Chapter 3

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Becca is the first person I see when I get to the open cafeteria. Adamant on sitting next to her, I walk past my usual table, only to trip on Landon's foot.

"Dick!" I half chuckle, stumbling while he laughs.

"Moving up to the smarter people?"

"No, I'm just going to go sit with her so she's not by herself. You can come if you want."

"Nah. Have fun," he says and nods towards Becca.

Her beautiful blue eyes widen when she notices me reaching for the seat next to her.

"Is this seat taken?"

She shakes her head, causing her long hair to whisk around subtlety. As I sit, I realize majority of the people in the cafeteria are staring. Is it really that weird that I'm sitting at a new lunch table? Apparently it's not something the nosey, judgmental onlookers thought they would see based on their gaping mouths. Landon flashes a grin from a few tables over and I shoot back a weird look that I hope translates to 'leave me alone.'

Ignoring the annoying spectators and turning my attention to Becca, I notice she's not eating but is instead looking down at her food, pushing it around with a plastic fork.

"I can't stand the food here. That's why I pack a lunch," I mention and she jumps at the sound of my voice. "Here, I usually pack two sandwiches so you can have this one if you want."

"Why do you pack two sandwiches?" she asks innocently before scanning my broad chest, muscular arms, and six-foot three frame. I think she just answered her own question.

"I have one with turkey and one with ham. Take your pick."

"Turkey please. Thank you."

I hand her the sandwich that's packed with lettuce, cheese, mayo, and about half a pound of turkey before taking out my own. She surprises me when she practically has the whole thing gone at the same time as me.

"Good?" I ask, a little late since there are only a few bites left.

"Very. Thanks again."

Her blue eyes connect with my mine as she flashes a dimpled smile. I'm stuck in a minor daze until I awkwardly mutter, "You're welcome."

The bell blares signaling the end of lunch and Becca starts to leave, tray in hand, until I gently grasp her elbow.

"Walk to Bio with me?"

She bashfully nods and I follow her to her locker, smiling just at the fact that there aren't any books on her top shelf where she'd struggle to reach them. We quickly stop at my locker too before heading to Mrs. Pollens' class.


Before I know it, I'm heading out to the football field with Mason for after-school practice.

"What's up with you and that Becca chick?" he asks while running a hand through his blonde hair.

I shrug with an: "I don't know."

"She's hot," Mason claims, which I follow with a swift shove to his shoulder.

"Alright boys, huddle up!" shouts Coach Klugg.

We go through a grueling practice, but the torture finally ends and Mason drops me off at home before jetting off to Kate's. I jog up the stairs, peel off my sweaty clothes, and head straight to the shower. Jumping in while the water is still cold, I clean off quickly and rethink today's interactions with Becca.

She's extremely introverted to the point that I've never actually seen her talk to anyone else at school. I was thankful that it seems she's opening up to me after just a few days even though she always seems so cautious and afraid. When she had that minor incident in chemistry, I had absolutely no idea what to do. My mind was still searching for any reason that a glass shattering would render such a strong reaction.

I finish up my hasty shower and bolt downstairs just in time for our weekly family dinner.

Since we are an aging family of six, and my mother complained of never seeing us anymore, she decided that one day a week we have to eat supper together. Both my parents leave work early, Matt and Mike drive over from their apartment in the city, and Alex and I come straight home after our practices.

As I'm the last to sit down, my mother silently scolds me for running late. While we all proceed to shove our faces with a home cooked meal, we go around the table talking about what we did in the past week. If you don't have anything of interest, you either face mom's wrath or basically talk about anything you can think of to fill the five-minute void before it's the next person's turn. I have a hard time listening to everyone's stories but catch some main points: Mike met a girl, that's not new since he 'meets' a different girl every week; Matt got a promotion so his scheduling will start being more consistent compared to before; and Alex is now the record holder for the forty-yard dash on the track team, which I'd already heard when it was announced over the school's loudspeaker. When it gets to my turn, I can't think of much to share.

"Uh, schools good. I like all my classes. So far biology and chemistry are the most interesting."

Alex stares at me with an obnoxious grin before adding: "Yeah because Rebecca is in that class. I noticed you sat with her at lunch too. What's up with that?"

"Who's Rebecca?" my mother wastes no time probing into my personal life.

"If she looks anything like Mel, nice work little brother," says Mike.

Matt rolls his eyes. "If she acts anything like Mel, you're an idiot."

I turn to my dad for backup, but he just keeps eating, seemingly uninterested in the inquisitive turn of events at the dinner table.

"Well?" My mother is growing impatient.

"Becca is new to school and she's my chemistry partner," I say to my mom before turning to Alex. "I was sitting with her at lunch because she was by herself." Looking at Matt and Mike I continue, "And she acts nothing like Mel and is a thousand times more beautiful. Any more questions?"

They all stared at me with various expressions so I just went back to eating my chicken and rice. The conversation finally moved away from the topic of Becca, and I relaxed myself even though I didn't realize I had gotten so tense. What is this girl doing to me?

(Final - 8/3/19)

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