Mistake By Warlock

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Clary walks into Magnus's apartment with Simon where they were going to meet with Alec, Jace, Izzy, and Magnus himself for a couple's games night. As soon as they had entered the apartment, the pair of them were met with screams and cries of children.

"What the he一" Simon started to say while covering up his ears before he was interrupted by a very nervous looking Magnus coming around the corner of the apartment.

"Clary! Simon! Finally you're here!" He says very frantically. "There's been a very large problem which I should not be held accountable for!" Clary and Simon quickly share a nervous glance and hurry further inside the apartment to be greeted by the most shocking scenario which was not expected. The most likely thing to expect based upon the cries was that somehow Magnus got stuck with babysitting a few kids, but this was far from the truth... Magnus was stuck with younger kids, that much was correct. However, these "kids" which he was stuck taking care of were no other than they're teenage friends... or was their teenage friends.

On the couch sat a little girl with long silk like black hair, easy enough to identify this was Isabelle in a way over-sized red shirt and a diaper. On the floor sat a relatively happy looking golden haired boy who was obviously Jace playing and poking at Chairman Meow. Sitting on the armchair was another little boy with biggest blue eyes Clary has ever seen with jet black hair to match his sister's. She could also tell that this little boy was crying. Clary was too shocked to realize that Magnus was talking to her and Simon. "What did you say?" Clary asked him.

"I said" Magnus started while lifting little Alec into his arms trying to calm him down "That I've discovered that Alec is five years old, Jace is four, and Isabelle is three. And I can't get them to stop crying." Clary walked over to Magnus and had taken Alec from him, and motioned for Simon to go pick up Izzy.

"What the hell happened?" Clary shot at Magnus clearly bubbling with rage, however keeping her voice low to prevent any further crying with the kids.

"Well... Izzy had suggested that while we waited for you two we should redecorate the apartment to make it more suitable for this evening." Clary rolled her eyes at a little at that, she couldn't help it. Of course Izzy would suggest that. Magnus continued "And you can imagine I'm a little rusty as I have stopped redecorating by magic for quite some time as Alec was getting annoyed by it." He said the last part staring at the little sobbing boy in Clary's arms. Magnus finished his explanation in a smaller voice that seemed miles away. "Then one spell gone wrong caused... this. And I now have no idea how to take care of kids..."

Clary who was about to give Magnus a piece of her mind looked up at his upset face, Clary had never seen Magnus like this before and realized how terrified he must be and how at fault he must feel. She decided against telling Magnus off as it could wait until later and offered some more helpful advice.

"Well don't worry Magnus it's not your fault, and Simon and I know how to take care of kids. I've been babysitting kids for years and Simon has a younger sister. You start looking for a spell and a cure while we watch them." Then she offered Magnus a reassuring smile, he instantly looked a million times better.

He nodded at them both and quickly said "If you need me I'll be in the office, help yourself to anything." And he was gone.

Clary who was still holding Alec in her arms was now a lot calmer and had stopped crying as much. She sat down next her now much smaller boyfriend and ruffled his golden hair. Simon sat down next to them on the ground as well with still a crying Izzy. Clary sat Alec next to Jace and looked at all three of the little kids.

"Hi guys." She said enthusiastically at them offering a big smile and asked kindly "Do you know who I am?" There was a lot of little heads shaking and only Jace who was brave enough to speak said a small "no".

"Well..." Clary started "My name's Clary, and this is Simon" The kids looked between the two of them and slightly nodded their heads except Jace who was a lot more confident than Alec and Izzy.

"I'm Jace!" He piped up.

"Hi there Jace! How old are you?" Of course Clary already knew the answer but she wanted them all to gain their trust. Who knows how these young shadowhunters would react?

"I'm four!" Clary instantly established that Jace was going to be the overly excited kid. Clary went around the mini circle asking them their names and ages. As simple was this was it seemed to make all of them a lot more confident and trusting in Clary and Simon. Then Izzy suggested that they play a "Ame".

Simon smiled at this. He was obviously enjoying this, although Clary had no idea why. Alec spoke up and suggested they should play hide and seek. "That's a great idea Alec!" Clary said and smiled wide "Okay we'll all go hide and Simon will count to twenty and try to find us.

"I stay with Imon!" Said the tiny Izzy who was basically glued to Simon. This left Clary the one to count. Clary counted to twenty and then started to look around Magnus's apartment for the kids and Simon. She found Jace right away knowing he would hide wherever the food was. Clary quietly walked around the kitchen island and found Jace on his hands and knees facing away from her obviously didn't hear her sneak up. Which probably totally unfair because Clary had silent runes on her ankles.

"Gotcha!" Clary said while she scooped him up into her arms and started tickling him. Jace's little laughter filled the apartment as she tickled him. After Clary stopped tickling Jace and she balanced him on her hip while he wrapped his small arms around her neck and continued to look for the others. Next they found Simon and Izzy hiding behind the couch because Simon was already standing up with a sleeping Izzy in Simon's arms. Clary and Jace continued to look for Alec for the next five minutes before Clary heard soft voices coming from Magnus's office.

Opening the office door Clary discovered the cutest sight. Alec was inside next to Magnus looking at him in awe as he showed him how he could make little lights of blue fire dance from his fingers which matched the colour of Alec's eyes.Even he is so little he is fascinated by Magnus.

"Alec..." Clary muttered softly getting his attention. "It's bedtime now."

"Coming Miss Clary!" Alec said happily smiling at Magnus just before running over to Clary and taking her hand following her out of the room.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now