I'm Gonna Be A Daddy

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Clary stared down at the piece of plastic in her hand. One line, one line, please one line, she thought desperately, trying to will things to go her way.

She set it on the table and began to pace. She so didn't need this right now.

"What will I tell Jace if it's two lines?" she asked herself.

She crept up, her eyes tightly shut. She peeked down at the pregnancy test through one eye and gasped.

Two lines.

"By the Angel. . ." she muttered.

A knock on the bathroom door made her jump. "Yes?" she called.

"Clary? It's Isabelle. Are you okay in there?"

Clary sighed. "Not really" she replied as she opened the door.

"Why do you look like you saw a ghost?" She asked slowly, peeking around her to look into the bathroom. She was dressed in her usual flowing dresses and had her hair messily thrown into a bun, a small dagger holding it together.

"If I saw a ghost that put me in this much shock, it'd be Valentine's." Clary said numbly. Isabelle's eyes widened when her eyes landed on the pregnancy test, they looked like they would pop right out of her head.

"Clary . . . ? Something you need to tell me?" she asked, hands on her hips.

Clary smiled weakly. "Uh . . . I'm pregnant?"

Isabelle squealed and hugged Clary tightly. "Oh my God! I'm gonna be an aunt!" She paused. "Does Jace know?"

Clary gave her an are-you-stupid look. "Isabelle, I just found out. I haven't left the bathroom yet, so no, he doesn't," she said slowly.

Isabelle clapped. "That means I'm the second person to know!"

Clary laughed. "I guess so. . . . How do you think Jace will take it?" she asked.

Isabelle bit her lip. "Hard to say," she replied. Seeing Clary's worried look, she added, "He's your husband Clary. I'm sure he'll be over the moon, though."

Clary let Isabelle's words reassure her. "Do you know where he is?"

"I think he's in the library."

"Come with me?" she asked.

Isabelle nodded, seeing the terrified look in the smaller girl's emerald eyes. "Come on, Clare. Let's go tell him that he's gonna be a daddy."

Clary's eyes watered in a good way upon hearing those words. It made it seem more real, more special. She wrapped the test in a tissue paper and put it in the pocket of her coat.

She and Isabelle walked arm in arm to the library, figuring he'd be there. But he wasn't.

"Meow." Church purred, curling around Clary's feet. "Hey there." She murmured, pulling a hand from her pocket and petting his back. "Hey yourself." A voice said and she jumped while Izzy turned around alert. For a brief second, they thought Church had actually spoken out loud but then they recognized the voice and felt ridiculous.

Jace was walking down the hallway, dressed in all black. Alec and Jace had gotten back that morning from slaying some demons down the street and it wasn't all that messy of a job so he didn't feel the need to change.

Clary placed a shaky smile on her lips. "What's wrong?" Jace asked, automatically seeing the tense set of her shoulders and wavering smile. "Nothing. Just peachy." She said. Isabelle was petting Church. He raised an eyebrow at Clary, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Really." It wasn't a question.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now