We're Even Now

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Clary and Jace walked into the kitchen. Izzy, Simon and Alec were eating pancakes while Magnus was cooking. "Good morning" Clary chirped as she sat down next to Izzy. "Morning. You seem to be in a good mood" Izzy said surprised. "That's because she is" Jace said and sighed.

"What happened between you two?" Alec asked. "Do you guys remember the promise Clary made yesterday before Disney world?" Jace asked and everyone nodded "Yeah" they said in unison. "Well now Clary hid the book and I can't cash anything in" Jace said and he fake pouted to Clary. Everyone tried to hold in their laughter.

"And I told him that if he ever wants the book again he's gonna have to do whatever I say" Clary said. Izzy couldn't hold her laughter anymore. Once she started laughing everyone else joined in except Jace. "Do you want coffee Clare?" Jace asked. "Thank you Jace" Clary said politely and after Jace got up to get coffee Clary and Izzy started laughing.

Just then realization hit her and she stopped laughing. She had hid the book in the coffee mug cabinet. 'Why did she hide it there' she thought. Jace was gonna open the cabinet. By the time Clary moved towards Jace, he had taken a coffee mug and he spied the book. Clary was standing behind him now. He smiled. He grabbed the book before her and turned around.

"Now who's smiling?" Jace asked with a smirk on his face and raised the book up. "Jace give it back" Clary whined as she couldn't reach it as Jace was taller than her. "Now Clary. A promise is a promise" Jace said as be crossed her and opened the book. He had already chosen what he wanted yesterday. He tore the page out and gave it to her. She saw it and her eyes widened "No.No.No" she said.

"What's going on there?" Simon asked. Everyone turned to look at them. "Looks like Jace found Clary's hiding place" Magnus said chuckling. "Its not hard Clary. And remember you promised" Jace said as he poured coffee for her and handed her the mug. He kissed her forehead. "Let's eat" he said as he took his place. "So Jace what did you cash in?" Simon asked. "Clary!" Jace said and Clary kissed his lips. "What just happened?" Alec asked surprised.

"Read it" Izzy said. Clary sighed "Clary has to kiss Jace every time his name is called" Clary said. Everyone smiled. "Jace" Izzy said. "Jace" Simon said. "Jace" Alec said. "Jace" Magnus said. They didn't stop at once.They just continued for a few seconds and then stopped.Jace looked at Clary and winked at her. She rolled her eyes and kissed him. She gave him a long kiss. Once they broke apart "Don't you have to kiss him many times now?" Izzy asked once Clary stopped. "Its made up" Clary said and Izzy looked at her brother. Jace nodded slowly."I'm gonna get you for this" Clary whispered in Jace's ear and he gulped. "So what are you planning to do today Clary?" Simon asked. "I don't know. I think I'm gonna go train. What about you?" Clary asked. "I'm taking him shopping" Izzy said as she took hers and Simon's finished plate away. "Good luck" Clary motioned. "Thank you" Simon mouthed. Jace chuckled. "Let's go Simon. We need to go now if you wanna be done by evening" Izzy said as she walked out of the kitchen. "Great" Simon said but it was sarcastic. 'Thank the Angel Izzy didn't hear me' Simon thought. He walked out of the kitchen after waving bye to the others.

" What are you guys doing?" Jace asked Magnus and Alec. "Magnus has an appointment with a client today and I'm gonna sit in the library with a good book" Alec said as Magnus pecked his lips "See you for lunch Alexander" Magnus said as he pecked Alec's lips before leaving. "I love you" Alec said. "Love you too" Magnus said and left. Alec got up and soon left to go to the library. Jace and Clary too finished their breakfast and went to wear on their training gear.

Simon and Izzy had returned from their shopping which was all day. 'Poor Simon was tired of carrying Izzy's bags' Clary thought.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now