Chapter 101

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Kirk came in this morning and did his usual thing: a kick here, a punch there, pulled my hair and yelled – all while I was tied to this goddamn chair.

"You're such a stupid little bitch! If you would have just stayed with me your punishment wouldn't have been so bad Rebecca." He stopped and looked sad for a second but the glare came back just as quick. "You trying to run was the worst mistake you could've made."

"Th-this is my p-punishment?" I managed to squeak out because I knew he was waiting for me to say something. A fist hit my ribs harder than anything I've ever felt before and I could feel the crack throughout my entire body. An intense amount of pain radiated through my lungs and it instantly because harder to breathe.

"Shut up," and with that, he left.

He said he'd be back and then two men visited me in police uniforms. I thought they were there to rescue me but it became clear that they were working with Kirk when one kicked my shin so hard my rickety chair fell over. The piece of crap splintered and the pain in my shoulders slowly lessened since the strain of being tied so tight had a moment of release; however, the pain in my lungs was much worse. I discovered the ropes were still around my wrists but at least my ankles were mostly free so I could at least wiggle my feet.

"I'm Max, this is Evan," the kicker stated in a menacing voice. "Kirk had to run some errands but we were told to come and let you use the restroom quickly. He wants you to freshen up a bit – you're starting to smell." I shouldn't have been embarrassed but I was – I didn't know how long I was tied up for but it had been much longer than my bladder could take. Max roughly grabbed my hair and lifted me to my feet while I shrieked in pain. "Shut up," he said and rolled his eyes. The other man, Evan, seemed a little nicer and grabbed my arm to steady me.

"You'll have fifteen minutes and after that you have to be back in the room." His voice was still terse but he seemed almost sympathetic for me. I would never trust him since he's obviously working with Kirk and Max, but I would take what I could get and not throw away his messed-up compassion even if it's misguided.

I was thrown into a disgusting bathroom and one of the guys behind me untied the rope on my wrists. Searing pain shot up my arms when the tight rope revealed that it had cut past a few layers of my skin within my time being tied up. The little bathroom had a sink and a toilet with a broken mirror hanging on the door. There was no soap, towels, or extra clothing but I got to work using what I had. My dress was already ripped near the thigh so I tore a chunk off as a make shift rag. I washed my whole body with the cold water and actually felt somewhat refreshed when I was finished. Gingerly rinsing off my face, I saw a jagged cut running right along my cheekbone with a nasty bruise forming around it. I wanted to braid my hair but I knew it would just be easier for these pricks to grab and I didn't need another thing they could use to their advantage so I let the straggly strands flow down my back.

"Two minutes!" I rushed to finish up my makeshift shower and sent a quick prayer that Ryan find me quickly... there had to have been a reason to let me freshen up.


I always hated being popular. I despised the extra attention and so did Becca. When I walked through the doors of Rochester High on Tuesday morning, it was like time stood still. There wasn't a single eye in the hallway that didn't turn and stare at me with sympathy on their faces – I hated it. Nobody gave a shit when Becca was here but all of a sudden they wanted to be there for her, it was crap!

"I'm sorry Ryan," Alex apologized. "Word got out when we were looking for her at the party and then we hung flyers literally everywhere yesterday."

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