Stunningly Attractive

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Isabelle smirked as she listened to the excited whispers of the young girls while assembling weapons.

Not that she blamed them, but the lesson was much more important than the instructor, who happened to be a certain blond haired Shadowhunter with the body of a sex god.

Or so the whispers declared.

After Jace and Clary became the Heads of  the New York Institute, word got out that Valentine's daughter and "adopted" son would be sometimes be teaching the younger Shadowhunters (when they weren't on a mission), parents began requesting to have their children sent to New York.

It was no question that Jace was the best at what he did, and being a Shadowhunter was already dangerous. It was natural that parents would want their children to be taught well.

However, Isabelle was starting to think there was an ulterior motive behind the teenage girls wanting to be taught by Jace alone.

Each month a new group came in, and every time, the girls would bunch up and go on and on about how hot he was.

Never-mind that he was engaged.

She thought about her soon to be sister-in-law.

Clary was perfect for Jace. Izzy believed that with every bone in her body.

Looking at him now, she could hardly believe he was the same little boy who'd come in all those years ago, calm and cold, with a maturity way beyond his years.

These little girls didn't know that Jace. The Jace that had been abused, disciplined, distant.

Or the Jace who'd thrown himself in danger just to save herself or Alec.

They hadn't seen the way he looked when he thought he couldn't be with his love. Or the self destruction he'd imposed when he deemed himself a monster.

And now, they didn't see the quiet moments. The Jace that made fun of her cooking, or worked out with Alec. Or the Jace who gazed so lovingly at his fiancee.

They just didn't get it.

Which is why she found it so funny that they even entertained the idea of having a shot with him.

It was mostly the older ones, like in the group she was listening to now, who liked to flirt and try to impress him.

And on days like this, when she was bored, she'd come watch.

"Oh, come on Cecelia, you know he's got a girlfriend!" One of the girls was whispering now, almost too loudly.

"So," the girl, Cecelia, was throwing back, "A girlfriend isn't a wife, Serena, it's an obstacle course."

Izzy rolled her eyes, but they probably didn't know she could hear them. Years of training had perfected her eavesdropping skills.

"Yeah but it's Valentine's daughter. You remember the stories! And she is the co-Head of this Institute" The girl argued.

"Rumors," Cecelia brushed, "Besides, he's a guy. And they only have one thing in mind."

Isabelle kept her back to the group, so they didn't see her eyebrows shoot up.

Okay, sex was a new one. This girl was actually thinking about coming on to Jace?

This was one show she didn't want to miss.

However, as amusing as it could be, she should probably tell Clary. She was suppose to be the girl's friend. And the redhead would definitely set those girls straight.

Sighing she finished the weapons, and walked over to where Jace was drinking some water, supervising a couple of boys who were practicing with blades.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now