Clace Wedding

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Clary was sitting on a chair in her room. The lilac painted walls still managed to stun Clary. Isabelle had always had a sense of style that Clary could only dream of possessing. Isabelle stood behind her, brush in hand, tackling the ever constant tangles that always managed to stay in Clary's hair no matter how often she brushed it. Magnus had left a few minutes back to check up on his family.

"Are you nervous?" Isabelle asked, genuinely curious.

Clary looked down at the gold dress she wore. Izzy had insisted she look nice for, and I quote "the greatest day of your life". She had to admit it was a beautiful gown. It was weird to think of gold as a wedding color, living in the mundane world she would have worn white. She seemed so separated from her old life though, so the gold for Shadowhunter weddings seemed an honor, and proof that she belonged with the Shadowhunters. She loved being a Shadowhunter. Being surrounded with love and adventure.

 Being surrounded with love and adventure

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"I'm not nervous, so to speak. I have always loved Jace, and being married won't change the infinite love I have for him. I just wish that all these people didn't have to be here."

All she would have wanted was her mother, Luke, Simon, Izzy, Alec, and Magnus to attend. Everyone else added pressure and stress, when all she wanted to think about was, well, her future. She had always known she'd marry Jace, but she was filled with a sense of overwhelming joy. Jace and her. Together. And this time nothing could prevent that.

"Don't worry. Just ignore everyone, everyone but Jace. It should be easy, you practically never notice anyone else when he's around." Isabelle smirked.

"Thanks Isabelle. I can't wait to see him" Clary said. "You will shortly" Izzy said with a smirk. Clary continued to look down, now at her hands. She looked at her engagement ring which was beautiful on her finger. Everytime she looked at it her heart filled with love and confidence.

"Done" Izzy said, stepping back from Clary to see the result of her handiwork on Clary's hair. Her hair was pinned up on top of her head, in a beautiful braided bun.

"Oh it's stunning Isabelle." Clary admitted. What couldn't Isabelle Lightwood do?

"Well we better get going, you don't want to miss your own wedding!" Izzy said pulling on a pair of high heeled shoee that made her look taller.

"You go on ahead."

"You sure?"

"I know you want to see Simon."

"Fine." Izzy was clearly excited to see her fiancé. She wasn't able to see him for a whole day as the guys decided to have a bachelor party which was clearly Izzy's idea. Clary too missed Jace which is why she was eager to see him but at the sane time nervous of the crowd.

Izzy was glancing down at her dress, apparently second guessing her outfit. She wore a long lace navy blue dress and matched it with her black high heels. She had a golden chain necklace wrapped around her neck. She was nothing less than stunning.

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