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They arrived at Pandemonium in just a few short minutes and met Maia and Bat at the end of the line, seeing that they were wearing their usuals as well.

"Maia," Izzy complained, "Why aren't you in a dress?"
"Because I wear dresses only when necessary" Maia said, mocking Izzy's complaining voice.

"Maia, this is the Pandemonium, it is necessary," Izzy protested.

"No, it's not, are the guys in tuxes?" Maia asked.

"No but-"

"No, they aren't because we don't need to dress up!" Maia said in a tone that said 'I'm not wearing a dress.'

Izzy grumbled, crossed her arms and pouted.

"This line is going to take forever," Simon complained, looking at the line that wrapped around the building.

"Izzy, Clary, go speed it up," Magnus said.

Izzy and Clary went up to the bored looking bouncer. His eyes lit up when he saw them. "Hey, what...can I do for you two cuties?" he asked, eyeing them up and down."Well, we were wondering if you could let us and our friends jump the line?" Clary said, batting her eyelashes.

"Yeah, could you?" Izzy trailed her finger across his chest. He happily obliged but not before he slipped them his number.As soon as he let them in, Jace went up to Clary and kissed her full on the lips."What was that for?" she asked once he pulled away. "The bouncer was staring at you in way that only I should be staring at you," Jace said, winding his arm around her waist.She laughed. "You're so cute when you're jealous." "I know," he replied smugly.

Clary followed into the club eagerly after Jace. The first thing she noticed was the lights. They were bright and flashing in every which way. They had attempted to make the place look scarier by putting spider webs and skeletons everywhere and putting fake eyeballs in the punch. She admitted it could've passed as pretty scary but she was too happy to be frightened at all. She squeezed Jace's hand tightly thinking of all this and he squeezed hers in return, glancing back at her with a grin.

When they had gotten to a more empty area of the club Jace turned to smile at Clary. His face was pale blue from the shining lights of the club and his eyes were shining.

"How do you like it?" Jace asked.

"I love it," she smiled when Jace kissed her.

Izzy was pulling Simon by the hand onto the dance floor. They stopped at the center and Simon snaked his arms around her waist.Izzy wrapped her arms around his neck."About last night we never got to talk about it" Izzy said looking into Simon's eyes."We don't have to talk about it" Simon said.

Isabelle wanted to say something. "Look I wanted to kiss you Izzy not just because I felt obligated...its because even though I lost my memories I made new ones with you... And I love you Isabelle Lightwood" he brushed a strand of her hair "and I not only just love you but I have fallen in love with you all over again and I know that if it ever happens again I will fall for you no matter..." Izzy interrupted him by kissing him hard on his lips."That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me" she said breaking away."Really wasn't it kinda cheesy" Simon said curiously."Kinda but I love you even if you are cheesy" she said and he smiled.They both leaned in for a kiss.It started with just simple, light, sweet kisses but soon the kisses got more hungry and rough.He licked her bottom lip asking for entrance, which she quickly granted him.Their tongues fought for dominance. He pulled back for air, since they both clearly needed it. "Do you want a drink?" Simon asked breaking the kiss. "Yeah...lets go!" replied Izzy and they walked hand in hand to the bar.

"I have something to tell you" Alec said into Magnus' ear, trying to raise his voice above the music."What's that?" Magnus looked into his boyfriend's eyes."I can't dance!" Magnus laughed and nodded.
"You don't have to dance Alexander, let's sit at the bar!" he said into his boyfriend's ear. Alec, relieved that he didn't have to step on his own square hell, nodded and followed Magnus to the bar."What do you want to drink?" Magnus asked when they arrived at the bar. "A cocktail, wine, liqueur?" Alec shook his head. "A coke, please" he said.Magnus stared at him."What?" Alex asked."Don't you ever drink alcohol? And don't lie because I know the answer"."Of course I do, but not
very often. I have to watch after those two idiots" Alec said, scanning the crowd for Jace and Isabelle."Okay tonight is about loosen up Alexander...Have fun!".Alec agreed to it and ordered for alcohol.After some time Isabelle and Simon joined them.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now