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Izzy's P.O.V
I'm sitting crossed legged on the floor rug in the library when I hear the oven timer going off in the kitchen. Dinner must be ready. Don't worry I didn't cook. Clary did before taking a nap. The twins were sick. So since they were asleep, she needed the rest.

But the reason I'm dismayed is now I have to get up off the floor and find something to temporarily distract my curious infant with. At that thought I look down at my lap.

Julia is currently situated there, gnawing and drooling on her glittery fushia rubber ring she received from Magnus yesterday. Ah the joys of having a 9 month old teether.

At least she doesn't walk yet, I think silently to myself. I have to suppress a shudder at the very thought of the trouble her curiosity could cause then.

With a grunt, I grip Julia around the waist, watching her brown hair bounce with the movement, and push myself off the floor. I carry my daughter over to her playpen and set her down; making sure to surround her with plenty of toys and books to occupy her for the 5 minutes I'll be gone. It's unbelievable how much of Simon's short attention span she inherited.

Walking toward the door, I make sure to take one quick look back at Julia. I see her grab a picture book from a stack beside her and open it in her lap. I sigh and smile, then walk into the kitchen across the hall. The spicy aroma of spaghetti and meatballs quickly envelopes me and I take a deep breath. I turn off the timer on the oven and pull down the oven door. Reaching over, I grab the oven mitt from the counter and gently pull out the two pans of garlic bread inside. I set the pans on cooling racks by the sink and stash the oven mitt back in a drawer. I then take the large pot of spaghetti and set it on a large round stone to the keep the pot warm but not hot. After that I walk back into the library and gasp.

Julia's gone.

I run to the empty playpen and look all around it and even under it. No Julie. Crap! Where could she have gone?

Straightening myself, I take a deep breath and try to think as rationally as a mother who can't find her baby can. Which is not well I assure you. Okay, I think, she can't walk yet so she must have crawled. So she couldn't have gotten that far could she? I was only out of the room for 3 minutes tops!

Taking even breaths I walk around the room, looking under the desk, behind bookcases, in the fireplace, and even inside cabinets. Nothing. Where could she be?

I walk out into the hall and glance around the empty space. I spot her cracked bedroom door about 20 feet to my right. Ah-Hah! I think triumphantly, she probably went into her room. I race to the door and push it open. At first glance I don't see her but I scour the room anyway. Five fruitless minutes of searching later I'm going into freak mode. Where is she?

I spend the next 15 minutes looking in any open space I can find that she could possibly fit into. I yell her name a few times, hoping that maybe she'll say one of her very few words or at least make a noise. I can feel my heart pounding in my ears. I've lost my baby!

I'm on my hands and knees in the hallway thinking where she could be when the sound of the old creaky elevator makes me jump. I'm on my feet in an instant. A minute later, Simon, Jace, Alec and Magnus are all walking toward me. I must look half crazed because Simon's expression is full of worry as he comes and takes me by the arms. I feel a tear try to escape at his touch.

"Izzy. What's wrong?" he questions. She looks up at everyone. Clary now is right behind Jace, a look of worry tracing her features as well. I also happen to see Alec and Magnus walk into the kitchen.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now