The Lovelace Angel

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Simon was so tired that if someone just touches him, he would fall down. He was up all night with Izzy since she couldn't sleep. Finally she had gone to sleep when there was an emergency mission of hunting two rogue vampires which had to be taken care of by Clary and Simon since Jace and Alec had returned a few hours before from their hunt. Simon entered the library early in the morning after dropping off the weapons in the weapon room. Clary had gone straight to her room to check up on the twins. He collapsed tired on the couch and as he was drifting off asleep the door opened and in walked Rafael and Max. "Children, silence. Go to the living room" Magnus said coming after them. "Yes Papa" they said as they ran away. "Lovelace... I see that insomnia has caught up to you" Magnus said. "Its not insomnia. I'm just not allowed to sleep I guess" Simon muttered. "Oh well, then I better go" Magnus said. "Sleep well...oh wait, Looks like you have to wake up now" Magnus said and left. Simon couldn't understand what he meant. "What?" He muttered and then he heard her voice. The reason Magnus said he had to wake up. "Simon? There you are! I was worried. I don't know why I was. I guess the hormones are playing with my mind again" Izzy started blabbering and Simon sat up. No matter how much Simon loved her and the way she spoke but he would really like her to shut up right now. "Izzy..." He started but she interrupted him. "I want to go for a walk. Do you?" She asked. "No Izzy I don't. I want to sleep. If you want you can go" Simon said exhausted as he lay back down again. "But Simon, I need you" she said. "Look Iz, you are capable of fighting your own battles. You don't need me. I don't even have the energy to sit up much alone stand... if you want company I suggest to take Rafael and Max. They are filled with fun and energy, just what you need" Simon said. Izzy understood him. "Okay. You can go up to our room if you wanna sleep" she said. "I'm fine here" Simon said. "Alright. I'll be back soon" she said before covering him up with a blanket and kissing him.

She left the library and walked towards the living room. She found the two little ones playing. "Hey guys! Wanna go for a walk with me to the park?" She asked softly. "Yeah" Rafael said. "Yes Aunt Izzy" little Max said. "Well okay then, go put on your coats" she said and they ran off. "Are you sure that its a good idea. I mean you're pregnant and they can be a handful" Alec said. "Yeah. And its not good for you to be running about at this stage" Magnus said. "I can handle them Alec and I'll be fine Magnus" she assured them just as the little ones came running towards her. "Okay kids, say bye to daddy and papa" Izzy said and the little ones did as they were told. Before they could leave, Jace called out to her. "Hey Izzy!" He yelled. "Yeah!" She said as she turned around. He tossed her a seraph blade and caught it. "I do have my whip" she said. "Just in case" he shrugged and she nodded.

Soon they were at the park and the little ones ran off to play on their own. "Be in sight" Izzy yelled and they agreed. She sat down on the beach close by under the shade of a tree. The day was gloomy and it looked like it would come down to rain in a few hours. She watched the kids playing and slowly flashes of how her kids also will play along with their cousins brought a smile on her face. She was snapped back to reality when someone took a seat next to her. "Your kids?" He asked. "No. My nephews" she said. "So this is your first one?" He said referring to her bump. "Yeah. It is" she said. She felt uncomfortable with him there. She had a doubt whether he was a demon but her necklace wasn't pulsating. She decided to just walk away since there wasn't anyone around much and considering they were glamoured. Wait! They were glamoured weren't they? Then how could this mundane see her. Which only meant he was either a downworlder or demon. She didn't know if he was alone or had backup. Considering it was pretty dull that day and there was no sunlight directly there was a strong possibility for him to be a demon who blocked the magic of her necklace. She decided to play along. "I have to go" she said. "What's the rush? You just got here" he whispered into her ear and she caught the stench in his breath. This only meant he was a Demon. She stood up but he caught her hand. She snatched it back and he snarled at her. She moved back and saw him take his true form. It grew extra arms like tentacles and it grew big in size though its limbs looked skeletal. It focused on the children and lunged towards them. "Max, Rafael. RUN!" Izzy yelled and this alerted the kids to run. She slowly unwound her whip from her hand and got into her fighting stance.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now