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"What?" Alec asked/yelled standing up. Magnus sat dumbstruck👆. Jace and Izzy were also silent as they were also shocked. "He can't give up his immortality!" Alec yelled. Magnus got up "Continue the transfer spell without me. I need to think" he said before walking away. "Magnus" Catarina whispered feeling sad for him. "There should be another way" Alec said desperate. "There isn't" Catarina answered. "Its risky Catarina" Alec argued. "Its not Alec" Catarina said. "You do know that he is 800 years old right?" Alec said and Catarina nodded. "What if the spell goes wrong and I lose him forever?" Alec said blinking away the tears which were threatening to fall. "Just find another way" Alec added before walking out to find Magnus.

"Do we wait for them or shall we continue?" Catarina asked looking at Jace and Izzy. Jace looked up at Izzy and both nodded together. "Magnus said to do it. Let's get it done" Jace answered looking at Izzy and then at Catarina. Catarina nodded.

The spell had both of them standing in a circle with the candles in a smaller circle in the middle with the two cats in the center of everything. It was overall really short, Catarina was both mouthing and chanting spells then the flames on the candles jumped. Both Clary and Simon fell back.

Izzy and Jace had ran to their significant other to discover they were back to normal, back to their teenage selves. Izzy lifted Simon's head onto her lap while Jace lifted Clary and held her in his arms. She stirred while Jace looked down at her with happiness that he finally got his Clary back."Hey you" Clary whispered which made Jace smile. "What did I miss?"she added. Jace let out a little laugh and pressed hard a kiss to her lips. Clary kissed Jace back with just as much force while trying to sit up.

Meanwhile just a few meters away from them, Izzy kept looking at Simon. He didn't steer. She couldn't see him clearly as he eyes were filled with tears. A drop of her tear fell on Simon's face and he slowly opened his eyes. "Izzy" Simon whispered. Izzy blinked away her tears and look looked at him clearly with a smile. She kissed him with all her heart and Simon kissed back.

"Why does this happen all the time?" Catarina muttered. Clary and Jace along with Simon and Izzy heard her and broke apart. As they all stood up Izzy hugged Simon. "You have no idea how much I missed you even though you were with me" Izzy whispered in his ear. Simon smiled. "I'll always be with you" Simon answered which earned another kiss from Izzy.

"Did you miss me?" Clary asked Jace once they were standing. "Do I have to answer that question when you already know the answer" Jace replied with a smirk. Clary playfully pushed him by the chest before pulling him by his shirt and kissing him on his lips.

"I'm sorry to be a interrupting but we still have work to do" Catarina said. The couples broke apart and looked at her. "What's going on?" Simon asked. "How do you think Magnus and Alec are doing?" Izzy asked like looking down. Jace shrugged. "I don't know" he said. "Can someone fill us in?" Clary said. "You might want to sit down for this" Catarina said.

Magnus was in his room staring out of his window. Alec's beautiful face flashed behind his closed eyelids. His shaggy, dark hair framing his face like black silk. His high, sharp cheekbones giving his face a flawless structure. His smooth, pale skin that stood out in stark contrast against the rosey blush that so often colored his features. The slight imperfect curve of his lips that gave them an unintentional seductive look.

Then came his eyes. Alec's eyes were Magnus's favorite physical feature of the boy. The dark cerulean that burned brighter than any flame Magnus could create. Those eyes that could both threaten, when he was Alec the Shadowhunter, and adore, when he was just Magnus's Alexander. The way they shined with love or darkened with desire whenever he looked at Magnus.

Alexander Lightwood was everything to Magnus. For the first time in his 800 years of life, Magnus had felt that he had finally stumbled across his soulmate. He had been in love many times over his long existence, but none of them had been able to capture his heart and hold it as tightly as Alec did. None of them had made him that he would die without them by his side. The separation from his past lovers had not terrified him as much as his separation from Alec did.

Magnus looked down at the floor. Of course, he wanted to keep Alec with him forever, never having to worry about his ineviatable death. No more waking up in the middle of the night, screaming for Alec not to leave him. He would give anything for it. Alec had already proven that he was more than willing to give up his mortal life to spend forever with Magnus. He wanted to become immortal. But Magnus knew that turning Alec immortal would be unforgivable. 

And now with his patience he was finally able to put aside the feelings of pain and heartbreak that surfaced when he thought about Alec leaving him. He was finally able to make Alec's and his wish come true. By growing old together. This thought brought a smile on Magnus' face. But soon his smile faded away as he knew it was a dangerous decision to make as he is the High Warlock of Brooklyn. What would happen if he was hit with a dangerous spell? He would lose his life. A life which he could live if he didn't give up his immortality. He looked outside when he knew that he had finally made up his mind.

Alec walked in. "Magnus" He whispered. "I need to do this Alexander" Magnus said still staring outside. "Have you already decided?" Alec was shocked to hear this. "Alexander I have to" Magnus stated turning around and looking into his boyfriend's eyes. "There has to be another way. You can't lose your immortality" Alec said. "There is no other way" Magnus said convincing him. "If you lose your immortality Magnus wont you..." Alec choked. Magnus knew what Alec was trying to tell him. Alec meant to say 'Won't you crumble to ashes' He remembered telling Alec this when Alec wanted him to turn him immortal. Alec had given Magnus an idea. 'What if he gave up his immortality?" But then Magnus told him that if he did then he would just crumble to ashes. "Alexander this spell is different. And no I will not crumble to ashes if that is what you mean. Look on the bright side Alexander. I can grow old with you" Magnus said walking closer. "We can finally grow old" Magnus said again. "Magnus" Alec whispered. "Alexander I have seen a lot in my life. But you are the best thing that has happened to me. I can't bear the pain of thinking that I will outlive you" Magnus said taking Alec's hands in his. "I love you Alexander. And I want to grow old with you. I want to spend my entire life with you. And this is the only way" Magnus said. As they were about to kiss Magnus closed his eyes and collapsed into Alec's arms.

"Magnus?" Alec whispered as he tried to hold Magnus' unconscious body. He checked his pulse and it was still beating. "Guys. Get in here" Alec yelled. Everyone ran in. "What happened?" Izzy asked. "I don't know. He was alright a minute and then he just collapsed" Alec said letting a few tears escape. "We need to do the spell now or we're going to lose him" Catarina said standing up after checking Magnus's vitals. "What?" Jace asked. "Bring him to the living room now!" Catarina said walking out.

Alec carried Magnus and walked out. "Lay him down over there" Catarina said as she walked over to grab the White Book of Spells. Alec laid Magnus down in the center of the circle. "I love you so much Magnus Bane. Don't you ever leave me" Alec whispered in Magnus' ear and placed a small kiss on Magnus' forehead. "Are you sure we have to do the spell?" Izzy asked. "Has he made up his mind?" Clary asked. "Alec?" Izzy yelled. "Do the spell. Its what he wanted" Alec said getting up. "Alec are you sure?" Jace asked placing his hand on his shoulder. "I will not lose him Jace" Alec said holding back his tears. "Alec" Izzy said softly. "Do the spell Catarina!" Alec yelled.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now