Malec Wedding

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Isabelle and Clary moved like tornados from one room to another, shouting orders, making calls, moving, rearranging stuff - basically making sure that everything did not fall short of PERFECT. They were so obsessed with getting every little detail done impeccably, that you could have sworn it was their own wedding, not Alec and Magnus'. They knew how much the grooms had been waiting so long for this day, so the girls thought they deserved everything. And they were really determined to make it like that, proof of this being all the yells being heard through the Institute for days now. Magnus offered his help, but both Izzy and Clary refused it.

The Institute's ballroom was decorated with dozens of roses, whose glimmering white, dark blue and even pure black petals entwined harmoniously in a dance of colours. The chairs were covered in white brocade with silver iridescent patterns and some blue ribbons dusted with just a bit of glitter. A new carpet had been made specifically for this wedding embroided with both the new and the old runes on it, marking a new beginning for the Shadow World in a unique manner. A long table , covered with a golden tablecloth resided on the other side of the room, and black, white and blue plates were arranged alternatively on the surface, like in a game of chess. Beautiful flower arrangements, with black roses and white peonies in dark blue vessels had little chains of crystals hung onto them, adding grandeur to the decorations.

The atmosphere emanated royalty, luxury and expensive taste, but nothing else was to be expected from Isabelle anyway. A delicate smell of flowers hung in the air, and the light filtered through the stained glass made everything look brighter and warmer, bringing a sense of belonging, of home.

Izzy and Clary took in the sight in front of their eyes, smiled satisfied and gave a high five to each other, giggling.

"We are good, aren't we Mrs. Herondale?"

"We definitely are, Mrs. Lovelace" replied Clary and winked, offering her arm to Izzy.

The other girl just smiled all-knowingly and accepted Clary's arm, as they went to get ready for the event themselves.

On the other side of New York City, the sun rays entered through the window, bathing everything in a warm, yellowish light. Alec woke up first and leaned on an elbow, taking in the view of the asleep Magnus besides him. He was half covered by the blanket, his dark hair fanned all over the pillow, eyelids moving slightly as if he was dreaming (which was pretty unusual for a warlock), lips slightly parted, he looked so peaceful. Alec smiled, a bright smile that lit his whole face. This man is mine. And will be mine in all the ways possible from today. Oh, I love you so much, Magnus.

Alec wanted to kiss him so much in that moment, but he was afraid that would wake him up and he wouldn't have wanted to lose the image of his lover's sleeping form. But then again, that would be the sight he would be waking up to from the rest of his life from thereon, so what would be the harm? His hand moved as If it was acting on its own and caressed Magnus' hair gently. The other stirred a bit in his sleep and murmured: Alexander Alexander.

Alec's hand stopped in mid air. He felt something twisting inside him. How was he lucky enough to have found this handsome man and make him his own? A man who was once immortal and now can grow old with him. He wasn't sure, not even now, why Magnus wanted him from all the people in the world, but he was so happy about it, too happy to busy himself with such thoughts.

Magnus woke up, rubbed his eyes and mirrored Alec's position. His soon-to-be husband wasn't looking at him though. He seemed to be somewhere far away, deep in his own thoughts, staring out in the open.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now