No Longer Kids

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Clary was now over the shock of what she heard her mother say to Maryse and was helping Magnus and Catarina set everything up for the spell that was about to happen. Clary found it all very confusing and only remembers the intense use of candles before being sent away by Magnus telling her "she was being too distracting" and "how am I supposed to get anything ready while trying to make sure you don't break anything." With that and a huff Clary joined Simon and the kids in a game of go-fish.

Once everything was set up Magnus had called over Clary and Simon, and explained how everything saw going to work. The spell had all of them standing in a circle with the candles in a smaller circle in the middle with the three objects in the center of everything. It was overall really short, Magnus and Catarina were both mouthing and chanting spells then the flames on the candles jumped. At this, Alec, Jace, and Izzy fell backwards unconscious. Clary, Simon, and Magnus had ran to their significant other to discover they were back to normal, back to their teenage selves. Simon was lifting Izzy's head off the ground into his lap, Magnus was using his jacket to support Alec's head, while Clary was busy checking for vital signs.

"You know..." Clary heard Jace mutter beside her. "I think I honestly rather have you fussing over my comfort like the other two are." Clary let out a little laugh and pressed hard a kiss to Jace's lips. Jace kissed Clary back with just as much force while trying to sit up. They must have been a little distracted because they heard someone clear their throat somewhere in the apartment. When the broken apart and Jace stood up, Clary had noticed they weren't the only ones to get a little carried away. Isabelle had flipped Simon and was on top of him, and Magnus and Alec had been standing in the middle of a deep kiss when interrupted. Clary realized it wasn't any of them that had broken up their moment. It was Catarina. Who was standing a little awkwardly off to the side.

"I best be leaving." Catarina announced. She had waved her hand and cleaned up everything of the floor before making her way to the door. Magnus thanked her before she left before returning his focus back to Alec.

Clary had returned to where the circle used to be and picked up Jace's Herondale ring and slipped it on his finger. Magnus was wrapping the scarf around Alec's neck and using the ends to pull him back in for a kiss, and Simon was pulling back Izzy's hair putting on her necklace. Clary leaned into Jace, while he wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered into her ear "I never knew how good you were with kids. I have no doubt that you'll be a great mom one day." Clary blushed and turned to bury her face in Jace's shoulder.

"I really missed you Jace. I know that sounds silly because I had you were still with me and all, but it wasn't the same." Jace wiped a single tear off her face with his thumb. Clary let a shaky laugh. "You mister, were a handful!" Jace couldn't help but laugh at this.

Somewhere behind Clary and Jace Simon had said "Well, thank god that's over." Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

All three couples were sitting in Magnus's living room around a floating burning piece of paper in center of the room Magnus had spelled. Jace was sitting in an armchair with Clary on his lap with his arms around her waist. Simon was on the floor across from Clary and Jace leaning against one of the chairs with Isabelle leaning against him obviously growing tired while Simon played with her hair. Alec was sitting on the couch next to Magnus leaning on him with Magnus's arms around his waist. They we're all talking about the last few days from their perspective. Alec, Jace, Izzy revealed that they remember being younger and the basics of what happened, like going to the Institute and playground. But they couldn't remember everything Clary, Simon, and Magnus had experienced, which they believed was because they didn't understand as kids so it wouldn't transfer into their teenage selves. Currently Clary, Simon, and Magnus were filling in the others on exactly was had happened.

"Oh yeah." Magnus began. "Simon was completely obsessed with Izzy. Was always watching her, not letting her out of his sight." Izzy sat up straighter at this remark and looked at Simon who looked a little embarrassed.

"Well of course he was!" Izzy stated before Simon could say anything in reply to Magnus's comment for himself. Izzy had stated it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I was adorable as a child! Of course Simon wouldn't be able to leave me alone." Simon smirked but was still looking a little awkward, but Isabelle just snuggled into Simon even more clearly pleased with herself.

Clary piped up from her spot next to Jace. "It's not like you were any better Magnus! At least he didn't get jealous of a six year old girl!" The room was suddenly filled with a chorus of "what!?"'s. Magnus just glared at Clary who was looking quite pleased with her comment. Clary then preceded to tell the others about the incident with Abigail, and how Magnus got in a jealous rage. Everyone started laughing once Clary had finished.

"Hey!" Magnus intervened. "You guys weren't there, and she kissed Alec! My Alec! No one gets to kiss Alec but me!" Everyone but Alec continues laughing who was staring at Magnus. Magnus's gold cat eyes found Alec's blue ones. Alec leaned up and kissed Magnus. The others looked amongst themselves smiling. Jace and Izzy looked at each other and smiled. They were both overjoyed that Alec was finally happy, they both knew he deserved it.

Alec pulled away from Magnus and whispered softly so only he could hear "Don't worry... That girl has nothing on you." Magnus smiled at him and kissed him again. "And it's not like Jace didn't have the biggest crush on Clary or anything!" Alec said after releasing Magnus. This caused Clary to blush.

Jace rolls his eyes at Alec. "Of course I did, have you looked at Clary? And like you get to judge mister "I fell on my neck".This causes a little squeak to escape from Clary and Izzy burst out laughing from the other side of the room.

Clary looked around at everyone in the room, and just thought one thing.


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