The Bet

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"No! I won't do it!" Jace yelled. He grabbed Clary's waist and pulled her to him, kissing her forcefully. She shoved him away with enough force to get him to stop kissing her. The rest of them were rolling their eyes at Jace. They had returned from their breakfast at the park and Magnus had brought up the same idea which Jace warned him not too.But everyone agreed with Magnus except Jace.Right now they were seated in the library trying to convince Jace to join the game.

"Seriously, Jace? Not kissing for an entire day would be hard, but it's not the end of the world and we of all people should know. It's almost happened multiple times," Simon said. He had his arm around Izzy's shoulders while her head rested on his shoulder.Magnus and Alec were sitting on the couch, Alec resting his head on Magnus's chest with Magnus's arms draped around Alec. "If we do end up doing it, yes, it will be tough, but it's only one day not forever," Magnus added. Clary had an idea which would make Jace to agree.She whispered it in Jace's ear.Jace lifted his head up, smiled, and nodded. He turned to the group, "Alright, I'm in" He said."Well I wonder what she promised you," Izzy commented. Clary rolled her eyes and Jace laughed.Alec cleared his throat.

"Alright, the rules are simple. You and your partner are not allowed to kiss for the rest of the day. If you do, you lose the game and the prize, which is... that the losers pay for the winners and everyone else to spend a full day in Disney World. The timer starts," Alec fiercely kissed Magnus one more time.Catching on, Jace and Simon did the same, pulling Clary and Izzy close and giving them one last strong kiss before the game began. Each couple pulled apart out of breath. "Now!" Alec screamed."Why Disney World?" Jace asked."Because everyone voted for it" Alec said and Jace nodded.

He turned to Clary. "Alright, Clary, the only way I can refrain myself from kissing you is by not seeing you. I'm going to lock myself in my room for the rest of the day. Don't worry it's only taking precautionary measures so if we do win I can kiss you right in the middle of the entire Disney World theme park." He gave her one last tight squeeze of a hug and then dashed to his room.Throughout the whole exchange Clary remained silent. "Well that was interesting," she finally uttered.Everyone else rolled their eyes again.

Time skip............

The game was over and the ones most expected to lose actually won. Jace and Clary finally kissed after a full day of Jace being locked in his room. Alec, Magnus, Izzy, and Simon had all lost and all had to pay for Jace, Clary, and themselves to go to Disney World. They were once again seated in the library talking."I can't believe you, Alec," Magnus sighed.Alec chuckled as he thought about why they had lost.
The reason they had lost was because Alec and Magnus were walking in the park and Alec claimed that another guy was checking Magnus out.So he thought of only one thing to do.He forgot about the bet.He was claiming what was his."I'm sorry I didn't want another guy checking out what is rightfully mine," Alec said, putting up his hands in defense. Magnus chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"And you Izzy!" Simon said, glaring at his girlfriend. She smiled at him.The reason they had lost was because they had gone to a restaurant for dinner.Izzy seen two girls talking to Simon when she had come out from the restroom.During dinner those girls were pointing towards Simon and she knew they were talking about him.She got furious and she did what she knew only she could do.She leaned forward and kissed him. "Admit it Izzy you were jealous" Simon said.Izzy finally gave up."Yes Simon I was a little jealous.That is why I did what I did" She said softly only Simon could hear her, well she thought.Simon didn't say anything but leaned in for a kiss.They broke apart and Izzy slid her fingers between Simon's.

"I can't believed that Izzy caved in...I thought it would be the other way around" Jace said."Hey!" Simon yelled."I can't believe you two, the inseparable ones, actually won," Alec claimed."Well you all could've used to same idea we did" Clary answered. Just as Alec was about to answer Clary, Jace remembered what Clary had promised him the day before.

"Wait, Clary, remember what you promised me yesterday?" Jace asked. Clary thought for a second,but as soon as she remembered her previous promise her eyes widened in horror.Apparently she didn't think they would have won either.In a split second Clary was running out of the library at full speed, Jace right on her heels.Of course, Jace caught up to her. The couple walked back in, Jace holding a wriggling Clary by the waist, not prepared to let her go. "Jaaaaaace! I only promised that cause I wanted to go to Disney world! I didn't think we'd actually win!" Clary whined."Well we won so now you have to," Jace stated. He wasn't going to let her go back on her promise.Clary rolled her eyes and sighed. " let me go" she said as she agreed. Jace set her down and kissed her cheek before she stomped off to their room. "What did she promise you?" Simon asked."Wait and watch" Jace said as he sat down on the arm of the couch.

About 10 minutes later, Clary came back holding a book.She hesitated at first, but then handed them over to Jace."What's that?" Simon asked. Jace stood up and flipped through the pages of the little booklet with a smirk on his face."Oh nothing, just a book of tasks that Clary has to complete if I every want her to," he explained. "Give us an example," Magnus said. Jace nodded and flipped through the pages until he found one that he liked."Clary must...kiss Jace at least 10 times every hour for an entire day," Jace read aloud.

The rest of the guys laughed as Izzy and Clary rolled their eyes. "And I think I'll cash this one in now" Jace ripped a coupon out of the booklet and handed it to Clary. Clary read the coupon and smirked.She went on her tip toes and brushed her lips against Jace's, teasing him. "Clary!" Jace yelled."What? It said I had to kiss you, it didn't say whether or not it had to be light or soft or whether or not it had to be long or short," Clary defended.Jace grunted and rolled his eyes.Jace remembered something else too." said two remember" Jace said.Clary eyes widened again.Why did she mention two? She thought.Jace opened the booklet again and found one at last."Let's just go to Disney World already," she muttered."Nope" Jace said."You can cash in the next one after Disney World" Clary said."Promise" Jace said."Yes.Promise...Now let's just go" Clary whined."Okay let's go" Jace said. Clary smiled and kissed his cheek. "Finally" Magnus said getting up from his place.He went over to the side and started working on a portal.

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