Chapter 27

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"What the fuck Landon! You said you would text me!" I was livid at my friend for leaving me to wonder what was going on. He literally took off with my girl basically strapped to the back of him while her lunatic stepdad chased after them. I've been worrying out of my mind and even got Mason to leave practice early to get home sooner. I was about to continue my rant until he nodded towards Becca who was about to break down.

"Becs come here," I said while walking towards her with open arms. She flung herself at me, sobbing and wrapping her arms around my waist tightly. "Shhh baby it's okay," my voice cooed but Landon didn't dare comment on it. She started shaking in my arms so I stroked her back gently in a soothing motion and just let her cry.

Landon got up and pulled some bread out of the oven before turning everything off so nothing burned before giving us some space and heading to the living room.

I rocked back and forth in our embrace until she eventually calmed down and stopped trembling.

"You're safe now okay. Don't worry, he doesn't know you're here," I whispered in her ear and swept her hair away from her tear stained face. A few minutes later she stopped crying and took a deep breath against my chest. "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah," she mumbled and pulled away to finish cooking dinner.

"I'm going to go talk to Landon so if you need me just holler." Becca didn't turn around to acknowledge what I said so I just walked to the living room.

When I sat on the couch he just looked at me apprehensively, not knowing if I was going to explode in anger or what.

"Thank you," I finally say with my face in my hands.

"No problem." I heard Landon fidgeting on the couch until he spoke again. "I know it's not really my place to say anything, but I think she needs to talk some self-defense classes or something. What if I wasn't there? She refused to let me bring her home and would have been alone if I wasn't watching. Becca needs to know some basic form of how to protect herself and I think it would get her confidence up a little."

I took in his words and mulled them over for a while. He was right but I wasn't sure how she would feel about it. I thought for a few more minutes until I had a plan developed.

"You train after school, right?" I asked my friend.

"Yeah..." He didn't know where I was going with this yet.

"Well do you think you could teach Becca? She trusts you enough and won't be afraid to be alone with you." Landon was shocked at first but soon agreed.

"Yeah I think I could do that. Only when you have practice right? I have to get in some of my own training too."

Breathing a sigh of relief, I felt stress free for about two seconds before I remembered who we're talking about as Becca calls us to the kitchen to eat dinner.

"Let me talk to Becca first before you bring this up to her," I state quietly while we walk down the hall and Landon nods in agreement.


"Wow Becca. This is the best spaghetti I have ever had!" Landon kept praising her; I think to get on her good side which would help me in the long run, especially when I tell her about the self-defense training.

Alex ate in silence with his phone constantly buzzing with texts, keeping him distracted from our conversation. I saw Becca flash him a smile once in a while and he actually blushed... wonder what that's about.

Soon the three of us men were slaving over the dishes as Becca sat her pretty, little self on the counter to watch just like yesterday. She caught my eye a few times when I was staring but I hoped she didn't notice or care too much.

"I'm going to head out then," said Landon while grabbing my shoulder. Leaning in closer, he lowered his voice: "Let me know right away so I can clear it with the boss." I nodded in agreement, feeling bad that I forgot all about his boss situation, and he quietly left out the front door. Alex scampered up the stairs shortly after so it was just me and Becca.

She was still perched on the countertop so I walked up to her and stood between her legs. Pretty blue eyes connected with mine and she smiled before leaning to lay her head against my chest. I revel in the moment since I know I'll be destroying it any minute when I bring up my plan.

"Becs, I was talking with Landon and we think you should take a self-defense class." I figured the best way to bring it up was the same method of ripping off a Band-Aid. She tensed and sat up quickly, her eyes filled with something I didn't recognize. Before she could argue, I continued. "Please listen first and then we can talk about it okay?" Becca nodded her head in response and her eyes softened just a touch.

"Although you have people around you like Alex, Landon, and myself, I want you to feel confident enough to fight back just in case we aren't there. I can't imagine what would have happened to you if Landon hadn't stuck behind Becs. I was scared out of my mind when I saw you guys leaving school." My hands started brushing through her hair, transferring my nervous habit onto her head instead of my own. "I thought that if you were comfortable with who would be training you then you might actually think about it instead of shooting it down right away."

She spoke in a soft voice. "Who would be training me?"

"Landon, If you want. I can always look for others too but I figured since you already know him..." She cut me off.

"Okay. I'll train with Landon." Gaping at how agreeable she was about this, I just stood there in shock.

"Really?" I asked, not quite sure if I heard her right.

"Yeah. I think that might help. When do I have to train though?"

"Just Tuesdays through Thursdays since Alex will be here with you on Monday's and I will be home on Friday's." She cocked her head to the side before asking me more questions.

"Does Landon already train or is he just doing this because I need a babysitter."

Chuckling despite her serious look I respond: "He trains everyday but he agreed that he could teach you some self-defense on those days."

Becca nods once and gently lays her hands on my chest to push me away from her before she hops down from the counter. We were almost face to face when she was sitting higher, but when she's standing next to me the top of her head reaches just below my pectoral muscles. I laugh quietly because of the sudden change of view but it rumbles from my deep voice and she snaps her eyes up at me, leaning her head way back.

"What?" I laugh a little louder and hold my hands up in surrender but she storms out of the kitchen.

"Becs come on it's not my fault you're so tiny!" I chase after her and reach her on the stairs. By the time I get there, she's three steps higher than me so she can look in my gray eyes. Putting on hand on her hip, she uses the other to point at me accusatorily and tries to be snappy.

"Well it's not my fault you're a friggen giant!" She's trying to act serious but her eyes are laughing which just causes me to laugh harder and louder. Soon Becca's sweet giggle mixes with my own deep chuckle until we're both holding our stomachs.

"God you're cute," I say without thinking.

"Ryan," she freezes, "You can't say that stuff one second and then avoid me the next. It's not fair." Her eyes changed from being filled with happiness to sadness in a split second and I felt horrible.

"I know. I'm sorry it just came out," I explained so she nodded reached a hand out for my own.

"Come on. We have to do our homework." I was confused when she led me past my room and to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. "You need to shower first you stink," she said while pinching her nose.

"Yes ma'am," I respond cheekily and immediately start stripping my clothes off. Her eyes get wide and she reaches in to slam the door shut just before my pants hit the floor. Biting back another howling laugh, I smile like a dork and shower quickly.

When I get back to my room I see Becca digging through my drawers.

"What you looking for?" She jumps about a mile and then scoffs.

"I need a shirt to sleep in. All of mine are in the wash since I will need to pack some for training tomorrow with Landon," she explains and continues to ravage my dresser. "Ah hah!" she announces and holds up a shirt like it's a trophy. Gratefully, she leaves my room to changes unlike last time.

We work on homework for a few hours and my mom pops her head in my room to see how we're doing. I didn't see her at all yesterday so it's nice that she stops in. Then Becca and I continue working until we are both yawning of exhaustion and can't keep our eyes open. Collapsing on the bed with books spread all about; we gaze at each other before both falling into a deep sleep under our colorful homemade blanket.


I woke up with Becca's small body snuggled into my side: her whole head was under the blanket and tucked against the side of my chest. Feeling the dampness of tears there, I reached down and easily rolled her on top of me. She usually has some nightmares but I could tell this wasn't the case. She was fully awake and crying quietly by herself.

"I didn't want to wake you up," she whispered so softly I almost didn't hear it.

"Shh Becs," I mumbled and wrapped my arms around her so she was trapped. Only when she gave in and laid her head on my chest did I speak again. "I've got you. Go to sleep baby."

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