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Magnus laid Alec down in his bed.He had made Alec to drink and now his boyfriend was drunk.Well tomorrow Alec is going to have one hell of a hangover.Not only him but everyone mostly.Except Magnus and Jace.Magnus remembered a memory about how everyone had got drunk one night except Alec.

"Clary tried to take Magnus seriously. She really did. He was the High Warlock of Brooklyn, one of the heroes of the Dark War, son of a Prince of Hell, and of course, the boyfriend of one of her closest friends. But when Magnus began to solemnly croon lullabies to Chairman Meow at three in the morning, it was too much. She burst out laughing, toppling sideways into Alec's lap.

Alec and Jace traded bemused glances above her head; it was a well-accepted fact around the inhabitants of the Institute that Clary was a terrible lightweight when it came to alcohol and Clary had drunk almost as much as Magnus, who was now balancing a bowl full of water and goldfish atop his spiky hair.

Alec hastily rescued the goldfish. Magnus had suggested inviting Jace and Izzy and their respective partners over for dinner, to celebrate Simon's break from the Academy. That was a grown-up thing to do, right? Have dinner parties? The idea of grown-up respectability was quickly thrown out the window when Jace produced a bottle of port.

Isabelle was mixing martinis cheerfully in the corner. Jace had built a pillow fort and retreated into it. Simon was attempting to cajole Jace to let him in, but Jace was staunchly refusing. Alec sighed. He wasn't exactly sober, but he at least wasn't duelling his friends with a long peacock feather.

Clary started to giggle and Alec looked down at her, patting her head gently. She had become a sister to him, in the year after the Dark War.

"Alec" she whispered seriously. "Yeah?" he asked her, one eye on Magnus."I think" Clary said, struggling to articulate "that you and Magnus should get married."

Alec looked at the redhead. She was grinning, looking incredibly pleased with herself. She had managed to struggle to a seated position. "We can't get married as Shadowhunters, remember?" he asked her gently "the Clave won't allow it."

Clary's lip began to wobble and she looked tremendously sad. She was startled out of her sadness by an indignant squawk from Jace.

Alec looked over to see a pile of cushions and a pair of feet sticking out from under them. Simon it appeared, had grown weary of being denied access to the fort and had collapsed it upon Jace. Clary's eyes flew wide open and she made her way over to Jace.

"Are you okay?" she sounded worried as she excavated her boyfriend.

"You have made an enemy of me, sir!" Jace pointed accusingly at Simon "you have destroyed my dwelling, ruined my delightfully styled hair and have insulted our gracious host by making a mess. Pistols at dawn on the field of honour."

The whole speech was made rather less impressive, due to the fact that it was delivered from under a pile of blankets.

Alec gave a long suffering sigh. He was quickly becoming the only responsible adult in this equation, as Magnus came over and promptly collapsed in Alec's lap.

"Get off" he grumbled, poking at the warlock.

"I am weak" Magnus told him "and drunk. You must let me stay."

Alec sighed again.

Light. How dare light enter his apartment? The nerve. Magnus groaned, and attempted to grab a pillow to shield his eyes. He encountered only the cold, hard floor. Why was he on the floor? Had Alec kicked him out of bed? No, that didn't make any sense; it was his bed after all.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now