Shopping With Izzy

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Isabelle knocked on the door to Alec's room lightly. He wasn't up yet, which was odd of him. She
had to come see if he was okay.
When he didn't answer she opened the door for herself.And got a surprise as she did.
She stepped on Chairman's tail as she stepped into the room causing the cat into a major freak out mode. He made a noise resembling a squeal and scurried under Alec's bed. What was Chairman here for?
Isabelle shut the door to Alec's room behind her and finally looked at his bed where he laid. Tangled with Magnus. Who quite frankly was sat up straight staring at her.
"When'd you get here?" She asked.He must have came through the night.
"Last night." Magnus muttered before laying back down. "When?" Isabelle didn't see Magnus the previous night.
"In the storm." Alec muttered into his pillow. Isabelle smiled.Her brother was so happy now that he's with Magnus. It made Isabelle happy to see themselves."Okay." She laughed and turned around, leaving them to themselves.

Clary woke up to a pounding on the door and the loud yelling of Isabelle. "Clary wake up! We need to go!" She felt Jace shift out of sleep and groan. She could tell the power was back on by the flashing alarm clock blinking 3 a.m., though the brightness of the outside light told her it was much later than that.

"I swear, I'm going to kill her," Jace muttered under his breath. She smirked and reluctantly left the warmth of the bed and Jace's arms to get ready to leave. She was brushing through her curly hair when Jace came behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You know you don't have to go," he said quietly, burying his face into her hair. She set the brush down.

"Yes I do," Clary sighed, giving into her inner demons and leaning into him. If she was going shopping with Izzy all day she would take as much time as she wanted.

"Izzy can deal with it if you don't want to go shopping with her."

"Well," Clary said quietly. "If you want me to get a black dress I'm going to have to go." Clary felt him sigh.

"Don't you have a black dress?"

"For what reason would I possibly have a black dress?"

"I thought all girls did," he muttered.

"Well this one doesn't, which means you should find something too."

"You never actually told me what you wanted me to wear," he pointed out.

"I'm sure you'll think of something," she teased and turned around to face him.

"I'm sure I will, but I will need to see you're dress first," Jace said slowly as though clarifying something. He hooked a finger under her chin and brought her up for a kiss which was interrupted when Isabelle began to yell..


Clary gave Jace a quick kiss on the lips before opening the door.'Nope' Clary walked out to an impatient Izzy.'Why not!' Jace whined.But Clary never answered as Isabelle interrupted 'Bye Jace'.

''I've tried on hundreds of dresses, Izzy. No more!" Clary sighed leaning against the nearest wall.

"We haven't found a good one yet." Despite Clary's request that the dress was supposed to be black, she had made Clary try on nearly every dress in the three stores that they went to.

"I told you I liked a bunch of them," Clary sat down while Isabelle continued to rummage through some of the dresses.

"They weren't perfect though."

"They don't have to be perfect, Iz. You haven't even found a dress." Isabelle turned to face the disgruntled girl who was now sitting down back against a blank wall. She could be so stupid sometimes, not even realizing what was right in front of her.

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