his clutches."

"And if she got a decent cop her chances of CPS butting in would take her away from Ryan," Jacob guessed.

"Yes. Ryan wanted her with him so he could watch over her and keep Kirk as far away as possible."

"So you kept these messages on your phone since day one?" Jacob asked Ryan.

"Yes. They went from I guess menacing to creepy..." All three officers in the room crooked their eyebrows so Ryan continued and explained how Kirk started texting about how my jeans looked or how he'd buy me nice things too if I did him favors.

"Besides text messages were there any other forms of harassment before Saturday?"

"Yes, he showed up to school and parked out front near the end of the day once. He came to a few of my football games looking for her – including an away game. It wasn't until he saw us in the grocery store that he knew she was staying with me... that weekend I took her to my brothers' place while my parents upgraded our alarm system. Kirk showed up at our house twice, knocking on the door once and asking for Becca."

"He came to your house?" Jacob seemed surprised at the revelation. We both nodded as he tried to hide his shock. "So he definitely had stalker like tendencies you'd say?" We nodded again. "This combined with his actions prior to Rebecca moving in with you, Ryan, will make a compelling case. You shouldn't have a problem in the litigations."

"Where is Kirk right now?" Ryan asked thoughtfully. I know he still worried and probably would until the day Kirk dies.

"He's in the Olympia county jail until the court date. If we can wrap this up without any issues we can send him to the Washington State Prison as soon as tomorrow," Will explained and the relief was evident on Ryan's face.

"I'm grateful for what the two of you have given us so far, but I need to know specifically what went on from Saturday to Tuesday," Officer Torrez said. "Ryan, if you could please step out of the room."

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