The Herondale Twins

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Clary looked down at her enormous belly. "Just a couple more days, baby." She said to her stomach. Clary was eight months along, and Maryse, her mother-in-law, said she was due any day now. Musical laughing erupted from the doorway in the nursery where Clary was rocking in the old rocking chair.

"Talking to yourself, Herondale?" Simon was walking towards her, an amused expression on his face. Clary laughed.

"I guess it comes with the pregnancy."

"I guess so. Izzy does it a lot too" he shrugged leaning against the threshold. Clary nodded chuckling.

"So, have you thought of any names yet?" Simon asked.

Clary sighed. "Yes," I replied, then paused. "But Jace and I decided to keep it a secret until the baby is born" she said while rubbing her belly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Speaking of Jace, where is he?"

"Fighting stupid demons with Alec. Where's Izzy?"

"Resting. She's been complaining a lot lately" Simon sighed. "Only five months more to go Si" Clary said with a smile.

"Well... Is there any food left in the fridge? Having two pregnant women with cravings so big in this Institute you won't believe how the food here disappears so fast" Simon joked.

"Hey! Its not fair Si. Its you guys who put us in this position in the first place. Anyway I think there is some food left-" Before she could complete the sentence Simon was out of the room. She chuckled and was tracing circles on her stomach and thinking about Jace when she felt it- a wet rush going down her legs. By the Angel she thought.

"Simon!" She screamed. "Get your ass over here" He appeared in the doorway quickly  and noticing the wetness now spreading across the floor, he rushed to her side.

"Please don't tell me what I think it is" Simon said slowly.

"Simon" Clary said softly breathing in. "Can you please call Jace and everyone and tell them to come here immediately because.....I'm....HAVING A BABY" she yelled as a contraction hit.

"By the Angel" Simon whispered before helping Clary to stand up and he put her arm around him while she couched her stomach with the other.

He was helping her walk to the infirmary while dialing his phone to call Jace when Magnus appeared. "Are you alright?" Magnus asked rushing to Clary's side. "No Magnus. I'M NOT!" Clary yelled just as another contraction hit and she crouched. "We need to get her to the infirmary now!" Magnus told Simon.

Soon Clary was in the infirmary. "So Jace is on his way" Simon informed walking in while Magnus was helping to reduce Clary's pain with his magic. Isabelle walked in. She was four months pregnant and so her brothers never allowed her do go hunting with them. She was showing now as she walked in holding her little bump. "Jocelyn will be here as soon as possible. And mom and dad are portalling from Idris now" she said. "Izzy can you look after Max and Rafael for sometime?" Magnus asked. "Sure... I'll try" Izzy said as she looked at her husband. "Let's go" Simon said as he and Izzy left the room.

"Clary!" Jace yelled and rushed in through the door after a few minutes.  Clary looked up and saw Jace and behind him was Tessa Gray and Jem Carstairs. "Jace!" Clary whispered happily with a smile on her face as he grabbed her hand while he used his free hand to wipe back her hair from her face. "I'm so sorry Clary" Jace said as he stood next to her.

"Magnus, Alec is need of your help. He is injured from the hunt" Jem said. He turned to look at Jace looking worried at him. "I will be back as soon as I can" Magnus said. "Don't worry Magnus. Clary will be fine. I'll take care of her. Go on" Tessa said. Magnus rushed out of the room to help Alec. Tessa looked at Jem who nodded. He followed Magnus out of the room.

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