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"And he was never heard from again," concluded Jace.

"Weak," said Simon as soon as Jace was finished.

"Definitely not your best angel boy," said Alec with a short snort. Clary stayed silent remaining on the couch. She had to admit, she was told Jace was amazing at scary stories, and that wasn't too scary.

"Like you could do better, Mundane?" retorted Jace with a snort.''I'm no longer a mundane' Simon rolled his eyes.Jace pretended not to hear him.

"A hell of a lot better than that," said Alec getting off the couch and heading into the kitchen. The four of them were currently in the living room, all tired from long days of training and demon hunting.

"You're siding with a him?" Jace asked incredulous, not throwing a glance in Clary's direction.

"You're losing your touch, man," Alec shrugged and returned back to the living room with a large bag of potato chips.

"Was it that bad?" Jace directed this question towards Clary who simply shrugged. "Well I've been distracted lately." He sighed and sat next to Clary who had picked up a magazine.

"With what?" she mused flipping the page not bothering to actually read what was on the next one.

"You," he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him. Clary smiled despite herself and leaned into him.

"Get a room you two," Simon groaned and blocked his face with one of the pillows on the ground. Alec turned away rolling his eyes. It was at that time that Isabelle charged through the front door, and closed it quickly to keep out the cold late October air. Her eyes immediately flicked to Clary and Jace, and then she groaned.

"Do you guys really feel the need to make out every two minutes?" she sighed and sat down, rubbing her hands together to get rid of some of the cold. Now that it was going to be November in a couple of days the temperature in New York had gone down drastically.

"Well if we would stop getting interrupted it would be more of a continuous cycle." Clary laughed at Jace's comment and snuggled into him more just to annoy Isabelle a bit.

"Well I'm stealing Clary so you're going to have to stop," said Isabelle standing up.

"But Clary doesn't want to be stolen," said Clary, making the others laugh with her use of talking in the third person.

"Well Clary needs to go shopping with me," said Isabelle with mischievous eyes.

"Didn't you two just go shopping yesterday?" asked Alec eyeing his sister.

"Yes but she needs a dress, and so do I," she stated matter of factly.

"Why does Clary need a dress?" asked Jace. The other two boys made grunt of agreement, all four of them equally curious to what Isabelle was going to pull. That's when Isabelle pulled out a flyer.

"Pandemonium is having a party on Halloween and we're going," said Isabelle taking a flyer out to show them.

"All of us?" Simon sighed.

"Yeah, Iz, some of us have better things to do." Alec crossed his arms over his chest after peering at the flyer. Jace snatched the flyer from Alec's hand and began scanning over it himself.

"C'mon. It'll be fun." When none of them looked very happy she added, "And remember last year when all those demons were there?"

When no one answered still she continued."C'mon. I'll go with Simon, you can bring Magnus, and Jace and Clary will go together. IT will be fun!" She sighed looking at all of them.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now