Chapter 14

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Matt strolls back in after a few minutes of us sitting like that.

"Alright, Becca. We have a few things to do. First, stitch up that cut and get the others butterflied closed; second, x-ray your chest and head to ensure nothing's broken; and third, do some concussion tests on you just to be sure everything's good." She nods her head and he continues: "I would like for you to stay overnight to monitor your vitals, especially your breathing. It seems shallow right now from the rib injuries I believe you've been dealing with for a while now."

The second Becca looked at me, I could tell what she was thinking through her eyes.

"I'll be here," I assured her. I would never leave her alone.

"Now that that's settled," said Matt, "I need to take you to a few different rooms to fix you up alright? I'm really sorry but Ryan can't come with you for this part but I'm positive he will still be here when you get back." Becca turns to me and I nod in agreement with my brother. She still looked a little frightened.

"Becs, Matt will take good care of you. I promise I wouldn't leave you alone with anybody that I don't trust one hundred percent alright?" She seems to believe me because they both head out into the hallway shortly after.

I take the time alone to check my phone. It's been almost two hours since I got here with Becca and I haven't updated my mother or Landon at all.

I see two missed calls from my mom and a few texts from Landon. The last one was sent over an hour ago.

|Ryan Bradley > Lan - 8:14pm|
Received: I just got here.
Received: What room is she in?
Received: Ryan?
Received: They won't let me up anyways... I'll be in the lobby.
Received: Is everything okay?

I shoot him a text saying I will meet him in the lobby soon and call my mom on the way there.

"Ryan Francis! You said it wasn't that serious! How come I haven't heard from you in two hours! I've been worried!" Her voice came screaming through the phone so loudly that I had to pull it away from my face.

"Ma!" I interject, cutting her off, "She's okay. Matt took her back for some stitches, x-rays, and a concussion test."

"Oh, thank God," she said before taking a huge breath.

"Hey mom, I'm meeting Landon in the lobby so I have to go soon but I'm staying here with her overnight, okay?"

"I think that's a good idea Ryan. Call me tomorrow too or with any updates sweetie. I love you."

"I love you too Mom," I replied and ended the call just as I got to Landon who appeared to be frantic and completely worried. It was a very new look for him.

"Fuck Ryan what's going on!? I've been waiting in this Goddamn lobby for two fucking hours!" his voice was pretty loud and echoed throughout the room causing the old grouch of a receptionist to scowl at us.

"She's okay. Matt has her right now for some stitches, x-rays, and a concussion test. All we did was check her vitals and clean out some cuts so far." He studies me for a second.

"Let's head up to her room so we can talk yea?" he says it as a statement rather than a question.

The old hag at the front desk shakes her head at Landon as we walk past.

"Wow what'd you do to her?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Nothing. She's just a cranky old bitch." He purposely said the last part louder so she would be able to hear him and I chuckle at that.

We get to Becca's empty hospital room and I sit on the bed while Landon takes the chair.

"You didn't have to stay," I started but was quickly interrupted.

"That's what friends are for. So anyways, what happened?"

I take a deep breath and start with a few days ago when we both started noticing her acting a little strange. I brought up the ribs and that was what she was getting the x-rays done on since Matt was pretty sure a few of them were broken.

"I should have known they were broken," Landon states, putting his head in his hands. "I've had broken ribs plenty of times. I should have realized."

I continue my story with when she called me.

"I was talking to my mom about what we," I motioned between us, "thought was going on and then Becca called. She was sobbing Landon. She could hardly get a word out without stuttering or crying harder."

My best friend got up and sat next to me on the bed. I could tell my voice wasn't coming out as strong and prayed that I wouldn't start tearing up.

"I drove to her house so fucking fast. I was freaking out. I knew something was wrong, my gut was telling me but I wasn't listening."

"I know. I should've listened too."

"I didn't bother to knock; I just ran into her house and started yelling for her. I didn't really think. I heard her down the hall so I went into a room and finally saw her..." I had been being strong for Becca but I finally lost it. I completely broke down and Landon wrapped his arm around me in a side hug.

"She was fucking tied to a bed. Like fifty shades tied."

"What!?!" Landon hopped up and began pacing while flexing his fists.

"Her clothes were still on but there were slashes all over with blood coming through." I stopped to take a breath and wipe some of the embarrassing tears that wouldn't stop falling.

"Her face was beaten pretty bad and her lip bleeding. I couldn't see where but I know she got hit somewhere because her hair had blood in it. Landon her eyes looked so fucking horrified." He continued pacing back and forth, seething. "I just stood there like an idiot in shock until I heard her front door slam shut. She already pulled one hand loose through the rope so I untied her other hand but couldn't do anymore. Her step-father came into the room then. I told her she needed to untie her own ankles and I would take care of her after that."

"Please tell me you beat the shit out of him, Ryan. I'm not kidding. Tell me you killed him."

"He was drunk so it was an easy fight. I let him hit me first but he didn't get any in after that. I would've kept going but Becca called me and I had to help her. He was unconscious anyways."

"Should've killed him."

"Well I brought her to the truck and went back to pack a bag for her. Landon, I can't let her go back. My mom is fine with her staying with us but what if she doesn't want to?"

He reassures me by saying, "Ryan she will. She already trusts you with this." I nod and continue.

"So, I went back to pack her a bag and I checked on the scumbag I beat the shit out of earlier. He uh, he had... uh..."

"Fucking spit it out!" he was losing his patience quickly. That was more like the Landon I know.

"He had this plastic bag from the store and there were condoms in it." Landon's jaw dropped to the floor while I looked at my shoes in defeat.

"Does she know?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. Before she was crying and said that she knew what he was going to do so I'm assuming, but I don't want to bring it up. She's been through enough."

My voice had returned to normal and the few tears that fell were dried. I thanked the heavens of that because just then, my beautiful, broken girl walked back into the room.

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