Three Little Troublemakers

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Clary was fully awake after her little adventure with Jace earlier. Simon was making pancakes for breakfast. Jace was sitting at the kitchen table next to Izzy showing her about ten different ways to kill a demon with a spoon. Alec was standing next to Simon checking to make sure he was making the pancakes right, although Clary doubted he would be able to tell if a mistake was made to the recipe. Clary just thought he wanted to feel as if he held some authority.

"How do you know you're not making them wrong?" Alec asks Simon after quickly giving up on checking the recipe realizing he couldn't. Instead he had moved on to asking questions to hold his 'authority' over Simon.

"I've made pancakes before." Simon explained. "Don't worry, they're made right."

"What if they don't taste any good? I've have you ever made blue pancakes before?" Alec says to Simon. Simon looked down at the blue pancake batter he was mixing. Jace and Izzy had said had suggested they make the batter blue because they were tired of plain pancakes. Alec was the only one skeptic of the blue pancake idea.

"They'll taste fine, my girlfriend always prefers coloured pancakes anyway." Simon turns to Alec. "What do you want in your pancakes? Chocolate chips? Bananas?一 "

"Bananas? Why would someone puts bananas in a pancake?" Alec question Simon.

"Isabelle likes them, they're good." Simon says calmly to Alec.

Alec tilts his head sideways clearly puzzled. "When did Izzy have pancakes with bananas?" Simon forgot that his Isabelle didn't try banana pancakes until about a year ago when Simon first made them for her.

Simon didn't know how to response. "Err… Umm…" Clary walked over to where the two of them were standing. Clary picked up Alec making an aeroplane sound before setting down a giggling Alec. Clary's purpose for doing this was to interrupt the conversation Simon was getting dragged into by a five year old. Alec smiled up at Clary while she ruffled his hair and walked towards the table to sit with Jace and Izzy.

"Simon? Clary?" Magnus had appeared outside the door of his office. "I need to talk to you for a minute." Clary walked over to where Magnus was standing to be joined by Simon seconds later.

"What's up?" Clary asked Magnus.

"I have confirmation that Maryse will be gone at 11:20 am today for her Clave meeting." Magnus says. "I'll portal you over at 11:30 to avoid running into her."

"Sounds great Magnus." Simon quickly says, "But how much time do we have to search the Institute?"

"Hard to say. Clave meetings, even conclave meetings can last under an hour and can stretch to many hours long. I would say you have at least an hour but definitely wouldn't go over three." Both Clary and Simon nodded in acknowledgment.

"Hey, I have an idea!" Jace announced to Alec and Izzy while Clary and Simon were talking to Magnus. "We should have a food fight!" Izzy looked up eyes wide at this suggestion, Alec on the other hand looked torn between agreement and disagreement. Jace didn't wait for their answers, he walked over to the counter where Simon's mixed bowl of blue pancake batter was. He picked it up and walked over to Alec and Izzy. Jace reached into the bowl and drew a handful of batter and dropping it on top of Izzy's head. Izzy squealed with disgust and laughter. Alec ran over to grab a cloth for his sister when Jace threw a handful of batter at him, hitting Alec square in the face. Jace turned to Izzy, but not before catching a look of revenge skim over Alec's eyes.

Izzy had left the table to grab the pack of chocolate chips on the counter turning and throwing a small handful at Jace. Even for a three year old, Izzy had great aim. Alec had gone into the fridge and grabbed the maple syrup and dumped it onto Jace's head. Jace now had the whipped cream and placed some on Alec's nose.

Izzy screamed again with delight but this caused Clary, Simon, and Magnus to run back into the kitchen with eyes. Pure horror in Clary's eyes, and astonishment in Simon and Magnus's. Simon stepped forward to separate the kids to get the full blast of Alec's maple syrup, Jace's whipped cream and blue batter, and Izzy's chocolate chips. Magnus seeing this stepped backwards. "This area isn't really my specialty, I leave you to deal with this Clary." Magnus stated before hurrying out of the room. Clary slowly inched forward aware what Jace was capable of based on two nights earlier.

Jace looked at Clary with large golden eyes that Clary knew all too well. She knew the look in his eyes said he was going to do something bad. At this moment Jace ran forward towards Clary, Clary barely had time to register what was happening. But Jace ran right past her. Jace ran into Magnus's living area to where Chairman Meow was sleeping on the floor. Jace lifted his bowl of batter and dumped the remaining amount onto to small sleeping cat. The cat jumped awake at once jumping onto the furniture to get to safety leaving blue paw prints everywhere.

Jace dropped the bowl to the floor and folded his hands behind his back looking innocent. "Oh! You are far from innocent mister!" Clary said to Jace causing a wide grin to break out across Jace's face. Izzy had then taken off running into Magnus's room, followed by Alec and Jace.

Clary raced after them followed by Simon. All three of them were jumping on Magnus's bed singing a song about demon pox. Clary raised her voice to show her seriousness but not too loud to scare any of the kids too much. "Listen! If you want any desert tonight for dinner, you will get off that bed and march into the bathrooms to get cleaned up." This left them all wondering what they should do. Clary thought for a second longer before adding "If you don't, Simon and I won't tell you any shadowhunting stories!" This seemed to do it, as all three kids jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom to get cleaned up.

Clary and Simon had entered the kitchen and started cleaning.'Those three are really troublemakers' Simon said.Clary shrugged. Kids were a handful, Clary thought.But even though they put her through a lot… She didn't find herself minding too much. Simon interrupted her thoughts. "Anyway Isabelle owes me." Clary looked at Simon confused. "You see… Isabelle and I made a bet. We kinda got into a food fight two months ago–"

"IS THAT WHY THERE WAS KETCHUP ON THE WINDOW?" Clary yelled at Simon causing him to blush a bright red.

"Anyway… We made a bet of who was more likely to start the next food fight. I won." Simon said matter-of-fact like.

"What's the prize?" Clary asked raising her eyebrows suggestively causing Simon to blush even more.

"More like to do the other person's laundry." Clary looked at him in disbelief.

"How old are you? I can think of a better prize than that! Why not a dinner date to a restaurant of the winner's choice? Or better, something embarrassing." Simon didn't have a chance to respond before Alec walked into the kitchen looking a lot cleaner. However, he still had a few clumps of batter stuck to his hair. Clary bent down to help take out the remaining clumps. "Simon was kind enough to pull together a new meal for you three to eat. Why don't you have a seat?" Alec sat down just as Jace walked into the kitchen with Izzy by the hand and sat next to Alec.

Simon placed a plate in front of each of them, each plate was full of fruit; Oranges, apples, bananas and grapes. Izzy muttered a "yuck" while Jace and Alec just stared in disgust at their plates.

"Simon was kind enough to make you guys this after your food fight." Clary said to the kids.

"But it looks icky!" Izzy complained. Clary was about to argue back when Simon beat her to it.

"I didn't want to say anything, but there's a demon that goes after little boys and girls who don't eat their fruit and vegetables." Simon said gravely. This caused a large gasp to come from all three kids and immediately start eating their fruit.

"SIMON!" Clary yelled at him. Simon just smirked at her.

"Hey! Who got them to eat? Me or you?" Clary rolled her eyes and walked away to go wash Chairman Meow to find the cat sleeping in Magnus's bed spotless.

"I cleaned him off." Came a small voice behind Clary. Clary turned around to see Jace standing in the doorway. Clary couldn't help but think of the tall handsome shadowhunter who had saved her and shown her a whole new side of life when she was just turning sixteen. "I felt it was the right thing to do. I thought it might make you happy." Jace turned and walked out of sight.

What the hell? Clary thought. I don't know what to think anymore, first Jace is a menace and then he's the sweetest kid in the world. But at the same time… That's exactly the Jace Clary fell in love with.

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