Chapter 21

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About an hour into doing homework, my bedroom door flew open so hard that it hit the wall behind it. Becca got so startled and flinched which caused her to fall backwards off the bed and smack her head against the wall.

"Becs!" I reached down and helped her up while she rubbed the back of her head. She sat right next to me, unsure of what to expect from the stranger at my door. My head turned back to reveal Mike looking confused as hell.

"What the fuck Mike!? Are you trying to give us a heart attack?!" I kind of freaked out at him.

"Well for the record I didn't know you had a girl in here," he responded cheekily. "Alex just said not to go in your room so I figured you'd be jerking off or something and wanted to embarrass you but this works too!"

Becca immediately started blushing profusely but she doesn't know Mike yet. After spending today with him she will get used to his brash behavior.

"Really Mike? I can't believe you're the oldest," I said while rolling my eyes and finishing my homework problem I as working on.

"Well since my charming brother here won't introduce us... I'm Michael." He held out a hand for Becca and put on his famous smolder which, and I quote, 'has all the girls' panties dropping' according to him.

She looked at me first and then back at Mike before shaking his hand. "Becca."

"Will you be joining us for lunch Becca?" he asked while still holding her hand.

"Of course she will you idiot," I state before prying her hand away and setting it on my lap, causing Mike's eyebrows to rise.

"How does that make me an idiot?"

"Wait mom didn't tell you guys?"

"Mom didn't tell me what?"


"Ryan." I knew it pissed him off when there was a secret he wasn't a part of and I would have put him out of his misery except Becca gently squeezed my thigh and leaned into me.

"She'll tell you at lunch then. Now excuse us, we'll be down in a minute." I turn to Becca and ignore Mike until he leaves. "Is your head alright? Did you hit it hard?"

"It's fine. Is that Matt's twin?" she seemed confused.

"Yes. Mike is the older twin and completely different than the rest of us if you can't tell."

"I can tell," was all she said before standing and holding her hand out for me so we could head downstairs together.


Becca met my entire family and obviously everyone got along with her since she's amazing. Mike flirted with her endlessly, even when she was standing right next to me. Matt chatted with her for a while about medical things I'm assuming and my mother was so excited to have another girl in the house. My dad was working this morning but would stop home for lunch before heading back to the office. He is always quiet but I know he discussed Becca's living situation with my mom and was fine with it. I kept checking my phone for Landon's fabric pics but he must not have gotten there yet.

Matt finally pulled me aside to discuss Becca's 'episode' from before and Mike didn't waste any time swooping in to talk to her. I nudged Alex to go save her, which he did, and turned back to Matt.

"Has she been acting normal since it happened?" he asked.

"Yea but Mike stupidly scared her before and she hit her head on the wall kind of hard."

"Jesus what a fucking idiot. Well, keep an eye on her okay? If she passes out again I will start to worry but I think it was just a late reaction from the stress."


"Ryan," he said seriously and lowered his voice so only I could hear. "Has she been talking to you about what happened? I want her to talk to somebody whether it be a therapist or..."

I cut him off. "Yea she told me."

He looks shocked. "How long have you known her?"

Usually Matt isn't so inquisitive and he just trusts you so the question didn't bother me as much as it would have if anyone else asked.

"Only for a few weeks but she's different."

He stares at me for a few seconds. "I get it; just be careful with her okay?"

I nod and hug my brother. He used to be engaged to a beautiful girl who was in the same medical program as him. They fell in love instantly and whenever I asked him how he knew he was in love he said, 'she's different.' I never understood until now just how 'different' one person could make you feel but I get it. I don't know how Matt stayed so strong without the person that meant the most to him.

Amber died in a car accident a little over a year ago and I know it crushed him but he never showed it. We pulled away from each other, ending our hug, when my phone went off.

|Ryan Bradley > Lan - 12:03pm|
Received: What's her favorite color?
Sent: Red...

I waited for a few minutes before he sent me a few snapshots of fabric options.

|Ryan Bradley > Lan - 12:12pm|
Received: There aren't many choices that are red.
Sent: Go with whatever you think. Something colorful then. And thanks again man, I owe you.
Received: Yeah yeah. I'll be over around 6.

We all ate lunch together and continued chatting. Becca ended up sitting between me and Alex which I was glad for. Mike still didn't know that Becca moved in and I was waiting for my mom to announce it. I wasn't sure how Becca would react being the center of attention for a short period of time but I hoped it wouldn't be bad.

"I would like to formally welcome Becca to our family," my mom started and turned towards Becca. "Honey if you need anything let me know okay? It's going to be so wonderful having another girl in the house!"

"What's going on?" I heard Mike mutter but dad answered him before I could.

"Becca here is moving into the spare room."

"What? Why?" asked Mike.

I was starting to lose my patience even though it wasn't a big deal, I just didn't want Becca to feel awkward.

"I-I've had some stuff going on and Ryan offered," Becca said quietly while shrinking in her seat. I reached under the table and stroked her leg in a relaxing motion.

Mike was about to ask another question but Alex intervened. "Jesus Mike just leave her alone. There's obviously a good reason why Becca is staying here and she'll tell us when she's ready!"

We finished eating in silence and I could tell Becca was still feeling tense. As soon as people started getting up from the table, she bolted upstairs. My parents were already in the kitchen but Matt, Mike, and Alex all noticed her hurried exit.

"Go, I'll clear your plates," Alex said and I went after her.

The door to her room was closed so I knocked softly a few times.

"Becs? Becca can I please come in?" The door slowly opened with a teary-eyed Becca hiding behind it. "Becs," I rushed in and held her to me. "Don't cry. Tell me what's wrong."

"Your family is so nice." Her voice was distorted from crying into my shirt.

"That's why you're crying?" I held her out and dried her tears with my thumbs.

"No. I just feel embarrassed."

"Why are you embarrassed?" I asked while looking into her teary blue eyes.

She shrugs so I sit on the bed and pull towards me so she's standing between my legs, bringing us face to face with the height difference.

"You are an incredible person who is so strong because of what you've been through. Nothing about your story should embarrass you sweetheart. My family won't judge you at all even if you never tell them why you're here and that's okay. I want you here and you want to be here too. That's all that matters okay?" Becca nods and wraps her arms around my neck while mine go around her small waist.

Her door is still open and I spy three nosey brothers standing in the hall, eavesdropping on our private conversation so I glare at them until they scatter.

"Feeling better?" I ask Becca who smiles in response.

"Let's go say goodbye to my brothers then. Landon will be over later so we can just watch some movies until he gets here if you want."

We walk hand in hand to the front door and find that my dad already left to return to work but my older brothers take time to say goodbye to Becca.

"I'll see you later Becca. Remember, you have my number in case anything comes up." Matt gave her a side hug before heading out the door.

Mike walked up awkwardly and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I don't think before I speak. I hope we can kind of start over?"

"Okay," Becca answered immediately.

"Good! I'll catch you later then Becca."

I grabbed Becca's hand and led her to the living room so we could watch some Netflix. Alex and my mom were already browsing through the movies so I figured we could just join them. I plop on one side of our sectional couch and pull her down with me but she moves over so we aren't touching and gives me a look. I ignore her and move her closer to me and put her legs over my lap before draping the blanket from the back of the couch over us.

"They don't care Becs," I whispered in her ear and she let some of the tension leave her body.

After about twenty minutes of scrolling through our movie options, we finally agreed to watch Daddy Daycare. Becca didn't want to watch horror, mom didn't want anything violent, and Alex and I weren't too fond of watching a rated R comedy while in the same room with our mother so that's what we settled on.

Apparently, Becca had never seen this movie before and absolutely got in a giggle fit in the beginning credits when the music pauses so you can hear Eddie Murphy's kid peeing. I smiled at her to let her know how cute she is.


We must have fallen asleep sometime during the movie because I was suddenly being awoken by Landon poking my shoulder.

"Get up lazy, I've been bored all damn day," he huffed but was careful not to wake Becca.

I noticed that she was turned around and her head rested in my lap where her legs were before. I could feel the warmth of her breath hitting my abs through my shirt because of the way she was facing. Her braid was falling out and messy but she looked so beautiful. I snapped my focus back to Landon when I felt myself getting slightly, well, let's say aroused.

"Did you get it?" I asked him regarding the fabric.

"Yep it's in your room."

"Thanks how much do I owe you?"

"Already took it from your wallet bro," he laughed. "It was on your bed. I bought a scissors too, the lady at the counter said you needed a special one."

Landon turned on the old Xbox we kept in the living room (since the newer one was in my room) and tossed me a control.

"You got any food?"

"I bought some snacks but they're in Becca's room in a Walgreen's bag," I reply and he just stares at me. "What?"

"Well I'm not going to go in her room," he says like it's the weirdest thing ever.

"I'm not moving." I emphasize my point by looking down and tucking Becca's stray hair behind her ear.

Landon sighs. "Where is it?"

"I don't know but there's like almost nothing in there so you should see it right away."

He came back downstairs quickly with the junk food and we started playing Call of Duty. Our whisper yells progressively became louder and when he killed me my body must have flinched from all the excitement. Becca's eyes flew open wide but soon recognition kicked in and she sent me a lazy smile.

"Did you have a good nap?"

"Yeah," she almost moaned while stretching. Surprised by Landon's presence, she jumped and blushed before awkwardly waving at him. He smiled and started another game so Becca grabbed a bag of non-sour cream and onion chips and leaned back to rest her feet in my lap.

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